A fight

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They lead us to a huge dinning room. Macchiato, my mother, pulled out a chair for me. Silk did the same for Madeline.

They both said beside us, leaving me and Madeline across the table from each other. Whilst the food was being passed around, my mom looked at me.

"So, how have you been? I would love to see some of the things you've learned!" She smiled at me.

"Oh it's been nice back at the kingdom I live at! In fact, there is another coffee mage there that teaches some other kids about her magic." I replied.

"Oh that nice! What's her name by chance?"

"Latte, she's a friend of mine."

"Maybe you should date her!" I choked on my drink. I looked at Madeline with surprise and he did too. Though I pulled it off my saying that it caught me off guard since we're just friends at the moment.

"Well my apologies!" She brushed through my hair.

"Nice going. Making your child choke." Silk glared at Macchiato. I just rolled my eyes and continued to eat.

Later, most of my family was begging to see what I had learned. I said maybe, and I had pulled Madeline off to the side.

"Hey I know that our families want to see our power, and I was kind of thinking maybe, just maybe, we could fight..but we wouldn't like hurt each other? I-I don't know it's you choice.." I suggested.

"You know what? Your on." He bent down and smirked. I rolled my eyes and we went back out to our family members.

"So Espresso, have you reconsidered fighting their..kid?" She looked over at Madeleine and back at me.

"Sure. Why not?" Silk and my mother looked surprised.

"I'm okay with it. Only because I'll most likely be stronger." Madeline smirked at me.

"You wish!" I smirked back at him before we went outside.

"Give him everything you got!" Someone yelled from the cluster of family. I rolled my eyes knowing I wouldn't, since I don't want to hurt him.

I noticed that Madeline didn't have his armor on, finally making it fair if we were in an actual fight.

"Why don't you take the first move? I'm feeling generous since you'll end up losing." Madeline said sarcastically knowing that I was pretty powerful.

"Fine, but stop being so cocky." I shot a beam towards him in which he dodged, making the fight begin.

Madeline had brought his sword apparently, so he ran over towards me and swung the sword in my direction. I dodged as well.

"When did you get the sword blonde-y? Can't fight without one?" If he's going to be cocky then I will to.

"Same thing with your magic!" Madeline shot back at me. Then swung his sword again.

After like 2 minutes, the fight had gotten pretty intense. We were getting tired, but we knew we had to continue. Our families watched in shock not knowing how powerful we were.

I made the black hole behind Madeline in which he had gotten sucked towards it. It exploded once he gotten close to it but I immediately casted a healing spell to cancel out the pain.

He felt a burning sensation for about a second before I healed him. I mouthed the word "sorry" knowing that I had gotten a little carried away.

Though Madeline got up with a smirk on his face. Everyone thought that he was a goner but obviously I healed him so he wasn't.

"No wounds at at..you son could've killed mine! You are so lucky that he isn't powerful enough to actually hurt my child!" Silk screamed.

Though before I could react, Madeline ran over and pushed me to the ground and held his sword up to my neck.

"Not bad Essy.." He gave me a smirk.

"I could kill you if I wanted to you know that right?" I shot him a death stare. Though I wasn't about to let this be the end, so I held my hand up and blasted a beam into his face.

Madeline got knocked off of me which aloud me to get up.

I could tell he was surprised, but he looked up quickly. Now he knows not to let his guard down.

After about another 5 minutes, I got tired out and Madeline had gotten me to the ground again.

"Fine you win you jerk." I rolled my eyes but I knew I couldn't fight anymore. To be honest he fights for a living so he has much more energy than I do.

He smiled and gave me a hand. He helped me up and as I looked around, our families were so shocked that they didn't even react when Madeline helped me.

"Espresso! That was amazing! If coffee magic wasn't so tiring and so much harder than light magic you would've won!" My mom said walked out of the crowd to me.

"Get you hands off my child." She gave a death stare to Madeline. "You've done enough to hurt him so back off."

I held back an eye roll. Madeline shrugged and let me go.

"That was awesome Essy! Since when could you fight like that!!?" Someone yelled out from the crowd. Me and Madeline looked at each other. There's only one other person who calls me Essy, and that's Latte.

Just as I thought. I saw her scoop down to me and Madeline. "That was incredibly impressive actually! Why don't you fight more often??" Latte looked at me confused, and so did the families.

"May I ask, who are you?" My mother looked Latte up and down.

"The name's Latte! I'm his friend back at the kingdom we live at. Nice to meet you!" She held out her hand which Macchiato shook.

"Of course, just more of those ugly Coffee mages." Silk muttered.

Latte shot her a look. I shook my head at her. She saw and stopped.  "Well you should of told me you were coming to 'Suivele I would've gladly came!" Latte said trying to switch the subject. 

Sea Salt ran over to her. "When did you meet Espresso? Or maybe even Madeline. I don't know if coffee mages and light mages get along back wherever you guys are." He asked.

"Aw well aren't you cute? Well, these two used to hate each other! Well, more like Espresso hated Madeline but they got along over time!" Latte smiled.

"Wait are you saying, two opposing people like each other??" A girl stepped out of the crowd. "I knew it was possible! You all didn't believe me and Sea Salt but we told you!" She quietly celebrated to herself.

Silk and Macchiato look at us like we were crazy. "You two get along? If you do then that's just wrong!" Silk looked at Latte then at the two of us.

Though my mother just smiled. "It's nice to know that even if we hate each other, you don't have to follow our rule." She gave me a relaxed smile.

"Thank me! Espresso was always super gru-" I cut her off.

"Aha shut up that was a long, long time ago.." I shot her a death stare in which she smiled back at me.

Macchiato smiled. "Silk, you can't hold your kid hostage. Let go of him. He's found his own life, let him go." She looked at Silk who was holding Madeline's wrists tightly.

"He can't just talk to some Coffee mages! You know what they did to me! They'll just do the same!" She screamed at the three of us.

"That was in the past, over 10 years ago. They won't do any of that to him I'm sure of it." I looked over at Silk who looked like she was going to break down in seconds.

Silk them looked over at me. "Please promise me..that you can keep him safe from those bad ones...please?" She said holding back tears. I nodded. I'd love to keep him safe of course, though I'd like to know what happened to her.

It's none of my business. Later we said our goodbyes and went on the hot air balloon.

"Please come again!" Silk called out.

"Maybe we should bond again. Just like all those years ago."

"What? Really..! I'd love to.."

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