Find her

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Like usual, Madeline came home after it began to get dark. He put his cape on the hook and yawned. He looked pretty tired out today for sure.

I was sitting on the couch on my phone not realizing he had gotten back at the moment. I looked up and saw him. He looked at me and smirked.

Oh great he's going to drag me off to bed again. It works every single time and I hate it. I kind of enjoy it also..

"Essy..~" He said in a deep tone. "You know what I'd like you to do don't you?" He started to walk towards me.

"Madeline I'm not tired. Like at all cut it out.." I glared at him.

He pinned me to the couch. "If you won't move then I suppose we could just sleep here~" He got really close to my face.

I would've pushed him away, but he had my hands under his. "So what'll it be? You know that you're coming with me." He gave me another smirk.

"I'm not going to-" He cut me off by giving me a kiss.

"Why are you stubborn? Why can't you be a little cat? All cute and obeying~" He grabbed my face and kissed me again, this time sliding a tongue into my mouth. Soon enough, he pulled off of me.

"You're rather...energetic...for working all day." I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"Does that really matter?" He picked me up and walked up the steps. I groaned and let him. I suppose it would be fine if I went to bed right now. I'm just annoyed that he can seduce me into coming to bed with him.

"Whatever you jerk. Though I'm not going to bed until we change." I rolled my eyes and got into something more comfortable. I looked back at him who was just staring.

"Did you just watch me change?" I crossed my arms.

"What? I took your virginity come on." He crossed his legs and complained. Fucking pervert.

He got changed as well and we went to bed.

The next morning I was taking a walk since I had nothing else to do. Though as I was walking, Licorice ran over to me.

"Hey..I know you don't trust me and all but I have something really important to tell you!" He was panting. "Red Velvet took Chai...the little girl.. I didn't mean to hear but some older girl is planning on hurting her!"

What?! That's where she's been? Shit she could get hurt badly if we don't get her out of there!

"Seriously?! Well shit um..that's for telling me!" If he's lying I'll beat the shit out of him.

"Well for starters, you'd better not be lying or I'll kick your ass." I gave him a small death stare.

"No no no no no! I swear I'm not lying please!" He looks rather scared actually. So I guess Ill believe him on this one.

I ran over to Madeline. "Madeleine! I know where Chai is and it's not going to go well for her if we don't get to her!"

He and Raspberry looked at me surprised. "Well, what are we waiting for? Is she back at the cake towers?" Raspberry stood up.

I nodded my head and Madeline stood up after her. "Essy you know it'll be dangerous to go, but I know that I can't really stop you." Madeline put a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes you most definitely can stop me." I snickered. "I'm going to ask Latte if she'd like to tag along. It wouldn't be bad to have extra hands." I walked off to the school where Latte was on her break.

"Latte! Chai is at the cake towers and we could use some extra help!" She looked at me surprised.

"Sam!! I'm taking a half day!" She called out and we ran back to Madeline and Raspberry.

(Lol btw just forget abt Sam she ain't important trust me 💀💀)

We headed over to the towers.

"Where is she?" Raspberry glared at pomegranate.

"I have no idea who your talking about! Perhaps you have the wrong location?" She grinned. She knows exactly who we're talking of.

"Espresso you didn't stay with us longer? Quite a shame yes?" She looked at me.

"Don't bring that shit into this." I hate that I had worked for them. It wasn't in my control anyway.

"Look, you can just give us the poor kid or we might just have your head on a steak." Latte gave her a sinister smile.

"Well let's see who's head it'll be? I could use another for my collection!" She smiled back.

"Why the- I'm not going to even ask." Madeline pulled out his sword and sighed. "Here we go again."

As they were fighting, I snuck off to find Chai. Luckily I wouldn't have much competition to get there since Red Velvet and Dark Choco went to help.

Though as I was walking, I saw Frappuccino walk out of a room. From that room I could hear crying. Convenient.

I gave her a wave and a deadly smile. She looked at me concerned, then realized who I was.

"Essy! Oh have you came back for me? Are you finally coming to your senses!" She ran over to me.

I laughed. "Please I'm at the best of the best senses I could have! I'm here for your sister who's a whole lot better then the looks of you." I pushed her to the side.

She grabbed my arm. "No. She isn't going anywhere. Trust me you try and get her out then I'll have to hurt you. I wouldn't want to do that you know but if I have to, I will."

"Please I'd like to see you try!" I got out of her grasp and glared at her. "Well? Let's see it!" I know she won't have the heart to take the first move.

"You first since I don't have a good reason to hurt you! I'm just giving you a quick warning that I- OW!!" I shot a nice scolding hot beam at her face.

"My pleasure!" I smiled. That felt so good to do you don't even know.

After a few minutes, I had gotten her to the ground and I tied her up. "Thank you come again!" I smiled and walked off to where Chai was being held.

I opened the door to see Chai curled up in a ball crying. She didn't look up to me, in fact she started to cry even harder hearing the door open.

I kneeled done to her. "Hey, it's just me!" I said softly not trying to scare her. She peeked her head out and looked at me. "D-did you join she s-said?" She hiccuped form crying so much.

"No, that was some weird gas thing. Come one, let's get going." I brushed her hair out of her face when she fully looked at me. She looked so tired.

"Can you c-carry me?" She asked. I smiled and picked her up bridal style. She fell asleep in my arms while I walked back to the three.

They had gotten Velvet, pomegranate and Choco down.

Madeline smiled as he saw me walk out with Chai who was passed out. "You want me to carry her?" Madeline offered.

"Hm? Oh sure." I carefully handed her over to Madeline who carefully put her on his back. We began to walk back, celebrating our little victory.

When we got back, many were relived to see we were safe and were happy to see that Chai was okay. Well maybe physically, but most definitely not mentally. Something happened to her. Something that someone her age should have been put through.

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