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About a week later, Matcha and Tea had moved into their new rooms. Chai was incredibly happy to move in with us, thanking us over and over. Madeline and I were happy letting her stay with us.

"Come on Ess, it's getting late." Madeline leaned over my shoulder. "Alright alright..I'm coming." I got up from my desk and we went to bed.
"Uhhgg...we have math neexxtt!" Latte complained.

"Oh come on. It's not so bad!" Oh there Latte goes again, complaining about how hard college is. As she kept complaining, I tried to skip by her. Though Latte noticed. "Oh my god you are so annoying! Can't you just listen!" She scolded me. "I need to get to class Latte. You do too!" I walked away from her as she pouted. Though she eventually left to go to her class. Now I'm stuck with Madeline..wonderful. I hate social studies and I hate Madeline so I really have great luck. I entered the classroom and took a seat. The teacher was busy getting ready for their promised lecture which is great. I waited for them to start while keeping my eyes away from anything else but my hands. I hate when you make random eye contact with someone else you I don't really talk to. Not that I even like to make eye contact which anyone anyway.

After the teachers long lecture about not smoking, especially on school grounds, they finally got to the lesson. "So what we have assigned is a project. You and a classmate will be paired and you will have to make and present something about ____. I will be assigning the pairs. And no, you can NOT work alone, this is not optional." They started giving pairs to everyone. I don't have any peers or interests in working with anyone in here so this should be fun. "____ and ___, Espresso and Madeline, ____ and ____. Is that everyone?" Wow how lovely. I swear I'm going to kill someone. "Alright perfect! You have the rest of the class off to go work with your partner. I'm not asking you to befriend them, I'm asking you do the work with effort and at least turn it in."

Later when I went to Madeline's dorm to get that project done, it was very awkward. He knows how much I hate him, lucky for me he can take a hint. Though we'll have to talk to each other..

"Do you even know anything about this subject? I mean by the looks of it, you look like you had taken naps or daydreamed during all of those lessons." I scoffed at him.

"Are you stereotyping me to just not listen?!" He looked at me annoyed.

"Maybe I am, only because in high school you were a moron!" This argument continued for at least 5 minutes before Madeline tried stopping it.

"Look okay sure I didn't necessarily listen back then but that doesn't mean you can be mad at me for it. We just need to get this project done that's all." He said calmly. I tapped my arm with my pointer finger. It's nice to know he agrees with me. "Alright..though have you really been listening?" I was curious, though I should've not said that, especially in that tone.

"I have. Now we just need to figure out how we want to do this." After at least 20 minutes, I realized that it wasn't so bad working with him. I did doubt him a whole lot, but he isn't what he used to be. He definitely is trying this year.

"Didn't she..uh-" Crap I completely forgot.

"She was the first girl to rule right?" Madeline looked at me, a little nervous since he didn't want to be wrong. Which I can sort of see why, I'd probably say that he actually wasn't listening just to be petty, but he most likely knows more than I do on this.

"I think so yeah...Yeah she was!" I said a little too excitedly. We continued until our next class, in fact we were almost done! That's never happened with anyone I've worked with. They all usually tell me to do their part, which I didn't really have a choice. They'd usually threaten me if I didn't.

After about a week, we turned the project in. The teacher was extremely happy to see that we actually put some effort in. If we ever have a project in this room again then I'm hoping I get paired with Madeline again, he actually tried.
I woke up, a little shocked about that..weird college memory I had. It's still dark so it must be in the middle of the night. Madeline was surprised on how I shot up. He grabbed my hand lightly and looked up at me. "What's wrong..?" He asked quietly. "Oh it's nothing." I lied down and held my arms out. Madeline smiled and pulled me into a hug. I fell asleep soon after.
Hm? Madeline wants to see me later? This must be one of Latte's practical tricks that she plays. When will she realize that I don't want to see Madeline whatsoever. Plus, I have work to do! So I'm not going.

After at least an hour, Latte ran into the room. "Hey come one Madeline us waiting for you you asshole! Stop being so rude and actually think for a minute!" So it was him? Oh that's lovely, I definitely wanted to see him.

"Okay but where?" I asked, making it obvious I didn't want to see him. "On the hill top. Oo~ How romantic!" She giggled and ran out the room. I sat there in shock, though I knew I wouldn't be able to catch up to her at this rate. I stood up, regretting this situation. I walked up the hill and I saw Madeline sitting there, looking at something in the distance.

"Alright what'd you want? And make it quick." I sat next to him. "Oh I just really needed to talk to you about something!" He smiled at me. I just want to jump off a cliff so bad. I tapped my fingers on the grass. "Okay, what is it?" I said, getting a little curious.

His smile slowly faded. "Well..I'm leaving the kingdom." I heard him sigh. "I just wanted to let you know."

"Why do you think I care? I personally hate you. It's quite the relief that you're leaving." I covered my mouth in surprise. Why would I say that?! That's even harsh for me! "I am so so-"

"Save it. I already know. There's only one other thing I'd like you to know. It's that my parents had forced me to train for hours and hours every day. You say that I didn't do anything to get to my place but I didn't even want to be at this place. Sure I'm not mad about it, I'm proud of myself. I just wish you were too. That's why I kept trying to talk to you...all of these years I just wanted to at least be a friend of yours. It was nice sort of knowing you." He gave me a smile. A smile...why?

"Madeline I-"

"I have to get going. Bye Ess." He got up and walked away, leaving me there. Speechless. "Maybe it was for the best we weren't friends y'know? Maybe we...Maybe I should've stayed away from you."

I woke up again, this time it's morning. Madeline wasn't there. It felt..real. I looked's my old room. Was everything I went through all a dream? Or am I just going insane? Do I..exist? I got up and got dressed. I rushed outside. "Hey Espresso! How are ya! By the way I totally didn't set you and Madeline up to talk in like..5 minutes!" She smiled. I looked at her in was all fake!? I finally felt happy with myself and now I finally woke up! What the hell?! I ran back to my house with Latte running behind me.

"Espresso come on! It's not that ba-"

"Leave me alone for like 10 minutes okay.." I Locked the door behind me and ran upstairs. There's no couldn't have been fake..right? After about 15 minutes, I just excepted it wasn't real. I sat down on my bad, knees up to my chest. I hate everything. I heard knocking on my door but I didn't even bother answering.

"Ess..? You alright?" Madeline walked in the room and sat down next to me. "I..I'm fine. You wouldn't understand. It would just be embarrassing for me to explain."  I muttered. Madeline carefully grabbed my chin and tilted towards him. "You'll feel better if you tell me! Though if not, you want a hug?" He stared into my eyes, waiting for a response. I held out my arms and Madeline smiled before hugging me. What a kind offer..I actually feel his warmth instead of it being and illusion. I want to tell him..I just can't. He wouldn't understand.

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