2/22/22 date 🤔

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Green Tea pov
Well isn't today cool? The date is literally all twos! Though I was a little disappointed that Jasmine was forced to go out with his family on Valentine's Day for some 'Valentines Day Date'. I mean- sure I wouldn't have had the courage to ask him out, but I would've liked to at least spend time with him.

"Hey Tea! Check the date!" Matcha ran over to me squealing. "I already saw! Pretty cool right?" I smiled. "Wait what'd I come in here for?...OH! Jasmine and Coconut wanted to take us somewhere cause of the occasion. Also because the two felt bad about V day which I wonder why..." She paused for a moment. "Whatever! It's none of our concerns. Anyway, come on!" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the house.

She pulled me over to some water fountain. Jasmine sat on the edge of the concrete with his legs crossed. He stared at the ground and picked at the old paint. He picked his head up once he heard us walk over. "I'm gonna go look for Coconut. I'll leave you two boys alone ehem!" She winked at me and ran off giggling. The nerve of her...whatever she already ran off. "Hi Tea!" Jasmine jumped up. "Oh, hi!" I smiled and gave him a wave.

He gently grabbed my hand. "Follow me." He said softly as we began to walk. Meanwhile I felt like I was going to pass out. I have a HUGE crush on him AND HE'S HOLDING MY HAND! I sighed as he guided me into the woods. "What'd you want to show me?" I asked. "It's a surprise." Uhg I hate surprises. I'd prefer to know what's going on, and where I'm going instead. If that makes sense.

He led me to a creek with many large boulders and rocks scattered everywhere. As much as this seemed like the place he'd stop, he still help my hand tightly. He pulled me up a hill and made sure I didn't trip on any roots or rocks. Which I though was really sweet!

But it's not the time to get corny. He led me up to a waterfall's cliff. The view was incredibly nice, especially with the sun peeking through the leaves and branches of old trees. It's turning spring again, and it's getting warm out. Which I'm pretty happy about! "I found this place on Valentines Day. Coconut pulled me all around that day and ranted on about how much she loved Matcha," He stopped and put his hand over his mouth.

"Please you think I didn't know?" I nudged his shoulder with a smile. "Ah. Pff it was obvious to say the least. Though she wouldn't let me leave and made that stupid excuse." He sat down and stared at the waters below. "It's alright. It's not like I was going to die without your attention!" I said jokingly. I took a seat next to him.

"It's nice to know your understanding." He turned to me and smiled. "I found this day as an opportunity to take you somewhere special. I knew you'd like this place. I've been coming here ever since I found it. It's pretty nice up here really." He grabbed a rock and threw it over the edge. "That's nice of you to think of me. Though.." I thought for a moment. Do I really want to ask this question?

"Though what?" He asked.

"Ehh...it's nothing."

"Oh come on! You started the sentence, you have to finish it."

"It's nothing really!" I panicked. He stared me down, and I just knew that he wanted the question badly. "Ewwhhhh fine! Why did you want...to spend time with me on Valentines Day?" I nearly gagged on my own words. It's such a dumb question. He leaned on my shoulder.

"It's because I knew you wouldn't have any courage to ask anyone. I didn't want you to be lonely." Ow..that hurt. He just called my lonely and I'm not too sure on how to feel about it.

"Ah-I'm sorry that was rude." He hugged my from the side. "Your really the only one I have so I really can't talk." He quietly laughed.

"What do you mean? You have Coconut and Matcha! I'm not really special." Okay that made me sound desperate for attention. "Er- I don't mean it like that." I said awkwardly. "Of course your special. I don't really spend time with Matcha. Coconut is usually busy with other people or herself. Your the only person I can really act myself around." He squeezed me a little harder.

I hugged him back. "Well your not really wrong about me being lonely. Matcha is my sister. We may live together but I hide so much crap from her." I muttered. I inched closer to him, but only by a little. "We really can't afford to lose each other huh?" Jasmine laughed.

"No we can't." I sighed. He sees me as a friend and that's all. I'm afraid he'll be grossed out if I say I like him.

As a snuggled closer to him, he whispered something. "Hmm?" I hummed. "It's nothing. I was just talking to myself."

"You made me ask a question, it's your turn now!"

"Well I was just admiring how you enjoy my warmth. It's kind of cute. That's all." He started to play with my hair. "Pfft! Made you blush~"

"Oh shut up!"

"Oh shut up!"_______________________

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Still on that grind 😍

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Still on that grind 😍

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