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The nine girls are having a weeks vacation this week so they will spend it together at Jeju. It was an early summer vacation for them.

Going back, Sana just got out of the shower still with a towel onto her body. She got shower at 7 and it's now 8.

"What took you so long?"Tzuyu asked with a towel hanging over her shoulder

"Masturbating"Sana said boringly, but realized what she just said and hurriedly covered her talkative mouth

"What is that?"Tzuyu asked confusly

Fuck! Is she that innocent? But gladly she is so she can't understand what I just said.

"You don't need to know. Go take a shower now"Sana awkwardly smile as Tzuyu obeyed her and got in
"Phew. She really don't know that? Well, whatever. It was really her fault why I did that on that fucking shower"she mumbled

Tzuyu and Sana got outside together. They are going to use Tzuyu's father's car as Sana said so. Mina didn't get a van since her family was also using it for some important matters so she just got her Aston Martin and they all will not fit in there so she brought that car.

"Wait. I just realized I don't know how to drive. Fuck, I just said we're using Papa's car now"Sana face palmed

"I know how to drive"Tzuyu replied

"You don't have license and you're 15"Sana raised her brow

"It's fine. A 15 years old can drive with an adult supervision"Tzuyu said making Sana frown

"I'm still 17"Sana uttured

"Not anymore. You're going to be 18 this year so it's fine"Tzuyu said and pushed her to the passengers seat

"Tzuyu you—

Tzuyu shut her up with that lips of hers. It got startled Sana but she liked it too. She took that time to wrapped her arms over her head and kiss her more passionately.

They shared a kiss that lasted for minutes as Tzuyu pulled away.

"Just shut up okay?"Tzuyu said still catching her breath

"Kiss me again"Sana said with a puppy eyes. The latter look away before she leaned in and captured Sana's lips again.

Tzuyu then stared the engine as when they pulled out and got to Mina's place as it was their meeting place.

Sana on the other hand was smiling like an idiot all the way to Mina's place.

"Yo! I'm going to ride Tzuyu's car"Chaeyoung said clinging onto Tzuyu which the latter find annoying

"Hey stop that"Jihyo shook her head

"Who will drive Tzuyu's car?"Nayeon asked

"Tzuyu?"Dahyun replied

"No she can't. I'll drive instead"Jeongyeon said

"What about you, Mitang?"Sana asked

"I think that's okay so let's go"Jeongyeon said taking the car key into Tzuyu

"I told you, you still can't drive"Sana whispered to the said latter

Now, Jeongyeon's company was Nayeon, Tzuyu and Sana and the remaining five girls at the other car.

"Is it okay that we put Momo and Dahyun at the same car? I'm sure they will just fight there"Nayeon said

"Jihyo is there so you don't have to worry"Jeongyeon smiled

"It's funny. Momo is older than Jihyo but she acted mature than her"Sana chuckled

"That's so true"Nayeon agreed with a chuckle

"You guys can sleep for a meantime. I will woke you up when we already got at Jeju"Jeongyeon said now starting to drive

It didn't end long and Sana got to her dreamland with her head over Tzuyu's shoulder. The latter just let her and even fix Sana's way of sleeping so she can't get a body pain or what.

On the other side. Nayeon was watching how Tzuyu do that thing and that made her smile so as her girlfriend, Jeongyeon.


"Here we go Jeju!!"Momo said as if she just got here just now

They just got to Jeju a few minutes ealier.

"You miss Jeju that much? We just got here last school year though"Dahyun chuckled

"But that was still last year"Momo rolled her eyes

"We just got here and now you're fighting?"Jeongyeon frowned

"Want me to throw the two of you to that water huh?"Nayeon said

"They are fighting all the way here"Chaeyoung said

"Can't you guys stop just for now?"Sana frowned

"Not my fault. Dahyun is always teasing me"Momo said

"No it was yours. You're acting so inoccent even if you're the one who always starting it"Dahyun defended herself

"Oh really? You want me to punch your fucking face?"Momo said mad

"Ya! Stop it"Nayeon yelled

"Ya! I got 5 rooms for us. Choose a roommate"Jihyo said which stopped them

"I'll take her to her room"Tzuyu said holding Sana over her shoulder since the girl is still sleeping

"Dude why are you carrying her like that?"Dahyun asked

"Why?"Tzuyu asked with a raised brow

"That might be difficult for her or she might wake up"Jihyo said

And with that Tzuyu immediately fix  the way she carry Sana in her arms— one arm under her legs and the other supporting her back like a groom carrying his bride.

Tzuyu then get the keys on Jihyo and take Sana to the said room.

"If I don't know what is really their relationship I will definitely mistaken them as a girlfriends"Jeongyeon commented

"Well, they look good together if they are not stepsisters though"Nayeon said sharing the same brain cells with her girlfriend

"But the fact is that they are really stepsisters so we can't do anything about that"Mina walked out with her roommate Momo

"She's right"Momo said before she disappeared

"Oh so I only got Chae as my roommate so let's go bro!"Dahyun said pulling the smaller along with her

"Yeah that's what I think ealier, I'll be alone. I'll go to my room now"Jihyo said leaving the two lovers

"I told you to bring Kang"Jeongyeon chuckled earning a hard slap from her partner

"Daniel is a poison for her. Don't bring that up okay? Let's go"Nayeon said as the two got to their room

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