A small date

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The next day I got dressed. I feel miserable today. I stayed up doing work and now I completely regret it.

A heard a knock on my door. Praying to god it wasn't Latte, I opened the door. To my surprise, it was Madeline.

"Well good morning!" He pulled my into a hug. Blushing slightly, I pushed him off of me. "What'd you want?" I crossed my arms.

"Oh, well I wanted to ask if you'd like to go to the new coffee place in the kingdom!" He said happily.

"No I'm busy." I slammed the door. I don't need to go some new place. Since I was sick, I've gotten so far behind in work. Such wasted time at Madeline's house.

Okay fine-it was a bit enjoyable...he's so warm and cuddly-WAIT NO NO THIS IS MADELINE!!

What was I thinking saying "I think this is love" or some crap! This is Madeline we're talking about!

Okay well I guess I should get started with the experiments. Just as I was about to start, I got another knock at my door.

I swear if it's Madeline I'm going to sock the living shit out of him. I said no, your making me distracted.

I opened the door. It was Latte. She looked extremely mad at me. "What?" I asked annoyed.

"I saw that whole thing! What on Earth is wrong with you?! Madeline just took great care of you and you just went and shut the door on his face like that!?" Latte grabbed my arm and dug her nails into me.

"OW FUCK LET ME GO!!" I screamed. She let go glaring at me. "Okay FINE I'll go talk to Madeline!" I rolled my eyes.

"That's what I thought. Now GO!" She yelled at me.

I groaned at Latte and dragged myself over to Madeline, who looked a bit down.

"So Madeline a quick turn of events..I'll go with you to the coffee shop." I said sitting next to him on the bench.

"I know you were just forced to by Latte. You don't have to if you don't want to. You're a very busy person." He shrugged at me.

"Hah I wish I had the privilege to make such a decision! With Latte I'll be forced to come with you-" I stopped after feeling him hold my hand.

He looked me and smiled. "Shall we?"

We got up. This is will be like a date.

Er-I'd prefer to call this a friendly date.
We stood up. Madeline was still holding my hand. It wasn't enough for me to keep my hand there anyway. My body just never thought to move. It's fine I guess.

We went to the place and got our drinks. We sat down at a table for two.

"I didn't know you liked coffee?" I said taking a sip of my espresso. "Eh, I really don't I just got a Latte." He said.

The espresso is a little better at this place I will say, but it's farther. It was nice he took me all the way out here.

We talked for about 20 minutes before we left the place. Madeline asked if he could come over to mine and sit with me while I worked.

I guess I'm in a good mood today because I said he could as long as he wasn't being annoying.

He wasn't though. He asked if he could read one of his books, which I don't really care.
He silently read about coffee magic as I finished up my days work.

I didn't even realize he was there by the time I was done. He was just peacefully reading, sitting on my bed leaning on the wall.

He was actually really interested in the book to the point he didn't notice the first time I called his name.

"My apologies! What's you need?" Madeline said smiling. "Oh I just wanted to tell you I was done. I didn't think you'd be so interested in coffee magic!" I said laughing.

He giggled. He put the book back on the shelf and talked to me after he sat back down.

I got up and moved next to him.

Why do I feel like I want to cuddle with him right now? I hate taking naps even if I'm done with my work, so what makes me want to cuddle?

Why would I even want to cuddle with him anyway?! I don't want to randomly ask because that seems weird. As much as he'd probably say sure I'm not going to ask.

I leaned on his shoulder and listened to him.

"You tired?" He asked. "Not really no." I said in response.

I could tell Madeline was surprised that I was willingly leaning on him. Sure I'll get tired at some point, but I'm fully awake as of now.

"Well that's new. I've never seen you wanting to lean on my shoulder. It's usually when your all tired." He said putting his hand on my head. "Do you care if we lie down?" He asked.

I shrugged. Though it was what I wanted to do in the first place. He lied down on his side and pulled me up to his chest, spooning me.

I smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

I got extremely red. It's usually by the chest.

By doing this, he made me shiver. His hands were on my lower stomach.

I could just feel his smirk. But that wasn't what I was focusing on. My stomach filled with butterflies. This is the farthest someone has touched my body. I never thought the person who would get the lowest would be Madeline.

I quietly whimpered to myself. Another shiver was sent up my body as his arms trailed up my shirt. I bit my lip as I focused on his fingers dragging across my body.

I began to whimper a bit louder. His hands began to slip down my body again, this time going a bit farther than my stomach.

I sucked in my stomach. I really did not expect him to to any of this. Nor was I prepared.

Then two loud knocks came at my door. Latte bursted in. "Hi Espresso how did it go? Oh hi Madeline!" Latte waved.

I expected Madeline to move his hands up, but he ended up moving them farther down. I quietly moaned as he did so.

"So Espresso was it worth it??" Latte asked.

Now I really didn't want to speak, risking that I'd make a noise that really shouldn't be heard by her.

"mHm" I said suddenly whimpering. "Is something wrong?" Latte put her hands on her hips.

"No..of c-ourse not!" I swallowed a large gulp of spit hopping she'd go away. As she began talking, I watched Madeline's fingers drag down and up my thighs.

"Anyway! You seem tired so I'll leave you two love birds alone!" She walked off.

(Btw Latte was looking at their backs LOL IMAGINE IF SHE WAS JUST WATCHING-)

Madeline whispered in Espresso's ear. "I forgot to ask, though it seems as if your fine as of now. Are you alright with me doing this darling?"

I nodded my head, still watching to see if he'd go to my inner thighs.

My whimpering soon became hard breathing and slightly loud moaning. There was sometimes where I did whimper but it wasn't as often anymore.

Madeline would find where I moaned the longest, which was my upper thigh. He began to slide his fingers to my inner thigh. I squeezed my legs together.

I began to breath heavily, watching as he moved lower. His finger were touching the sheets of the bed by now, all of his fingers except his thumb were cupping my thigh.

I moaned slightly.

"Mhm..Madeline..~" I said quietly.

He moved his hand and wrapped his arms around me like normal. I could feel myself frown. I haven't even confessed yet. Why am I getting so worked up?

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