He's obsessed?

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I woke up the next morning. Jesus why am I so stiff today? As I started to stretch, Madeline sat up.

"Morning.." He said before yawning. Shit why the hell is his tired voice so damn hot?

I leaned on his shoulder. "Hey what did you do when you caught Frappuccino?" I asked.

"Oh I stomped the living shit out of her. Every time she'd try and get cocky I'd stomp on her." He said leaning back onto me.

"I bet you looked hot doing it." I shot up with surprise at what I just said.

I heard him snicker. "Well I'm going to make some coffee you want some?" He looked at me before getting up.

"Sure thanks." I replied. He got up and walked out of the room.

After a few minutes I got up and walked to the kitchen. He took a sip of his coffee, his eyes glowing a hot pink.

"Madeline what's wrong with your..eye?" I pointed towards him.

He put the mug down and ran towards me.

"Oh my Dear Espresso!~ I love you so much!" He held me extremely tight.

What's going on? I know he loves me?

"Yes I know..What's going on?" I said pushing him off of me.

"Well don't push me away from you..you know that's rude." He looked disappointed. This is weird. He doesn't act like this ever.

Unless he wants to mess with me but I can tell he's serious. He spun me around and kissed me. Why are his eyes pink? They're usually blue.. somethings wrong.

I walked over to the coffee. A heart had formed by the bubbles. Something is in the coffee that's making him act like this. Though a love potion could be what it is, alchemist wouldn't do this..neither would anyone in this town do this...except Frappuccino..

Oh you've got to be kidding me!

She tried to make me love her by doing the insane! She knows I drink coffee so of course she put that in there!

Jeez..well at least it was Madeline, the person I love who had gotten it. I wouldn't have minded getting the potion myself since well what would it really do? It's a love potion, so it wouldn't do much harm except extreme clingy-ness.

Which isn't much of a bad thing. Well I'm not drinking coffee for a few days.

"Espresso can we go outside please?" Madeline begged cupping my face in his hands. Completely flustered, I nodded.

"Thank you~" He said in a seductive tone. I don't know what he's trying to achieve but damn I might as well just give it to him.

He held my hand and pulled me outside. Latte came over to us.

"Hello! Ah Madeline what's wrong with your eyes?" She asked examining him.

Madeline stayed silent and hugged me from the behind.

"Frappuccino went crazy and broke into Alchemist's lab to get a love potion, poured it into my coffee maker trying to make me love her but Madeline had some before I could." I sighed after saying this.

"Oh well...I'll have to talk to Alchemist.. WAIT SHES OUT AGAIN?!" Latte suddenly screamed.

"Sadly yeah." I rolled my eyes.

I could feel Madeline's glare at Latte. I guess the obsession makes the person hate other people. Though I'm sure it'll just be glares.

"Are you talking about me?" Frappuccino came out of the shadows like some shit of a main character.

I rolled my eyes as Latte gave her a death stare.

"So Espresso..feeling any different?" She grinned.

"No I mean other than the fact I want to kill you because you tried to make me love you with a love potion but it backfired and Madeline ended up drinking it, I feel fine." I glared at her with Latte.

She looked surprised and worried that I knew.

Madeline turned me around and gave me a kiss. "Sorry I wanted that." He smirked and gave me another one right after.

"He's assaulting you! Oh my god oh my god are you okay?!" She started freaking out.

"I'm better than ever." I gave him another kiss which Madeline seemed very happy about.

Frappuccino looked shocked. She turned to Latte.

"He's cheating on you how are you not reacting to this?!" She started to sound angry.

"Honey I wasn't with him in the first place! You had a crush on a gay man!" She started to cackle as Frappuccino got more and more surprised.

"YOU GUYS ARE FAGGOTS!" She pointed at us in terror.

Oh Latte lost it. She beat the shit out of her. "You homophobic psycho piece of SHIT!"

Some of the kingdom stopped to watch this fight.

"BEAT HER ASS LATTE!" Someone screamed from the crowd.

Later Latte had told Alchemist about the problem and she had an antidote ready.

She gave the potion to Madeleine who drank it and had gotten back to normal.

"What a day..so unnecessary.." I sighed getting into bed.

Madeline pulled me close."Yeah but at least she's gone."

I nodded. Finally. She's a fucking bitch and a dumbass. I don't know how she didn't see that I was gay I mean she's just oblivious.

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