My feelings

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I woke up rather miserable today. I didn't get hardly any sleep last night due to trying to continue my coffee magic.

I groaned and looked at the time,9:30. It's later then I wanted to wake up but it's whatever.

I heard my door bust open and a loud "Goood morning!"

I saw that it was latte, she was full of energy today.

"Uh-oh! Did someone not get any sleep today? Espresso you know you shouldn't be staying up so late!" Latte snarled at me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Don't treat me like I'm your students though." I scoffed.

"Well, it's time to get up and get back to work! I  have to get back to my class in about a minute so I'll talk to you later."

Latte jumped onto her staff quickly after saying so and rode off to the school building.

Though, Latte was right. It was definitely time to start at least something today.

I got into a dark oak-colored jacket and sweatpants and began working.

I realized that I was unfocused, and not in the mood to do anything.

"Oh, I didn't have any coffee yet have I?"

I sighed and got up to go to the cafe' I usually went to.

Just as I got outside I saw the person I deceived the most. Madeline.

I utterly hated Madeline. He's so foolish and I'm sure he has let many enemies go.

Light magic is so useless too. What is it possibly used for? Healing? I know that the divine didn't do absolutely anything to help their kingdom except protect them from something that's used for better.

Though, I don't feel like explaining or ranting about why it's so useless, I'm already mad since the town is already gathered around such an idiotic person.

I'd prefer the silence than the love of this stupid run down town. It's not like it's soothing anyway. All you get from them is crummy presents and "support full notes" which in reality is just a cringe-y cat in a stupid looking hat with a cheesy poem and someone's signature.

Meanwhile you could enjoy silence while you read a book without some 12 year olds fan-girling over you.

Uhg, I can hear his stupid loud ass voice over the people screaming. God damnit why is he so loud.

I got to the cafe' and got an espresso to go.

As I was walking home, I looked over into the crowd once more. There I saw him. I saw his long blonde hair, his lapis blue eyes, his cape that fluttered in the bit of wind.

He gave me a small smile, of course I ignored it. Instead, I gave him an eye roll and took another sip of my espresso.

His frown is satisfying to me. Since he never frowns, it's like an accomplishment.

I got back to my office and continued working on what I barely got done.

I yawned as my eyes felt drowsy. I was even more tired than usual. I have a small mirror on my desk, and I looked into it.

"Damn it.. My eye bags are getting worse. I'm never going to hear the end of it from latte."

I put my hand on my head as I continued my work, getting more and more tired by the second.

I tried to drink more of my espresso, but it did no good.

I knew I wasn't going to get anything done in this condition, so I gave in and put my head down.

I fell asleep in an instant, and was woken up hours later by latte.

"Espresso! ESPRESSO! WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU ROLL YOUR EYES AT MADELINE? My goodness have at least some respect! I know you hate him and all, but Jesus!" She sighed and put her hands on her hips.

"What?" I groaned "It was only a small one! He'll get over it."

"That's not the point!" Latte snarled. " If I need to start to teach you how to respect someone even if it's someone like you , then so be it! You have been hating him for 2 years for what!? What had he done to you? He's just trying to be nice!"

As much as I hated Madeline, it was a little true. Maybe I was being too harsh on him. I guess I don't even have a good enough reason to hate him. Though the thought of actually being friends just made him want to let the dark take him and throw him off a cliff.

It does sound very exaggerated, though it was 100% true.

Espresso is one bitter person, and it doesn't look like it'll change. His liking for anyone was as dark as unsweetened coffee or the void in space.

You think this'll change?

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