3 more new people (yayyyy)

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"Ah- it's fine. Uh thanks for making her shit up I guess." Madeline smiled awkwardly. Tinsel looked like she regretted bringing her power into play.

"Oh I'm sorry if it scared you or something! I didn't mean too really I just got mad and I don't um.." She went silent. Holly gave her a huge hug.

"That was amazing! I'm sure they're fine with it since I'm sure they hate her! Who knew you could do that!?" Holly gave Tinsel a bright smile.

Tinsel slowly smiled back.

Though before I could walk back to the house, Gingerbrave ran over to us.

"Hey so quick warning I guess you could call it, but we're having more new people to check out the kingdom. They came from the same family as Frappuccino, so we don't know if her weird obsession with crushes is a family thing." The four of us nodded.

"You know I'll be there, and many others, don't panic." Madeline mumbled to me. I held his hand and we walked back to the house. Madeline pulled me into a hug soon after pulling me down onto the couch.

I smiled a little as Madeline played with my hair. I knew he was trying to stop me from worrying, and of course it worked. Though the silence was broken by the a crowd's loud talking.

I just knew Madeline was going to get up. Damn it I have to find a way of stopping him.

"Madeleineee noo..don't goo pleasee?" I begged him digging my head into his neck.

"God why are you so adorable? Your lucky because if you weren't as cute then I'd get up either way. It's not easy to persuade me you know?" I could tell he was a little annoyed but now he knows how I feel. Plus we can just meet them later. We don't know what they'll bring us.

Later I was out on a walk with Madeline since we hadn't went for a proper walk through the woods. As we were walking, I heard small giggles and a voice I didn't recognize.

Madeline and I decided to go check it out.

We followed the quiet voices until we came across Chai and some boy. He was most likely 14, and had a green/ brown water-y like hair.

After he spotted us, he gave us an awkward smile.

"Oh hi Espresso hi Madeline!!!" Chai jumped up and ran to the two of us. The boy got up and walked over to us.

"I haven't seen you two before. Green tea, nice to meet you." He held out a hand which I shook since Chai was giving Madeline something.

"Is there any other people that came with you? We didn't go out to see who you guys were." I asked.

"Oh yeah there was my younger sister Matcha tea, she has the same looking hair as me but it's longer and the ends are tied together. I don't know who the third person was, apparently was my mother's friend's daughter." He replied.

"We'll be sure to look out for them. Ah, I haven't given you my name have I? It's Espresso, this one here is Madeline." It's not like me to not introduce myself so late. Whatever, it's just a simple mistake. He's not mad or anything and he looks like a pretty nice person.

"Well Im assuming you two know Chai, she seems exited to see you two! She's my cousin, I didn't know she came here. Oh, watch for her sister by the way." Aha how unfortunate you came late after all that commotion.

I gave him an awkward smile since I already knew of who she was. "You know, why don't I get my sister right now? She's love to see Chai again and I'm sure she'd love your company." He gave me a relaxed smile. I think he likes me already. Thats nice to know.

"Why not? Hey Madeline would you happen to hear any of that?" I turned to him which he looked like he was lost in thought with Chai. I groaned and told him most of what we talked about.

"Oh hah sorry for not listening!" Madeline gave him a bright smile.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I saw her at the coffee shop closest to here." We walked out of the forest, Chai on Madeline's shoulders as we talked.

Tea pointed to where she was sitting. "There she is!" She was sitting there at a table with Latte. They seem to get along as well.

Latte glanced over to us and waved. We walked over to the table and Matcha looked at me and Madeline confused.

"Oh we haven't met! Hi I'm Matcha!" She smiled. She looked up at Madeline, then at Chai. Chai waved at Matcha, who looked incredibly exited to see her. Madeline noticed at put her down on the floor where they hugged.

"Awh Chai! It's so nice to see you again!" She smiled and got up. We stayed around and talked for awhile before we decided to go our own ways.

"What do you think about them?" Madeline asked me making sure I was comfortable staying around them.

"I thought they were really nice!" I gave him a smile. Madeline smiled back knowing that I liked them. I'm sure he liked them too, they are nice people.

"We still haven't seen that third person." I brought up. Madeline realized but he didn't mind.

Though while we were walking, I could hear Tea (green tea) and Matcha talking. "Uhgg...how do you think they might react hearing we practice coffee magic! I mean I don't know they all most likely think we practice something else." Tea complained.

"I'm sure they won't care! It seems that it's not like the last kingdom. I'm pretty sure Madeline and Espresso are friends, they're complete opposites!" Matcha said happily. "I'm also pretty sure that Latte helps with coffee magic, she works at the Dough School so maybe?"

Well I have no idea what kind of kingdom they were at. I'm pretty sure no body cares about what magic someone uses.

The only person that may care is whoever else they came with, or Frappuccino.

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