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Sana woke up with a heavy thing over her. She slowly opened her eyes and Tzuyu was still above her. She remembered the scene that happened last night. Gladly it was not just a dream, it was really real. It made her smile. Tzuyu is her first, first at everything. She's her first kiss and first love.

Tzuyu made her happy even when she's cold and seems not to care for her. But the thing is they are step sisters. She wish, she was born not to be her stepsister just school mates or whatsoever.

She knows this is so wrong but what else can she do? She was sure she will fight her feelings for her even if their parents are against with it.

Back to Sana who was caressing Tzuyu's hair. She felt Tzuyu moved a little and her breathings got change so she assumed she was now awake.

Tzuyu then moved up a little and met Sana's eyes. They stared at each other's eyes before Sana pecked her lips.

"Good morning, Tzu"Sana greeted in a cheerful tone

Tzuyu didn't greet her back but to blushed and hide her face to the crook of Sana's neck. Sana smiled.

She made different emotions for today and yesterday. I guess, she only showed it to me.

Sana giggled.

"I'm sorry"Tzuyu started still hiding onto her neck


"I'm really sorry"Tzuyu said and Sana can feel that her neck was getting wet meaning she was crying

Sana immediately sat up with Tzuyu straddling onto her lap. She was indeed crying. Tzuyu covered her crying face with her two hands as Sana look at her worriedly.

This is the second time she cried.

"Tzuyu it's fine. Everything is fine. I—

"I still made a mistake. I shouldn't do that kind of things to you"again Tzuyu hide her face to Sana's neck

I was about to say I also liked it. How can I tell her that? No this is not the time to confess. Calm down, Sana.


And after that Tzuyu acted like nothing was happened between them. Sana can't complain and just did the same way. It hurts her but what else she can do? Force Tzuyu to be with her? Tell her she love her?

She wanted to stick to her plan. Plan to make Tzuyu fall for her. And if that didn't happen then she will move on, she will move on without letting Tzuyu know about her feelings.

Now, Sana and Tzuyu are walking through the mall to buy some clothes for today. Tzuyu still don't want to go home yet. Sana understand that. She's mad at her father with the reason she don't know. She wanted to know but everytime she ask, Tzuyu will just gave her a cold shoulder so she decided not to ask her anymore. She don't want Tzuyu to treat her like that again.

Suddenly, Tzuyu stops.

"Why did you stop?"Sana asked in confusion

"We'll wait someone here"Tzuyu replied as she took a seat. Sana just do the same.

A few moments later, a black Lamborghini suddenly parked infront of them. A gorgeous woman wearing a Ralph Lauren coat, pointy shoes, tasteful jewelry, structured bag and sunglasses. She looks elegant with her clothes.

As the woman take off her sunglasses that's when Sana realize it was their student council vice president, Mina.

"Minari~"Sana smiled

"Sana chan?"Mina asked with a questioning look

"Mina unnie, Did you brought my key?"Tzuyu asked

"Yes but this is my duplicate key. I can't go to your house. Your father might ask me where you are. I can't lie to them so"Mina took her bag and get something on it. After that she gave a key to Tzuyu.

Wait what duplicate key? What did they mean about that?

"Thank you"Tzuyu said as Mina also gave her something that Sana didn't know

"Why aren't you going home?"Mina asked

"I just don't want to"Tzuyu replied

"You better get home as soon as possible, okay?"Mina said as Tzuyu nodded her head. She smiled and patted Tzuyu's head.
"Be a good girl to your oneechan okay?"she added

"Yeah I will"Tzuyu said making Mina smile

Only Tzuyu can make Mina smile like that. What is the meaning of this?

"What was that duplicate key for?"Sana asked

"For my Condo. We will stay there for now"Tzuyu answered and Sana just nodded her head

Ah so this is what they're talking about. Tzuyu has a Condo and she gave Mina a duplicate key.

Did Tzuyu like her?

It made her pout and just stayed at the corner.

They talk a little and Sana just sat there still, waiting for them to get finish.

"Hey? Come on let's get going. We're buying some clothes"Tzuyu then started to walk and Sana just followed her from behind

They brought some clothes for the two of them and ingredients for their dinner later. This is Sana's first time going out with Tzuyu. She was glad with that. This is what she's waiting for.

Soon they got to Tzuyu's Condo and got showered together. Only shower, really.

Tzuyu was in the kitchen cooking some foods when Sana sneaked her arms to the latter's waist, hugging her from behind.

"You look so delicious baby Tzu"Sana mumbled sniffing Tzuyu's hair

Tzuyu turn to her side and look at her in confusion.

"What?"Tzuyu asked

"I mean the food you cook looks delicious"Sana smiled acting as if she didn't said that word

"That's not what you said a while ago"Tzuyu said as she faced Sana staring at her blanky. Sana gulped the lump of her throat.

Tzuyu then leaned forward causing Sana to get nervous even more. She just closed her eyes waiting for the next scene to happen.

That didn't end long and she open her eyes and Tzuyu wasn't there anymore. She was on the other side now, cutting some vegetables. She sighed in frustration and walk near her. She purposely bump into the latter but Tzuyu didn't mind her.

Sana got an evil idea and walk towards her. Of course Tzuyu didn't mind her and she took that opportunity to got to her front making Tzuyu look at her in confusion.

She leaned in and bite the area she can reach the latter's height, her neck. Sana harshly bite her, making Tzuyu closed her eyes and hold onto her head. After that Sana let go and walk like she did nothing.

"What the hell is that for?"Tzuyu asked

"Serves you right!"Sana stuck out her tongue and got into the living room

She just watched Tzuyu who was cooking at the kitchen until she got finished. The bite she did was now getting visible through her neck. It made her smile.

"That looks good on you"Sana smirked

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