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Months have passed, Sana and Tzuyu got close with each other. But still Tzuyu got so much confusing everytime they did-- that kiss.

Well Tzuyu said that, that was just normal for them being step sisters. And because of Sana's clinginess, she also got to get close to Tzuyu.

Everyone think of them as girlfriends base on how they treat each other, especially Sana who was always being clingy to her. No one have known them as step sisters and that is because Tzuyu haven't told anyone. She's not open to everyone even to her friends unless you ask her.

Sana is now at the dance room with Momo and Mina. They have a practice for their upcoming contest. She shouldn't be in this but Momo insisted her to. But Sana do know how to dance, she's not just used for joining a contest.

"The rumors are getting bigger"Momo started as they got finished practicing

"What rumors, Momo chan?"Mina asked

"About Tzuyu and Sana"Momo then look at Sana who just got spilled her own drink

"What about us?"Sana asked with a full of confusion across her face

"That you two are dating"Momo said and she's really dead serious

What's the matter with her?

"Hell no"Sana denied

"Stop denying, Minatozaki. It's pretty obvious that you two have a relationship"Mina said same as Momo she is dead serious

"We do have--"Sana didn't finished her sentence when the two reacted too fast

"What?!"they said in unison

"We're step sisters"she continued

"Are you serious? You're just saying that to cover your latest issue"Momo frowned

"No. Ask Tzuyu then if you don't believe me"Sana said

"I believe you"Mina said

"That's good then. Momo?"Sana then look at Momo

"So she's the one you're saying that day. I didn't know it was her"Momo shook her head

"That's why you are very clingy to her"Mina said

"Well, that's just normal with step sisters like us"Sana smiled

"Let's get going. I'm hungry"Momo said making the two rolled their eyes


Sana got to the rooftop since the students there told her that the Tzuyu was there. She's always there. Well, she said she wants to be alone.

For the past days the latter didn't even told her about her story. Like what about her life. Her experience. When Sana is asking about that, she will just always ignore her.

She badly wants to know. As her older sister, she also have the guts to know what is going on to her step sister.

Back to Sana who just got through the rooftop. And there she found Tzuyu standing at the end. She is reading a book.

She slowly walk there and she hugged Tzuyu from behind.

"Hey"Sana started sniffing Tzuyu's neck

She smells so nice.

Tzuyu pushed her a little bit and face her.

"Why are you here?"Tzuyu asked

"Nothing. I don't have anything to do so--

"So you decided to annoy me?"Tzuyu glared at her. Sana immediately put her hands up in defense.

"No. I just wanted to be with you, isn't that bad?"Sana pouted. Tzuyu didn't answered anymore and go back to her business. Sana smiled and cling onto Tzuyu's arms. The latter just let her.

"Hey?"Sana called

"What?"Tzuyu asked without looking at her

"Are you hungry? If you are then let's go downstairs"Sana said but Tzuyu just shook her head

"I'm full. Momo unnie and I took a lunch together"Tzuyu said

I think Momo likes you.

"You don't want to eat with me?"Sana asked with a pout. Tzuyu look at her with a boring look.

"She invited me. I can't say no"Tzuyu said and look away
"If you want then let's have a dinner later"she added making Sana's smile widen

"Where?"Sana asked happily

"The restaurant near our house"Tzuyu replied

"That private restaurant?"Sana ask as Tzuyu nodded

"I'll ask reservations"Tzuyu then reach out her phone and texted the said restaurant

"Okay what did they said?"Sana asked

"They didn't respond yet. Let's just wait later. Let's go"Tzuyu then held her by her hands. Sana always felt some kind of electricity when the latter was holding her hands, sometimes she is getting used to it.


At their house.

"Hey Tzu? I thought we're having a dinner together?"Sana pouted. They were now walking through their room.

"Yes but someone got the reservation first. Just cook there and eat"Tzuyu said still walking upstairs

"You're so mean"Sana pouted once again

"Can you stop? It's not my fault that someone got reservation first"Tzuyu coldly said

"No I didn't say that. I just wanted to have a dinner with you"Sana pouted again thrice

"I'm not in the mood to eat anymore so you can just eat by yourself"Tzuyu said and finally got inside their room

Sana just followed the younger behind with a pout across her face. Tzuyu just didn't mind her since she's always like that and the latter was now used to it.

Tzuyu then hop on the bed without minding Sana.

Sana got a devilish an idea and got onto Tzuyu's top. The latter look at her with a wide eyes. Another emotion unlock. Since then she's counting Tzuyu's emotions. Call her weird but she can't just help it. She find it fun doing those.

"Wh-what are you doing?"Tzuyu stuttered

"You're not really an alien"Sana smiled

"What do you mean?"Tzuyu frowened

"Nevermind that. You will now get a tickle from the one and only me"Sana smiled devilish as she started to positioned her fingers to tickle Tzuyu

The latter kept on wiggling her body so she can get off her. But Sana put all her weight to her and lock her legs onto her.

She smirked before she started to tickle Tzuyu. The latter was trying to get her hands off her but she didn't win.

But for Sana's shock instead of laughing she heard a groan from Tzuyu.

That was kinda-- hot. Let me do it again.

She did it once again and she didn't expect Tzuyu to moan in response. It made her stop so Tzuyu took that opportunity to get off of her.

She held Sana by her hips and flipped them over. Now, Tzuyu is on top of her. She leaned in.

"Don't mess with me"she said before she stood up

Sana was just left in the bed dumbfounded. She then cover her heated face with her hands. She's thinking how Tzuyu's face get close on top of her.

God why Am I thinking like this.

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