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Tzuyu got out of the bathroom in a quick manner as she heard a loud scream inside their room. And there she saw Sana crying with her hands covering her face.

The said latter don't know what to do but to sat next to hers.

"What did you dreamt about?"Tzuyu asked patting her back, that really made her feel safe

"My father. He left us with another girl when I was still a child. I already moved on but it's still hunting me in my dreams"Sana cried harder this time

"Shhh I'm here"Tzuyu said and hugged her all of sudden

"Why are you being like this all of sudden?"Sana asked with a shaky voice. Tzuyu then leaned in and put her thumb over the crying girl's face and wipped off her tears.

"I don't know but as your sister you need a me to comfort you"Tzuyu said that made Sana's tears fell again, not because of the scene that she saw from her dream but because of Tzuyu's words.

How can she be so rude sometimes and gentle at the same time, she's unbelievable.

"Get up now. We're still going to school"Tzuyu said and about to stood up when Sana stopped her by holding over her arms

"Stay here please"the latter just stared at her
"10 minutes"Sana said and with that Tzuyu just obeyed her and sat on her side. Sana then rested her head over the latter's shoulder while closing her eyes.

After 10 minutes Sana still don't want to go downstairs and Tzuyu got so impatient so she carried the said girl with her arms. Sana got startled at first but she admit it, she likes it too.

As they got downstairs, Tzuyu immediately put her over the kitchen counter. The taller was about to leave when Sana trapped her by her waist.

"Can you do me a favor?"Sana asked

"Okay what is it?"Tzuyu asked raising her brow

"Can you kiss me?"Sana asked. Tzuyu examined her face first before she leaned in and captured the smaller girl's lips. Tzuyu pulled out after that and leave Sana alone.

Sana's heart can stop from beating as fuck. Chou Tzuyu really drivers her crazy.



"How's your day with Tzuyu?"Dahyun asked out of nowhere

"It was good. I don't want to assume but I think she's already falling for me"Sana said with a smile, the smile that Dahyun didn't saw yet since the day they've met. That was really the impact of Chou Tzuyu to her.

"That's good to hear then. I'm happy for you"Dahyun returned a smile

"Since we've met you haven't even told me anything about your love life"Sana said, making Dahyun gulped

"W-What?"Dahyun blinked a few times

"Come on tell me about the guy you liked"Sana bumped onto her shoulders. Dahyun could only laugh awkwardly.

"About that. I am not really into guys"Dahyun scratches her nape

"Oh so we're the same! Now tell me who it was"Sana grinned

"S-she's Japanese"Dahyun said with all force

"Oh you're trying to let me guess? Hmmm let me think"Sana then strike a thinking pose
"I know who it is!"she said

"W-who is it?"Dahyun asked nervously

"Momo"Sana said and Dahyun didn't saw that coming
"You're speechless so it is true?"Dahyun could only nod since she don't want her to know that, that girl is really her

Sana covered her face with the book.

"Oh my gosh! That's why you're always teasing her huh"Sana smirked

"Y-yeah"Dahyun awkwardly laugh

"Speaking of the devil. Here her comes"Sana said pointing at the door

"Hi Satang"Momo then got next to her

"I'm finding you all the way around and here you are with this small kid"Momo rolled her eyes to the said latter

"Excuse me"Dahyun raised her brows

"Oh no wait don't fight here"Sana said and gave Dahyun that teasing smirk, knowing she had a crush on the Japanese girl even if it's not

"Did you saw Tzuyu?"Momo ask changing the topic

"No I didn't saw her yet. Why?"Sana replied

"There's this math problems that I can't solve so I need her help"Momo said

"I think I saw her but I don't want to say"Dahyun mumbled bit it can clearly heard by them

"Just tell me"Momo said




"Just tell it to her, Dahyun ah"Sana said making Dahyun sighed in defeat

"She's with Jihyo unnie"Dahyun said with a boring tone

"Yes thank you!"Momo then leaves

"You are so hard to get. You can't get her with your ways, you know?"Sana shook her head

"I know"Dahyun mumbled


"We got the same class! That's great!"Momo said as she sat right next to Tzuyu

"But the problem is, I hate Math"Jeongyeon said and sat lazily

"Math is easy. Right Tzu?"Nayeon said and Tzuyu just nodded

"Well okay math genius girls"Momo rolled her eyes

Soon the teacher have already arrived and all Sana could do was to stare at the girl besides her which is her step sister, Chou Tzuyu. Instead of listening to the problems of math, that she can't clearly understand. Atleast she got that opportunity to stare at Tzuyu's beautiful face. She rather stare at her all the time than to study that freaking math problems.

It didn't end long and the lesson finally finished. They can now rest their brains.

"What are your plans after school?"Nayeon asked

"Eat outside with myself"Momo answered

"Yeah eat. What do we expect?"Sana chuckled

"If you don't have plans then go with me"Jeongyeon said to Nayeon and she gladly nodded

"Hi!"Jihyo's loud voice was heard

"We didn't have time to get to meet each other in cafeteria. I'm sorry, I'm busy"Mina apologize

"So as I. So I'm really sorry about that"Jihyo said

"It's alright. We understand your situations"Nayeon smiled

"Let's just have some bonding when you're not already busy"Momo suggested, which they all agreed

"Let's have some vacation in Jeju this coming break"Jeongyeon said

"Sure then I'll check my schedules"Mina said

"We're also in"Sana said pointing at Tzuyu

"I didn't said I'm also in"Tzuyu said

"Well, you can't say no to me"Sana said and Tzuyu just sighed since she's right

"Have a great day. We're going now"Nayeon said and leave with Jeongyeon

They all bid a goodbye until Tzuyu and Sana left there alone.

"Let's go, I guess?"

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