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Today is another day and Sana was here infront of Tzuyu's new company. She went there to brought Tzuyu something to eat. She didn't eat breakfast and lunch. She's so worried about her. It's already passed 1 pm and she knows that the latter wasn't eating yet.

Her secretary, who happens to be Sana's co member in cheerleading have told it to her.

Sana then got inside but got stopped by the guard.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but can I ask where are you going?"he asked, approaching her

"Uhh I'm Chou Sana! I'm here for Chou Tzuyu. Where is she?"Sana asked cheerfully

"She's at her office, ma'am. Let me guide you there"he said then took her to the said office

He guided Sana until they arrived at the front desk.

"She's here for Ms. Chou"he said and the girl called through a phone

"Ms. Chou, someone is looking for you"she said through the phone call
"What's your name ma'am?"she asked

"Sana"Sana replied

"Guide her to Ms. Chou's room"she said as she ended the call

The guard then took her to Tzuyu's room and leave her there.

Before Sana could knock on the door, the door got opened revealing, Chong Elkie.

Elkie have her smile across her face, but when she got to see Sana, her smile instantly changed into a frown. She walked passed her without bothering to greet her.


"Hey? What makes you come here?"Tzuyu's soft voice interrupted her

"I got to bring you a food. Your secretary said you didn't eat breakfast and lunch"Sana crossed her arms as she stood from Tzuyu's table

"I don't have time"Tzuyu replied, making Sana rolled her eyes

"You shouldn't be skipping your meals"Sana said strictly

"I'm used to it in states so no worries"Tzuyu said

"But now you're back here in Korea. So you're not doing that again"Sana said
"Now let's eat"she said putting the foods over her table

"Thank you"Tzuyu said, making Sana smiled

They ate in silence, a comfortable silence to be exact.

As they finished eating, Sana immediately ask the question she has been dealing for these days.

"I didn't ask you these days if how's your life there in states. How are you there?"Sana asked

"Fine. I'm more okay here, honestly"Tzuyu said

"You find them annoying, don't you?"Sana chuckled

"Sometimes. I don't get why they wanted to annoy me"Tzuyu shook her head

"They are annoying you because they like you?"Sana said more like questioning herself

"They just liked me based on my looks, that annoys me more"Tzuyu frowned

"Wow! so you can now tell if a person likes you huh?"Sana half whispered

"Say it again?"Tzuyu waited for her answer

"Nothing"Sana then laughed with nothing

She is just laughing her ass out without any reason, that she didn't even realized that Tzuyu was already staring at her.

"I missed you, I just don't know how to tell you. But I do"Tzuyu suddenly said, and Sana could now feel her cheeks reddened. It's a just a simple words, but why is she acting like this.

She knew to herself that she already moved on, but this confuses her even more.

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