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It was almost a year when Sana and Tzuyu got married. Now they had been dealing with all the business work they had, but that didn't affect their relationship at all. They still managed to make a time for each other.

There is a time that they had an argument. That time, Sana accused Tzuyu of cheating. The reason? She smelled an unfamiliar scent onto Tzuyu's coat. Sana, being a perfume lover and an owner, of course she will know it by just smelling the thing.

It turns out that Sana didn't even let Tzuyu explain. The older didn't showed up for a week. But Tzuyu didn't stop and find her to explain her side. She didn't mean it, it's just a friend of hers hugged her. It's true, she's with Dahyun and Chaeyoung that day.

Sana's guilty, she knows. And after that day, she learned about something. If she just trusted Tzuyu at first then they won't be get into a fight.

Trust is like a vase, once it's broken, though you can fix it, the vase will never be same again.

A year of being together was not that easy. They came into many challenges in life, but they are there for each other's side. Arguments and misunderstanding won't help. Just trust your partner and listen to her side of the story.

After a months of courting, Mina finally answered her sweetest yes to Chaeyoung. No matter how long it will take, Chaeyoung will wait. Love can wait.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon also got married right after Sana and Tzuyu's and now they will be planning to have a child in an IVF process. Nayeon really loves babies so she also wanted to have her own with Jeongyeon.

Dahyun proposed to Momo last week ago. She promised to herself that after she graduated, she will marry Momo. And now it's happening.

Jihyo and Sejeong are still busy with their careers. They become one of the best couple, being an actress. Medias and fans supported them after they announced their relationship in public. Though, there are still negative comments, but that won't stop them. Love will not let them separate.

The girls already have their own lives but as a group of friends, they are still running on each other sides whenever they had a free time.

Things are never quite as scary when you've got a friends. Friendship is another word for love.

Sana was now looking at the beautiful view infront of her when she felt her wife sneaked an arms around her waist and rested her head through her shoulder.

They were now on a business trip. Sana will be promoting her new perfume all over the world. Now they will be promoting it at Italy. They were here together with their friends. Well, when it comes to trips the girls are always present.


"You know, I can't believe this. You're just my step sister back then and you're finally my wife now"Sana said as she tilted her head and stared at Tzuyu

"We're still stepsisters though"Tzuyu gave her a smug smile

"Tzuyu-"Sana faced her with an eyebrows meeting in the middle

"Kidding aside. I also can't believe that I fall inlove with my stepsiter, but look! She's now my wife"Tzuyu came closer and hugged her again

"This is such a beautiful place"Sana said as she can felt the air rushed through her skin

"Yeah it is really beautiful"Tzuyu said, not taking her eyes away from her

Sana noticed the pair of bright eyes on her and turned to her. She closed her eyes leaning forward and Tzuyu initiate a kiss. They kissed each other filled with more love, passion snd happiness.

After the kiss, they rested their foreheads together as they look at each other with full of love.

Just as this time, Sana grabs Tzuyu's neck with her right hand to catch her lips in a hungry kiss. Their lips started to work out, which causes a heat on their bodies.

They started to undress each other in just a matter of seconds, without even breaking the kiss.

Tzuyu gently threw Sana's naked body to the red mattress, but Sana hit her head through the headboard. Sana quickly held her head as she whimpered in pain.

Tzuyu hurriedly went besides her to checked on her. They made an eye contact at first before Sana burst out in laughing followed by Tzuyu.

"I'm sorry"Tzuyu kissed her forehead as she looked down, Sana's stares was now replaced with a lust

Tzuyu smirked as they started to kiss each other hungrily, almost losing their breath.


The bed is now creaking due to Tzuyu's fast movements. She kept on hitting Sana's g-spot, which Sana responded with a moans. Sana moaned so loud, telling that she was getting fuck so good by Tzuyu. They don't care if their friends, the whole Italy heard them, with the pleasure they are feeling right now.

"Ah~ T-Tzuyu! I'm near"Sana cried out as Tzuyu tripled her pace

Sana's eyes went white as her brains turned blank out of the pleasure she's feeling.

After that, Sana squirt right into Tzuyu's finger. The taller moved down to eat her juices clean.

"Oh my gosh, Tzuyu!"Sana screamed as she gripped onto Tzuyu's hair. It hurts the hell out of her but she didn't mind, it just turned her on even more.

After a few more licks, Sana finally reached her second orgasm.

Tzuyu laid down beside her as they finished. They stared at each other when they laughed without any valid reason.

"I love you, Sana unnie"Tzuyu teased as Sana gave her a death stare

"Stop calling me unnie"Sana glared

"Why? I'm your step sister, right?"Tzuyu chuckled

"Shut up!"Sana exclaimed with a pout

"Okay."Tzuyu said before she captured her lips with hers. Sana blushed as she faced her back with Tzuyu's front. The latter is still not responding so Tzuyu snuggled onto her neck.
"Hey? I'm sorry. I love you
okay?"she added

"As?"Sana finally faced her

"I love you as my wife, Chou Sana"Sana giggled

"I love you so much, Tzuyu ah"


Ended 041722
Thankyousomuch!! ♥

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