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"I saw that you're avoiding Tzuyu these days"Dahyun said. They were currently walking through the hallway as the younger girl insisted to walk Sana all the way to her class.

"Let's not talk about this, Dahyun ah"Sana said, which Dahyun nodded

"Okay okay! I'm sorry"Dahyun raised her hands up in defense

"Yo! Dahyun unnie! Sana unnie! Are you in with our lunch together?"Chaeyoung suddenly came

"Of course I am. How about you, Sana?"Dahyun turn to look at her

Sana don't know what to answer because she still don't want to be around Tzuyu for now. She's avoiding her and now.

"Don't worry about anything, Sana. I got your back"Dahyun said with that reassuring smile so Sana nodded

"Okay I'm in"Sana smiled

"Wait? I don't understand what is that?"Chaeyoung asked, confused

"You don't need to know"Dahyun answered, making Chaeyoung pouted

"Come on! Tell me!"Chaeyoung whined

"It's nothing important, Chaeyoung ah"Sana ruffled her hair

"You sure about that?"Chaeyoung asked, unconvinced

"What makes you think it's not?"Dahyun raised an eyebrow

"It's just-nevermind. I believe you then"Chaeyoung crossed her arms

"You look like you don't agree with your answer"Sana chuckled

"No it's not. I'll get going! See you!"Chaeyoung then leaves

"So goodluck later on, I guess?"Dahyun said


The nine girls are now currently at the cafeteria eating together.

"We haven't do this. I mean you know, we are always not complete because we're busy and we didn't have the same free time"Chaeyoung said

"You know exam days are so hectic"Jihyo said

"Yeah it got me too much stress"Momo said with a food inside her mouth

"You got too much stress when you did nothing but to copy Mina unnie's answers?"Dahyun clicked her tounge

"I didn't do that!"Momo frowned

"That's why half of your answers are just the same with hers?"Nayeon teased

"Don't deny it, Momo chan. You know them really well"Mina chuckled

"See?"Dahyun with that teasing smirk

"You know just eat your foods instead"Momo rolled her eyes

"You know you shouldn't tolerating Momo unnie--hon"Tzuyu said, that made them all squeal

"Hon? Omg!"Nayeon was jumping onto her seat like a kid

"That pet name was cute"Jihyo said bumping onto her

"Mina unnie likes that pet name"Chaeyoung uttered

"I didn't know you're calling Mina like that. How cute!"Jeongyeon smiled messing the taller's hair who's now besides her

"Wait what are you talking about guys?"Momo asked the moment she got finished her food

"You don't need to know"Dahyun replied

"You know, let's buy another food. Momo have eat it all. Tsk tsk"Nayeon said with a teasing look

"I thought you don't like it"Momo pouted

"Let's just buy some. Come on!"Jeongyeon then pulled her girlfriend, Nayeon along with her

Meanwhile, Sana was just quiet since she don't know what to say or what to react. She's just there listening to their conversation, hurting inside.

And what happened next made Sana froze. Dahyun excuses herself to use a washroom to wash her hands so she was just meters away from Tzuyu's.

Mina and Tzuyu are just right next to each other. Jeongyeon and Nayeon was on her left but they leave to buy some foods. Plus Dahyun who is besides Nayeon leave so Sana was left there with a blank seat on her right side.

Sana was like a robot on her place. She didn't move an inch and just stared at nothing.

A few moments have passed, Jeongyeon and Nayeon got already there.

Today was Sana's unlucky day when Nayeon pushed her on her right side and sat besides Momo so as Jeongyeon. So it made her closer to Tzuyu centimeters away from her.

"What the hell is wrong with you Sana?"Nayeon chuckled, watching Sana's actions

"Don't mind her, she's just not into herself as Ms. Song scolded her earlier"Jeongyeon said, which is true but that was not the real reason

"What the hell Momo! You just got eat our FOODS ealier and now?"Nayeon said half teasing her

And with that someone suddenly throw some thing on Nayeon's direction, making her jump onto her seat and got pushed Sana accidentally. That made her bumped onto Tzuyu and almost got out from her seat but luckily Tzuyu caught her by holding onto her shoulder.

Sana was trying herself not to look at the latter. She just fix herself like nothing was happen.

After that she was about to move on her place when she saw Dahyun already took a seat next to hers. She tried to look right onto her eyes to get her signal but the said latter just smiled at her.


She's trying her best not to look awkward besides Tzuyu. Her palm was sweating real hard now.

Sana got herself busy by starting to eat the food that was infront of her. She didn't mind if she make a mess or something.

"Ya ya! Sana calm down"Jihyo interrupted, which Sana stop and look at her front where Jihyo is

"You got a mess on the side of your mouth girl"Momo chuckled

With that Sana wiped the wrong side. She was struggling to wiped it off and got shock when someone put a tissue over it. She turn sideways and find Tzuyu wiping the dirt on the side of her mouth.

Sana was holding herself not to look at Tzuyu as she doesn't want to grow more feelings to the latter even more. But look at her she's staring at the latter right now.

"If you stop it, it will just get worse. You're just hurting yourself"Dahyun whispered through her ears so she took that opportunity to look away

Tzuyu also remove her hands off of her.

"Even though Mina and Tzuyu are already together, you can't still control your feelings for her especially when she's just near with you and she do that kind of things"Dahyun whispered

She's right. She can't control her feelings for her. She don't know what will she do. She's confuse, very confuse.

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