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"Oh there she is"Tzuyu's father said the moment he saw Sana

"G-Good afternoon"Sana greeted

"Your mother have told me that you two finally get along?"he said, waiting for them to answer

Sana glance at Tzuyu and it seems like she have nothing to say.

"Not really. She just happen to be my tour guide in school and we got talk some few stuffs. And we accidentally got home together"Sana scratched her nape feeling a little shy since she's still not used talking with her new step father

"Oh. Is that so?"Sana nodded

"So let's have some dinner together then?"Sana's mother said in a cheerful tone. Sana really got her personality to her.

"I'm sorry. I already eat with Mina and I still have some homework to do so I can't come"Tzuyu said, making her father stood from his seat

"You should be in there since that's our first family dinner together"he said

"I'm sorry but I'm not really hungry. Excuse me"Tzuyu said then went upstairs leaving them. Sana had her mouth hang open.

Well that's kinda rude.

"Chou Tzuyu!"Tzuyu's father shouted and about to follow her when Sana's mother held him by his hand

"Mr. Chou, you shouldn't be treating your daughter that way that's why she's being like that"she shook her head

Wait what? So she's not that close to her father? Gosh. Should I ask them? No-it's-- wait she is now my step sister so it's fine.


"I just wanted to discipline her. She's growing up with that attitude of hers"Tzuyu's father shook his head


"I-I think I need to go upstairs"Sana mumbled and the two look at her

"Okay just get downstairs if I told you to"her mother said as Sana nodded her head and went upstairs

"Oh shit. I haven't ask where my room is. How stupid of you, Sana"she whispered to herself

"Hey"Sana then tilt her head to the side and found Tzuyu standing just inches away from her

"Mama have told me that you're afraid of being alone inside of a room so she said let's just share one room"she said making Sana widened her eyes

"In your room?"Sana ask but got no answer from the latter. She just stare at her instead.

Is she deaf or what?

"Okay. Can I took a shower first?"Sana asked as Tzuyu nodded her head and turn around walking away. Sana just followed her.

As when they got inside Tzuyu's room Sana look around and got amazed by how neat and clean her room was. Unlike her room who was a completely messy. You can't really call it a room for how messy she is.

"Where is your bathroom?"Sana stops from looking around and glance at Tzuyu who was now laying on her bed

Tzuyu didn't answer and just pointed where the bathroom was.

It's hard for us to get along for sure.

She started strip all of her clothes infront of the mirror. And suddenly, she saw Tzuyu's reflection through the mirror. She immediately turn to her back and the tall girl was not there.

"Fuck, why Am I imagining her in this kind of-- oh holy—"she heard a knock from her door

She hurriedly wear the bathrobe that was just hanging at the side and open the door revealing Tzuyu.

The latter look at her up and down before she spoken up.

Wait, what? Did she just check me out? No it wasn't- she just—

Sana got stop from her thoughts when Tzuyu talk.

"I forgot"Tzuyu started to walk towards her and leaned in dangerously close

It made Sana nervous. Her sweat was now dripping down her skin even if it wasn't that hot inside the bathroom.

Sana closed her eyes and she just waited for the next thing to happen.

Later on she heard the door open and found Tzuyu getting out with something on her hands.

Oh God. Stop assuming, Sana. Maybe she just meant was she have forgot something and it is exactly besides you. Fuck this mind

Sana suddenly hit her head with the wall making her groaned in pain.

"Shit!"she screamed holding onto her head

A few minutes have passed. Sana already got finished taking a half bath and she is now resting on the couch while Tzuyu was nowhere to find. Since she got out of the bathroom, Tzuyu suddenly get out of the room.

While playing with her phone she felt that someone is standing at her front. She immediately look up.


The latter didn't answer and just put some ice pack onto her head. It get her startled at first and got froze from her seat. The cold ice wasn't helping for her heating cheek. Thankfully, the ice pack was covering her face from getting seen by the taller.

"Where did you get that?"Tzuyu started the conversation

"I accidentally hit my head to the wall"Sana replied and after that Tzuyu didn't talk anymore. She's just resting her hands over her head.

"I-I can do it myself"Sana said putting her hands over the thing and she didn't even realize that Tzuyu's hands was still in there. Now, her hands was over the latter's. She rested it in just a few seconds before she took it away.

She can really said that her cheek was heating up as hell.

But her hands was soft though. No no no! This fucking mind kept on thinking this kind of things.

"Okay"Tzuyu said and gave her the ice pack

And Sana immediately turn to her side because the latter might saw her heating up cheek. She felt Tzuyu's eyes was on her and felt uneasy.

What's with that stare? I don't fucking understand why she needs to stare at me like that. I'm going melt every minute.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door and exactly the two got up.

"I-I'm gonna open it"Sana stuttered and the latter just got back to the bed again

"Hey honey. Ready for the dinner?"Sana nodded
"You gotta convince your step sister to be with us"she winked at her before she leave

"Uhh-- Tzu. Can you come with us? Okasan told me to convince you so—

"Okay"Tzuyu shortly replied

"You mean. You're coming with us?"Sana asked and Tzuyu just stare at her without an answer. Sana looked away.

As Sana glance at Tzuyu's direction she was nowhere to find anymore. She was now walking through the door now. She stood up.

"I-I'll just wait you outside"she said and left

I hope we can get along soon.

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