Confess (finally bitch 😒)

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About an hour later, Madeline and I got up. Madeline had forgotten that he was planning to talk to some old friends.

I don't care since I need some time to have a gay panic alone.

Maybe that wouldn't have to be if I just told him? Soon.

Well I'll except my fate and tell Latte. She is a little love maniac but as much as she's great at it, she's nevertheless took anyone for interest. No men, woman, non-binary people, or trans people. She's not even aromatic! She's a little weirdo.

Whatever. I texted Latte to see when she was open. She said by like 5 minutes. Which gives me time to think on how I'll tell her. I mean it was pretty obvious anyway. She basically saw Madeline asking me out on a date this morning and most likely saw us holding hands.

So it shouldn't be soo bad right?
Well I guess it's Latte we're talking about. She goes crazy over the littlest things such as an ant. I get it, you can be scared of bugs and such, but seeing an ant that's outside and screaming at it is a little unnecessary.

I'm getting off track. It seems that the 5 minutes have passed anyway. She'll be here right now.

Just as I said that she opened my door. "Hey! What cha' need?" She asked cheerfully.

I sighed. "So yeah uh-I like Madeline and I was just wondering if you could give me some pointers?" I asked tilting my head to the side, putting my hand on the back of my neck.

"Wait really?! Okay I guess it makes sense I mean you guys are really touchy. Though the way your acting is slowly giving off that you like him! Just be a little nicer and you're in the ball park! OH it would be a little romantic if you were your normal rude grumpy self to others but not to him. Like a soft spot!"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that's already going on."

Latte thought about my actions quickly. She realized that mostly everything I was doing was a small, but great give a way to me liking him.

"Well, yeah! Keep it up! By the way the whole town ships the two of you. Pastry took a quick visit and told us her mother said that you two looked cute together!" Latte smiled holding her hands together up to her cheek.

"How did we get a homophobic church grandma to say we look cute together? You know how homophobic old people are?!" I yelled.

"I know right! You guys are a perfect fit! I'm sure Madeline like you back too! As much as he cares for people, he totally would never cuddle someone other than you if they were tired!" Latte said eagerly.

Okay this is the most helpful she's ever been. She's actually giving me hope that Madeline may like me back! I will have to agree with her though, we do look pretty fucking gay together.

You know what, if I wait another day I'll just lose the confidence that I already have. Latte has cheered me up enough.

I texted Madeline.
"Hey I know you're busy and such but when you have a moment, can we speak? Preferably in person." I put my phone down and decided to go on a walk with Latte.

Everything was going well. She was teasing me and all, but I had a lot of fun with her. I'm also pretty positive that was the first time I ever turned down coffee. Latte asked if I wanted to go to the new place like me and Madeline did and I surprisingly said no!

Even Latte was surprised by this. "Good for you! Finally coming to your senses that coffee isn't everything!" She said laughing.

I couldn't help but snicker. It was definitely true. Thinking back, I was really obsessed with it. Madeline really is right. I have changed. And I feel better than ever.

Sort of actually. This place is still annoying. Not as much though.

After I got back, Madeline had responded.

"Of course. What time are you open!

"Anytime you are."

"Alright then how about now?"

"Sure, but do you care if we go up to the one flower field up the hill?"

"Not at all. I'll meet you there."

I put my phone down. Before I exit the house I need to think of a way to tell him. I guess the old "I like you" something something will work.

I walked out. Taking a deep breath I walked toward the hill.

I walked up it to see Madeline's hair fluttering in the sudden wind. How ironic. He smiled and waved. "Hopefully you won't get sick up here again!" He laughed.

I walked toward him, nervous as hell.

"Is something wrong darling?" Madeline asked with concern, studying my face.

"No not at all!" I said clearly lying.

"Well, why'd you want me up here in the first place?" He asked.

"I wanted to tell you something , it's really important and I kinda didn't want the town to hear it." I took a deep breath. "Madeline, I-really really like you.." I said looking away.

Madeline looked shocked. He couldn't say anything.

It's like I could feel rejection pounding on my head.

"Oh could I ever say I don't like you?" He ran up to me giving the biggest hug I think I'll ever feel in my lifetime.

"I love you so much.." He mumbled in my ear.


Also for that little smut bit I was fricking listening to kk moody 😭😭😭

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