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Well, today just may be a day where everything is normal and nothing horrendous happens. What could possibly happen anyway? I mean there's been days where I suspected nothing to happen but stuff did, though hopefully this isn't one of those times. Madeline is on another patrol, which is weird.

He's never went in so many patrols in such a short time. Every time I bring it up he gets super worried. I wonder what that's all about? Oh whatever it's probably something like pomegranate is starting to make her power grow or something they'd get worried about. Hopefully it's nothing too important.

So I sat there at my desk with my coffee, ready to start the day. I ran a few experiments which went pretty well, I had to of course do some annoying math, small notes and stuff like that.

It's going pretty well! Though it's just the beginning of the day, it'll be ruined some how. However, it's nice my day doesn't have to start as a complete catastrophe. I finished up my work, and I don't feel like going outside today.

It could be a good day without any chaos but I'm not in the mood for going outdoors. So I grabbed a book, sat down on my bed and began to read. I haven't had a peaceful moment like this in awhile, but it's not like I'm complaining. I'm completely fine with Madeline being around.

I mean he's my boyfriend what'd you think?

After a few hours, Madeline came back home looking panicked. He was a mess. Twigs in his hair, dirt all over him, and oh was he messy.

"Madeline? What..happened?" I said scanning him.

"I-....we may have a super big problem.." He gasped for air as he took his shoes, armor, cape and all that off.

"What is it?" Whatever it is, it's important.

"Dark Enchantress, she could possibly take over the kingdom.." He put a hand on his head and brushed his hair back stressed.

"Woah woah come here." He came over and sat down. I took all of the twigs and leaves from his hair. I grabbed his hair brush and began to brush it out.

"Thank you, but you know I can do that myself." He said trying to calm down.

"It's fine. You know I like to mess around with you hair." I could hear him chuckle. I smiled and continued to brush his hair. I don't want him to be stressed over that, so I'll keep his mind off of it.

I finished brushing his hair. He pulled me into a hug and lied my down. He pulled me up to his chest and brushed through my hair with his fingers. It seems my little plan worked. He just seemed focused on me. All I wanted him to do was get his mind off of that and it worked luckily.

I took of my glasses and set them on the nightstand. We were in bed and I'm a tired person so obviously, I got tired. Plus I think when Madeline strokes my hair lol that he makes me get extremely tired.

"You tired?" He asked still messing with my hair.

I nodded. I was like half asleep anyway. He pulled me up just a little and kissed my forehead. I nuzzled into his chest before completely falling asleep.

I woke up to loud explosions and many screams. Madeline woke up with me. What in the world is going on?!

I peeked out the window to see chaos breaking out. Ah of course. My luck is a whore.

Madeline looked out with me. He knew exactly what was going on. I could feel his panic. There's just so much going on, I wouldn't want to lose him again.

He got up to go get his armor on.

"Madeline," I reached out to him but stopped myself. "Just be careful.."

He nodded and headed out the door. I can't fight in my state of position. I haven't fully recovered from that head injury and if I try to fight I'll pass out or break the stitches. Either one would be horrible. So I turned the lights off in the house and hid. Oh I could feel how much today would hurt.

Hours's all black in my vision. What in the world happened? I was just in a closet I can't remember anything? I woke up in a chamber tied up in chain.

"Isn't this a little excessive?" I muttered looking back at how I was tied. I sighed and turned to the door as it was being unlocked. I looked up to see none other than....


I stared at her with great horror. Oh what the FUCK?! She worked with the other side for to kidnap me, most likely kill Madeline and Latte and to make me fall in love with her. Oh I'm pissed.

"Well it seems you recognize me! Hi again! Did you really think that you'd get rid of me so easily? Well that's not how I work!" She smiled at me.

"Maybe if you could read the room then you'd FUCK OFF!" I glared at her. This absolute piece of shit can't tell who I like! I'm gonna lose it!

"Hey well don't be rude! You know we share something, and I'll have to prove it to you!" She pouted trying to be all cute. What the fuck does she think she is?! A cat?!

"Prove it by trying to use a potion to make me love you? You're living a fantasy you asshole! I like someone else why can't you except that?!" I squirmed in the chains trying to maybe get out.  It wasn't of use, but it was worth some sort of shot. If that stupid wanna be Charlie D'ameilo or wanna be Addison Rae didn't hit me so hard in my head to so on so "prove her love" then I could've easily melted these chains and rocked her shit.

I mean how does she think she'll show me her love now?! By Hitting the woah? I swear to god I'm going to kill her.

"If you won't listen to us, then we'll make you kill every single person you love one by one." She growled. "This is just my revenge."

"How exactly?" I rolled my eyes at the thought that she thinks she can just persuade me into killing someone other than her..or myself HEHE/j

"We'll send in a gas from those vents there and you'll sit there in breathe it all in. Once the gas sets, you'll be under our full control like a little cute zombie!" She intimidated a zombie, I'm not impressed. Though obviously Red Velvet is with her on this and would be serious about the  gas. So I'll have to maybe listen.

"Okay whatever. What even am I supposed to follow chained up here?" I groaned at the through today having to hear her voice all day.

I saw Red Velvet stand in the door way. "You're going to listened by breathing in the gas." He smirked and pulled Frappuccino out the room. I can't believe this shit.

The gas started to ooze into the room as I sat there. I can't just not breathe. I don't feel like dying right now to be honest. I sighed and soon enough, I couldn't control myself. It was weird and all blurry. It's like I could do whatever, but just couldn't.

Madeline's pov:

These stupid cake hounds aren't even hard to kill, they're just in the way. It's annoying like bro go away.

Jeez well this isn't as bad as expected..Espresso? What is he doing?

"Oh Madeline great to see ya! Ah your dear friend over here has had enough of this kingdom and is now working with us! Isn't that right?" Red Velvet turned to Essy, who nodded and glared at me.

That's not right. They did something. He wouldn't just switch up like that.

Espresso shot his hand up to me and used his manic to make a large blast to try and hurt me. I dodged and walked towards them.

"What did you do?" I said blocked another one of his beams.

"Nothing, this was all his choice." Red Velvet pulled out his sword. I glared at him. I put my hair up into a ponytail and pointed my sword towards him.

"He wouldn't just switch up like that." I said continuing to walk towards them.

"How would you know that exactly?" He said getting into a ready stance.

"Because I'm actually a friend of his, not a red haired piece of shit who wants power."

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