Talk to him

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Latte walked out of the room, tearing up.
It really must be important. So important that Latte is crying over it. She's one of the strongest people I know so it's a really bad sign that she's crying.

I guess I only have one last option. Madeline. He gave it me, he would obviously know. This is so stupid. I do not want to see, talk, or look at him. With his stupidly unattractive face.

You know that you think he's attractive~

No, I do not. Even my thoughts want to pester with me. Jeez this is quite the day.

I really don't want to talk to him. I really really don't but this thought of course won't go away.

Just like that one thought...

"Do I really hate him?"

Oh that was such an annoying thought I felt like I was going to lose it.

Oh yeah? Well then why did you fall for him? That thought really made you think. Think about your love life

I..never did such. I never had fallen in love with him. Why would I? I know I have taste.

Well, I suppose I should get a move on. If I don't get rid of this thought I might as well just stab my brain.

I walked over to his place. I knocked on the door and leaned on his porch railing. He opened the door moments later and look at me, confused.

"Well, good afternoon Espresso! Uh I didn't expect you to be here." He said confused.

"I don't want to spend time with you. I only have a question." I said sternly.

I followed him to his bedroom. I sat next to him on the bed.

"So, what's this question you speak of?" He turned to me.

I held up my hand. "Why did you give me the ring?" I said holding back the second question of how the fuck did we die.

"Ah..that will be hard to explain hah.. well I gave that to you as a gift. I suppose you could call it a parting gift.." He put a hand on his head.

"What do you mean a parting gift?"

"Well, I was going to check around the forest for a few days and um...I knew you would feel lonely but of course this was before..and I um.." He looked down to the floor. "That's when I died but you forgot it all."

He had gotten killed. Then what happened to me? Since when did...did..

"I don't want you to go.."

"I have to go on a mission to save the kingdom!"

He grabbed his cape and was about to head out the door. He suddenly turned around and pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh I am going to miss you.."

I said I would miss him..why? What did we have?

I was about to say something before looking over to his nightstand. It was a framed photo of what looked like the two of us.

I got up and walked towards it. I picked up the photo and stared at it. Why is it so familiar? It feels like it's coming back. All of it. Everything t that I supposedly forgotten. It feels like it's actually all back.

Madeline glanced at me. Then realized what I was holding.


I put the photo down. I walked back and sat next to him.

"What happened? I mean it. Please just tell me.." This is so much yet so little.

He tried to explain. Smaller things of course.

"Madeline....I've heard that I've..died. How?.."

His eyes widened. "It's all my fault." He mumbled.

"Madeline..just tell me.."

I know he wanted to tell me, but he just couldn't. He just stayed quiet, gripping the sheets of the bed. Mad that he just couldn't put himself to explain.

If my death is his fault, then really what happened? What did I miss?..

I leaned on his shoulder. I put my hand on top of his. I really don't know how to comfort others. I really really don't.

Though it seems it has worked to calm him down. As we sat there in silence, unable to make a conversation, I just had to say something.

"It's alright..I know I may hate you and all but tell me when you're ready." I mumbled.

He pulled me into a hug, silently crying. I feel horrible. It doesn't feel right to just not hug him back so of course I hugged him back.

This ended up in a small cuddling session. I forgot how warm he was.

His crying soon stopped. I let him mess with my hair which kept his mind off of what he didn't want to tell me. It's fine though. I don't mind if he doesn't want to tell me. He'll tell me eventually I'm sure of it.

You know, you guys used to cuddle allll the time? It seems you never forgot what that felt like.

Yeah yeah whatever. Though I really never did.

Remember the fist time you guys cuddled?


Well, it all started out when Latte wanted you two to get closer and invited Madeline over around 9 am. You got all tired and leaned on his shoulder. Then that's when Madeline was about to leave after you fell on your bed but you begged him to stay! Then that's when you two got all cuddly!

About that....I kinda already remembered that...since I still said I hated him still counts.

Oh..yeah your right. OH I have a good one~

I think this is very ironic that my thoughts are telling me things that so forgot but also they somehow know everything y'know isn't that kinda funny?

Shut the fuck up. This is a fanfic dumbass play the part. 4th wall shit.

Okay. Just tell me.

Okay, well remember that time there was a blizzard?~

Literally why the shit would you think I'd remember that.


Okay okay whatever. No I don't.

HEHE well,~

My thoughts completely explained it.

I sat there, flustered. I'm cuddling with the person who took my virginity and who I also supposedly hate.

Well, this is a lot.

Madeline tilted my head up.
"Is something wrong? Your completely red. You weren't before."

"It's nothing aha..." I sat there still thinking about what the hell I just heard. Or remembered whatever whatever.

He stopped and pulled me closer. I shivered at the thought of him touching me. I want him to.


Okay, so the underlined words, ex: this then that means it's a memory.

Any tilted words, ex: this, then this means it's yk thoughts

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