Family reunion??

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After a few weeks, Chai was getting a whole lot better, it seems she even forgot about it. Me and Madeline were on a small date in the woods having a little picnic.

"C'mere! Let me put this on you!" Madeline pulled me closer and put a beautiful purple bell flower in my hair. Then he gave me a kiss.

"Do you like it?" I smiled at him. "Yes of course I like it!" I plucked a nicely bloomed white lily and slid it in Madeleine'a hair.

"Now we can be matching white flowers in our hair!" I smiled and held his hand. Madeline blushed hearing this but he smiled back right after.

Though one of the birds from the wishing tree had flew to the two of us.

The bird placed a note in between us and tweeted. The bird flew off back to the wishing tree.

I looked at the piece of paper wrapped delicately in string confused before opening it. Though I carefully untied the string to reveal the note. I read it aloud.

Well good afternoon coffee mage and light mage! You most likely have no clue who I am, but I could really use your help! At 'Suivele, all the Coffee mages and Light mages are meeting up for a friendly dinner. The problem is, they all hate each other! I've heard you two get along really well so it's be nice if you could show them that two opposites can get along? Plus, your relatives, parents and all will be there! You wouldn't want to miss out on a nice family reunion right? The time will be today at 5:30, it's currently 3:30 (estimated time for when this would get there) so that will give you plenty of time!

I looked back up at Madeline who was just as confused as I was.

"Should we?" I stared back at the note, then back at him.

"I suppose, though we don't know what to expect so be careful." I could tell he was unsure if he should go. I was too, we haven't seen our family in forever, what will they think of us?

"Whatever happens, we'll be there together!" I said trying to cheer him up. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He gave me a hug.

"Well, I suppose we should get ready." He looked me in the eyes and gave me another kiss.

After we got ready, we went on the hot air balloon. I was wearing something a little bit more classy, but casual in a way. Regular black dress pants and a red dress shirt with a small ruffle at the top. I wore a black over coat as well. I had my hair tied up into a small ponytail since I didn't really want it in my face while we were there.

Madeline also wore regular black dress pants with a dress shirt as well. Wait! There's a twist! He was wearing a corset and a necklace. He had his hair tied up in a beautiful blue ribbon too.

I watched the view from the balloon, it was pretty nice from up here. I was nervous to go to 'Suivele though. It's where I used to live before going to college and moving away completely. This place is far, far away from the kingdom and I don't know how to feel about going here after so long.

I took a seat next to Madeline and held his hand. He could tell I was worried so he gave me a hug.

"Ah we're here! You guys have a nice trip!" We walked off the hot air balloon.

A boy, about 16, ran over to us.

"You guys really came! Oh thank god! Uh hi! My name is Sea salt cookie! Um I guess we should go inside and stuff..I told everyone that you guys may be here so I'm super happy you didn't let them down! The only reason why I really really wanted you guys to come here was because I believe in the divine and use light magic, and practice coffee magic at the same time! Though the family isn't fond of it.. Well let's go inside!" He motioned us to follow him. Huh, a coffee and light mage, how interesting.

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