Valentines Day!!

525 13 24

(Awake espresso)
Well, today's Valentines Day. A sacred day of loving, though more pools are lonely than happy. And of course I've been stuck with that stupid loop dream, which is utterly annoying! Though sometimes I'll go to sleep just to re-experience it. And I know I'm not one to say this, but it can get rather lonely like this. Those dreams aren't helpful for this situation of mine either. Since this day is rather magical with sadness, I'll go to sleep. I'll admit, it's nice to go into those dreams. So I went over to my bed and lied down, soon falling asleep.
I couldn't help but smile at the surprise I'm about to leave for Madeline! Since this day is all about love, and I have a lover, I'll have some fun with it. I placed a note on the table that I had written earlier and walked outside. I made a little riddle for him, which for some odd reason I like doing.

Madeline's POV: Finally I can go home after that stupid look-out! It was rather pointless really. Though I've just been waiting to get home! I wonder what Ess did for me. I'm sure he did something adorable since it's Valentines Day!

When I got home, I saw a note on the table. Out of curiosity, I picked it and read it.

"Hi Mads!" He's going to drive me crazy with that nickname he's adorable. "As you know it's Valentines Day! Knowing me I of course did something for you! Though I wonder how well you know me so this riddle will give you a choice. Walk into the woods to the right of the house and you'll see two paths. Based on what the path looks like, you'll choose which one you think I'd choose. Good luck my love!~" Oh Essy~ You're so romantic dear~

I walked out the house to the woods. Like he said, two paths lied in front of me. They look similar, yet different. The path on the left was more a scenic rout. It had moss and logs decorating the pathway with small streams separating the path at times. The other path had more wildlife. Bushes and flowers filled the barks of trees and dirt. Petals scattered the path as various types of flowers lay still.

From what I know, Ess loves these routs with loads of plants. I'm sure he wouldn't risk getting over some of the rivers on the other path so I'll follow this one to the left. Plus the petals lied on the dirt remind me of that time when he got out of the hospital and surprised me! Awh he just the cutest!

Not only is this path absolutely lovely, it's peaceful! I looked over to a tree with one of the birds from the wishing tree. It had a letter in its beak as it flew over. I opened the note.

"Since your seeing this, I'd like to tell you that you're guesses are correct! I can't wait to see you at the end of the path~" I smiled at the note and continued. I'm just so excited to see him since I haven't all day. Yes I know that's rather clingy if me, but I really don't think either of us care.

I got to the end of the path. A large tree had fallen down, blocking whatever is beyond the path. The dark oak tree was covered in moss and Ess was sitting atop of it.

He looked down, excited to see me. "Madeline!" He jumped down and hugged me. "Hi!" He said like an excited kid. "Hi Essy! I'm happy to see you darling~" I said playing with is hair.

"Now I may not have brought a present you can see, but I have one for you~ Care to dance darling?" I asked.

"Hah I never learned how to dance.." He looked embarrassed.

"That's fine! Follow my lead!"

I woke up after so long. That's odd...that one was different. I guess the dream varies on the holiday or something? I'm not too sure, but I'm not complaining.

Soon after I had woken up, I got knocking at my door. I groaned and slowly got up. Of course someone has to knock at my door when I was comfortable in bed!

I opened the door and saw Madeline. "Good afternoon Essy! Happy Valentines Day to you!" He said with a smile.

"Yeah you too I guess. Who's your date? Don't lie to me saying you don't have one, over 15 people have most likely asked you. You would've said yes to at least one....right?" I wonder why my curiosity lurks to see if he has a date. Most likely my body craves a sort of love from anyone else than family.

"You'd be wrong! I didn't like anyone from school dummy! But that's not important. Ess, do you care if I spend some time with you?" He said with a relaxed smile.

"Uh sure I guess." I walked out of the doorway and Madeline walked in. "Why'd you want my company?" I asked.

"I want to spend this day with you of course!" He sat down on the couch. I took a seat next to him. "Madeline it's Valentines Day. You know there's better people to be spending this day with." I sighed at how pitiful I sound. He put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into his shoulder. "Don't think so bad about yourself Ess! You deserve to have company." He reached in his pocket and pulled out one of those heard lollipops.

"Everyone deserves affection Essy." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. Wait..HE KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK?! I sat there getting completely red.

"Happy Valentines Day Ess!" Madeline chirped while I was flustered by his action.

"Stop it you..dork!" I couldn't think of anything better at the moment. "I hate you so much!" I said pushing him off of me, blushing harder by the second.

"I love you too."

I just HAD to ship the awake espresso with is soulmate 😒 ALSO I WROTE SOME OF THIS IN SCHOOL LOL LOOK

I just HAD to ship the awake espresso with is soulmate 😒 ALSO I WROTE SOME OF THIS IN SCHOOL LOL LOOK

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