Highschool throwback

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Espresso's POV:

"Hey Espresso!" Latte calls from afar. Jeez it really doesn't take her long to find me huh. Weirdo

"Hi Latte. How are you?" I mumbled.

"Well dang why are you so mad?"

She's always trying to start something. Not everyone can be as energetic as you Latte. It's like your little super power. I mean she is full of energy at 7:00 in the morning.

How exactly? Great question. I don't think she's humanly. Whatever. Oh, yay...it's Madeline..

Latte: "Oh Hi Madeline! How are you?"

Seriously? I know she's friends with Madeline and stuff but if there's absolutely anyone that I wouldn't want to see especially at 7, is Madeline.

Madeline: "Hm? Oh I'm fine! It's great to see you and..Espresso."

Espresso: "Great effort I guess.."

Latte gives me the stink eye. It's not like I care. She scoffs and continues to talk to Madeline.

I don't really understand why she doesn't get that I don't want to talk to him.

Well, it's time to get to ELA. With my bratty ass teacher and Madeline's stupid ass friends.

They're little spawns of hell I swear. Like no, I do not want a damn vape. Like I'm not stupid.

At least Madeline isn't really into that kind of stuff. Or else I really would have hated him.

English Teacher: Alright today we're going to..

Madeline's POV:

Okay, I need to get to math class..oh crap did I do my homework? Whatever we'll see if I did in a few minutes.

Oh sh-I'm going to be late!

Holly crap..that was so close.

Princess: "Hey Madeline! You were almost late!"

Madeline: "Yeah yeah..but I did make it so."

Jeez I don't want everyone talking to me today. Maybe it's a good thing that Espresso doesn't talk to me. It's one less person not trying to nag at me.

Though he's the only person I'd want to talk to. How annoying.

Math teacher: "Pick your heads up come on how do you expect to do this without full attention? We'll..

Later after school
No one's POV

The three cookies packed their backs and headed out of the school. Espresso had to talk the bus today since his parents couldn't make it.

Latte: "Sorry Espresso I can't sit with you but you can sit next to uh....OH Madeline!"

Espresso: "W-No Latte I'll find a different seat."

Latte: "Oh come on you little dramatic emo boy!"

Latte pushed Espresso next Madeline, who was very startled.

Madeline: "Jesus..Latte what on Earth?-"

Latte: "Stay there you little brat! Sorry Madeline! Do you care if Espresso sits with you?"

Madeline: "No, but I'm sure Espresso isn't.

Latte: "Oh don't mind him. Anyway you two have fun~"

Madeline sighed and looked back through the window.

Espresso's POV

Whyy do I have to sit next to Madeline-woah.

What's wrong with him? I don't think I've ever seen him this down. It really doesn't help that all of these kids are screaming either.

Shit-am I leaning on his shoulder? Well, I guess it wouldn't really hurt if I stayed like this.

Uhg Im tired..

Espresso quietly yawns. He try's to keep his eyes open, but it wasn't much of a use. He fell asleep.

Madeline was surprised, and flustered. Though he let it be.

The bud ride was very loud, yet it felt like it was silent. The bumpy ride, the sharp turns,and the chatter of the kids. It shouldn't have been peaceful nor should there be a way to fall asleep. But here we are.

Madeleine had fallen asleep as well, leaning his head on Espresso's. Luckily, no one had noticed since a fight broke out in the seats. You know how that goes.

Latte had moved up all the seats near Espresso and Madeleine. She decided that she would see if Espresso was being all pouty so she moved up to where they were.

Latte: "Heyy how you guys do-oh my god..OH MY GOD NO WAY!"

Latte's hand shot over her mouth, trying not to wake them.

Raspberry: "What are you "oh my god-ing" about. Oh! That's why. Wait-WAIT SERIOUSLY?"

The two quietly squealed and laughed. They sat in the empty seat across them and talked about Espresso and Madeleine.

Latte: "Oh this is Espresso's stop! And well mine too."

Latte shook Espresso and Madeleine until he woke up.

Espresso: "what?.."

Latte: "Come on idiot we need to get off!"

Latte dragged Espresso off and took him home.

Latte: "Did you sleep well?"

Espresso: "Please it was 20 minutes."

Latte: "20 minutes of you basically cuddling Madeleine!"

Espresso: "What?! What are you talking about?"

Latte: "You were leaning on Madeleine! See? He's not so bad you're just dramatic."

Espresso blushed and quickly walked home with Latte giggling and teasing him.

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