Left alone

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Chai's (my freaking best creation) pov:

What's going on? Why are there people with red splotches and big cuts in them? Why is Latte fighting that man? Why is that man trying to hurt Latte? Why is my sister trying to hurt Madeline?

What is going on? I went over to a man with green hair that looked like leaves.

"Excuse me sir? What's going on.." It's not right. This isn't how the kingdom usually is! It's usually all super bright and happy! This isn't happy at all! People are fighting and getting hurt!

Why..? Why are they getting hurt?

"Oh....chai I don't know how to explain this...do you know about the movie "The warrior and the dragon?" by any chance?" He crouched down.

"Mhm why?" I looked at him.

"Well in the movie there is..bad guys who are trying to hurt people.. and the same scenario is happening as of now...look you need to run. You'll get incredibly hurt if you stay much longer." He looks worried. Usually when I see him he's happy...

There's bad guys too?... Though I'll do as told! I ran off into the woods. It's so dark...and scary and creepy.. this isn't what they usually look like..maybe that's because there was someone to guid me.

Though where are they now? They aren't here which means I'm alone...all alone in the dark...I-I'll be fine! Like dad would say, "A true knight doesn't have a fear! When they do, they overcome it!"

Hm...where did daddy go? Where did mommy go? Why does sissy hate me?

Well these questions are not important as of now! Probably...I should get going like he said! For my safety!

Maybe there will be cool dragons that breath fire! Or super cool crystal caves full of diamonds! Even ginormous waterfalls! Maybe I'll make a little hide out! It'll be all for me! I'll be the queen, king, princess, and citizens all at once!

Though there should be more than one person. What does the term "externally lonely mean?" I've heard it before but does it mean like a code? Like a Morse code for "run away!"

Yeah that'd be awesome! Maybe I can start a fire with sticks and stuff! Like I'm the movies!

I climbed up a tree with some branches clumped together. Perfect! This will be my little  treehouse! I wish that Pancake or someone were here to join me..

Though sometimes a knight needs to complete a mission on her own! All alone! One with themselves!

Chai is..well you could say reality challenged. She doesn't like to see the world as the world. More of a daydream. She loves fantasy and tried to fit loads of it into her world as something new. Seeing that fights are real and can actually hurt people doesn't look right..not to her.

She didn't plan on going into the woods. She usually sees this place as a new adventure everyday. Though the thick leaves at this part of the forest makes it look dark. She doesn't see this type of stuff in movies. So it isn't right.

When she realizes that something can't fit into her alternate reality, she breaks down. She'll cry until it seems better again.

She even pretended that her sister is like an evil stepmother to make her abusive ways fit. To make it seem like it's in a movie, and she tries to make it as adventurous as possible. If it feels she isn't entertaining her "viewers" she'll feel bad as if someone's watching.

Many have tried to get this trait off of her, but it will never go away until she gets real therapy.

She brought a flashlight. She pretended that the flashlight was a lantern, and that lantern was used for her great adventure called "The dark night in a forest with a brave knight!"

She heard sudden walking.

First person pov

What is that noise? It's going to be a goblin! Those things are super annoying! It's my duty to keep me, myself, and I safe!

It's that man that Latte was fighting. He must be an evil guy that wants to capture the fairy princess!

Uh oh he spotted me! I stare down onto him. Seems pretty effective!

"What are you doing up there, little girl?" He said with a bold tone.

"Saving the forest! I'm spending the night in here! It's pretty dangerous! Filled with goblins and weird mud monsters!" I looked around to see if any were sneaking up on us.

"Right...I don't have time for some little girl getting on my way. I wonder if you could lore that utterly pathetic kingdom people?" He stared at me and asked, "Do you live in that kingdom back there?"

"Oh yeah! It's super cool there! It's like a super fun rainbow express full of what most could wish for! A loving home!" I smiled.

I heard him snicker. "Do they care about you back there?"

"Yep! They're all super duper nice and stuff! I jumped down from the tree. "Say, why are you asking me sick questions?"

"Your coming with me." He grabbed the back of my hoodie and covered my mouth. Drat! The bad guys got me! Though the fairy's are fine!

Later we got to some weird place. I don't know if it's going to fit..no no this can't be...it has to fit it can be the bad guys lair or or....it just doesn't work..

The man dropped me in a room. "Stay there you weird kid."

This room doesn't fit...it doesn't look like a jail cell..or a chamber...what is it?

I dropped to my knees.

"It...just doesn't fit!" I began to sob. Why..WHY CAN'T IT FIT?? WHY DOESN'T IT FIT!? NONE OF IT DOES

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