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"Why are you not with Tzuyu?"Dahyun asked the moment she saw Sana walking alone from school

"Taehyung fetch her. They will go somewhere that I don't know and I don't want to go with them for today, I'm not in the mood"Sana said

"Just tell me you're jealous"Dahyun teased

"I di—

"I knew it!"Nayeon suddenly came out, out of nowhere that made the two of them look in terror

"W-what do you mean I knew it?"Sana tried to ask her

"So that's your secret?"Nayeon smirked


"So that's why you're always acting like that when Tzuyu's around. That's why you're so possessive when it comes to her"Nayeon summarize what she just said a few moments ago

"Yeah. I don't have any problems at home. My parents treat me well. And you guys, you guys are good to me. I only have this one problem. Tzuyu. My step sister. Fuck that word STEP SISTER"Sana said running a hands through her hair in frustration

"Did you try to stop? You know it's—

"I know. But how can I stop? How can I stop when we're just inches away from each other? How can I stop when sometimes she's caring? How can I stop when I'm trying to avoid her but I couldn't resist her? I hate this"Sana paused just to wipe the tear that was threatening to fall from her cheek
"I-It's so impossible but me, m-myself, knew I'm hoping that maybe-- m-maybe we can happen"her tears was now falling

"Sana you need to choose. Rather confess or be far from her and forget"Nayeon said stroking her hair

"I-I agree with what Nayeon unnie have said"Dahyun said scratching her nape

"I-I'm afraid. I'm afraid to do either of those. I'm a-afraid to confess to her, knowing she have a fiance. I'm afraid she might hate me"Sana look down

"You need to do any of those, Sana. If don't then you're just going to hurt yourself more"Nayeon said as she cupped Sana's face to wipe her tears

"Right. That's also what I think is right, Sana"Dahyun uttured


"Aish! You know what? Let's just forget it. I'll find you a girlfriend"Nayeon said sternly. Sana didn't saw that coming. Her face, she looks so serious. She was sure it wasn't a joke.

"No way, Nayeon unnie"Dahyun shook her head, not agreeing with her

"Come on! Dahyun ah, you heard me right. You know, just help me find her a girlfriend"Nayeon patted her back

"I don't want to Nayeon unnie!"Sana said

"Let's just try?"Nayeon smiled showing her bunny teeth

"Nayeon unnie, if I were you, you can just help her to win Tzuyu's heart atleast"Dahyun said

"That's a good idea! I have a plan"Nayeon said with that teasing smirk of hers

"What plan?"Sana asked confusly

"Just be sure that was fine and secured"Dahyun said

"I'm telling you this idea would be great"Nayeon smiled

"What is it then?"Sana asked

"You'll see"

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