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Happy thanksgiving !! Eat

The next day the kingdom was still blanketed  with snow.

It wasn't so windy but it was still extremely cold. So we didn't go anywhere. Which is a good thing because of how many hickeys I have thanks to Madeline.

Sure he did get carried away, but I'm not mad. I never thought I would beg so much for something in my life.

Okay well I need to get that off of my mind.

I took a good look outside. The blizzard had done much damage to the decor around here. Everything looks frozen solid.

A knock came at the door.

"Do you think it's that girl you were talking about?" Madeline asked.

I shrugged. Madeline walked over to the door and opened it. "Latte?!" I heard him yell.

It took me a minute to realize that my neck was showing and Latte was at the door.

I ran to my room and changed into a turtleneck.  I opened my door and walked to the living room where Latte and Madeline were. I took a seat next to Madeline.

"So what'd you guys do yesterday??" Latte asked tilting her head.

"Eh nothing much. Nothing to possibly do anyway." Madeline replied rubbing his neck.

Madeline said he had to go to the bathroom and left me alone with Latte.

"Since when did you wear turtlenecks Essy?" Latte asked staring at my neck.

"I don't know. Why can't I wear them?"

"I'm only asking since it's like a million degrees in here! Are you hiding something??" She said pointing at me. "Ooo! Madeline and Espresso had seeexxx!!!" She said teasing me.

I tried to look as annoyed as possible with out any sense of surprise. As she was giggling, she looked at me. "Wait-are you for real???!!"

"What?! No of course not!"

She examined my face to see if I was lying. Which yes, of course I was. "Well I guess you guys haven't confessed of anything. You should though!"

This idiot. All this time I thought she knew. Stupid ass.

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me toward my room. "Madeline give a few minutes I need talk to Espresso!" She yelled out.

She turned to me and smiled. "What the hell Latte?! What do you want?" I yelled at her.

"Take the sweater off! You're obviously hiding something under that!" Latte said with her hands up at me.

I backed up. Usually when she does this she tackles me. Which I really would not want to happen right now.

She ran toward me. "Just take it off you jerk!" She jumped on me, slamming me on the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? I managed to kick her in the stomach.

She pushed off of me, holding her stomach in pain. "You little piece of shit!" She said wincing at the pain.

"Look, it's none of your business you weirdo!" I said about to leave the room.

Before I could though, Latte pulled me over by the turtle neck (like the actual turtle neck part) and shoved me across the room. "Take the god damn sweater off or I swear to god I will make your life a living hell." Late said staring me down.

"Literally why the hell do you care so much? And is this some sort of high school play? What could you possibly do?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Bitch I will send your ass to a straight camp."

"Oh fuck no fine."

I sighed and took the sweater off.

"Oh my god. You actually had sex with someone????? Who? Tell mee!!" She said smiling.

What the hell is wrong with this freak. Why the hell is she so interested in what I did?

"I'm not telling your ass." I responded.

Latte tilted her head and gave me a sinister smile. "I ask so little of you. I'd just want to know because I'd like to look out for you." She said giving one of her serious tones.

"Oh my god you are so nosey. It was Madeline damn." I said crossing arms.

She gave me a surprised stare. That's when she realized that she was stupid and that we were together.

"Ah well-we should get back to Madeline so he's not left alone and stuff.." Latte said marching out of the room.

I didn't feel like getting the sweater so I just left it.

"Dang there you two are. Took you long enough-" Madeline stared at me with surprise. He saw that my sweater was off and took a glimpse at Latte. "Uhm- what'd you two even do anyway?" Madeline said nervously.

"I talked Espresso into taking his turtleneck off. I never thought you'd fuck this whore." Latte said plopping down next to Madeline.

I took a seat on Madeline's lap. The two talked while I read a book that was on the coffee table.

"Jeez Espresso how about you don't be such a lame ass and talk! You can read a damn book anytime." Latte said scolded me.

"Yeah but sitting in Madeline's lap is something that I can not do all the time." I responded.

Madeline got completely flustered. Latte looked at me, not expecting anything I just said.

"You just casually say that?" Madeline asked me.


Latte spent a few minutes saying how adorable we are together and so on.

"Anyway I'm going to get going. I'll leave you two alone to do whatever. " She got up and walked towards the door. She waved goodbye and left.

"Finally. She's a little annoying. " I said.

Madeline laughed. He messed with my hair and we talked just a bit.

"Your the best you know?" Madeline said randomly.

"Thank you. You are too." I giggled.

Madeline kissed my forehead. I kissed back but on the lips.

Madeline smiled. His smile is so sweet. I'm lucky to have him.

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