Hey guys

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So uhh yep!! It was requested for me to make espresso die so yk you ask I serve

This'll be related to what..One Hopeless fall??? (Pukes and sobs at cringy ass chp name)
Anyway bros gon die
Months passed by slowly ever since I stopped talking to Latte. I hate this, I hate myself for even thinking so stupidly about her. Sure, I hate Madeleine for my own reasons, but Latte? I..I can't think of one way that I hate her. I mean she was loud, and ambitious, but that's Latte, and I know that!

Thanks to my lack of experience in any type of friendship, I pushed her away. Now I'm stuck alone with..no one. And I can't even talk to her. Why would she listen to me? Why would anyone listen to me after this point!? I'm sure everyone in this whole goddamn kingdom knows I'm an asshole, so is there any point in trying? The answer would be no, obviously. No one wants to talk to a suck up twenty year old who doesn't have any friends. Let alone someone who can't even keep themselves upright like a normal person.

It doesn't help that I keep thinking of the stupid bridge. All I think is just..jumping. Fuck, who would it even hurt? Would anyone even care? I mean shit, if I died, would anyone even notice? I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was no. I looked up at the picture of Latte and I. She looks so happy..wish I could say the same. At that age I was already burned out of a normal childhood. I guess that's what happens when you have a narcissistic father. I let out a sigh and looked back at the paper on my desk. Right, where was I? I grabbed the mug on the corner of my desk and sipped from it, only to realize that there was nothing in it. Damn it, I must've drunken all of the coffee without realizing it. I got up and looked around the laboratory. I kicked around through the books, paper, and clothes on the floor. I looked through shelves and drawers to find nothing. "Damn it, where did I put my coffee beans?" I said aloud. I glanced to a trash can to see an empty bag of coffee beans. I already finished them!? Damn it, those were supposed to last longer. That means I'll have to go out there..
(Latte's POV): Oh, what I wonderful day, isn't it? I stretched my arms and looked over to Madeleine. "Hey, why don't we do something fu-" I saw Espresso in my peripheral vision. I let out a scoff and turned so I wouldn't see him. "I can't believe he has the nerve to come out here." I whispered. Madeleine looked over my shoulder and narrowed his eyes. "Hm." He hummed. I glanced back at him to get one last look. His eyes were fixated on the ground, his head laying low. His fingers dug into his sleeves as he walks quickly. He avoided any crowds or any people whatsoever. "Jeez, did he get worse?" I mumbled. Madeleine shrugged and kept looking at him. "It's best we just leave him. He left us." He said. I nodded in agreement.
(Espresso's POV): I kept looking at Madeleine and Latte. I can't help but stare. I'm sure they're happy, and I'm sure they don't care about me either.

I got the coffee beans and walked back. I stepped into the lab with a sigh, shutting the door quickly. I brewed some coffee and sat down at my desk again, putting a hand on my head and just sitting there for a moment. I stared at the papers with no thought. I've barely been able to work or sleep. I've spent countless nights just sitting here, staring and thinking about stupid things. I would keep on wondering how it'd be to just end everything. Discard everything I ever had and just give up. Does anything I do even matter anymore?

I grabbed a piece of paper and ripped it out.

It doesn't matter anymore. I just don't feel the need to lug around my skin and organs that I just want to pull and peel off of me. These useless limbs that serve no purpose. I doubt that anyone would even care to read this, let alone even acknowledge that I'm gone. Though I've decided that I'll just end everything. It doesn't matter to me anymore.

I slightly cringed and set the note on the middle of my desk. Who would even read that? God, I honestly hope no one will. It's be better for their sake anyway.

I made my way to the bridge, the wind whipping around me as I stood on the concrete. I walked to the railing and stared at the river below. I've heard that it's only a 98% chance of surviving the fall of a bridge. I guess we'll see if I'm lucky enough to stay away from that 2%. I but my lib, taking of my glasses and holding them. I turned and stared toward the middle of the bridge which was empty. It's like I can still hear her voice.
"Hey! Espresso!!" Someone called out. I turned around to see Latte running onto the bridge. She tackled me with a hug. "It's been forever!" She whined. "I know. My parents have been too busy to walk me here." I sighed. "Yeah, I know. But hey, now you're here! Cmon, let's do all kinds of fun stuff!" She exclaimed with a big smile. She took my hand as I followed, laughing as I ran. "Wait! Kids, come back here!" My mom called out. Latte dragged us back with a groan. "What?" She asked. She pushed us together and pulled out a camera. "Smile!" She said. Latte swung and arm around my shoulder and held up her other hand. I let out a laugh as my mom snapped the photo.
It pains me knowing that was so long ago. It hurts even more knowing we aren't close anymore. And I'm to blame. All because of this hating Madeleine shit. Do I even have my reasons? Am I just being fucking petty because he has a better life than I could ever have, let alone think of?! Is that my reason?! I don't deserve to live. I wasted my life on nothing.

I stepped over the railing and let out a breath. I can't even blame anyone for this. I can blame myself, and that's only urging me to let go. My hands slid off the railing as I fell forward. The pain ripped through my body when I hit the water, the cold absorbing my body. My vision went black as the pain throbbed through every limb. I begged for death; prayed for it. A cold, numb feeling went through my body as my breath shortened. I let my eyes close, wondering if this was the sweet relief of death.
(Latte's POV): "I think we should pay him a visit." Madeleine said to me. "Why? He left us, he hated you, I mean it'd be pointless." I snarled. "I don't know. I can't help but think about how he was acting when he came out here. He looked so..scared." He sighed. I grumbled and bit my inner-cheek. "Fine! But I'm only doing it for you." I said. He smiled and pat my head. "Thanks, Latte."

We walked up to the Laboratory and I knocked. "Espresso, open up. Just doing a quick visit. It'd be nice if you apologized." I said. No response. "Okay, fine! Maybe that was petty of me, but you could do the very least and respond!" I yelled out. Still nothing. "Gah! Madeleine, open the door." I commanded. He shrugged and kicked the door down. "Alright, let's see why you aren't res-..what's that?" I pointed at a note on the desk. "I don't know. Want me to read it?" He asked, and I nodded. He picked up the thin paper and scanned it, looking horrified. "What? Is it his awful grocery list or something?" I sarcastically asked. "No.. Latte he..He went to kill himself..." He mumbled. "Y-You're kidding..!" I snatched the note from his hands and gasped. "No, no, no, no! I didn't want it to lead up to this!" I whispered. "Where'd be go!? I questioned. I looked around and saw a framed picture of me and Espresso on a bridge. Fuck..
We rushed over to see no one was there. "Shit! He must've already jumped! What do we do?" I looked at Madeleine frantically. "I..I don't know..."

We followed the river quickly, trying to find any traces of him. After so long, we walked up to his limp body. His body was washed up to the shore next to the river bed, blood in the water next to him. Madeleine ran up to him and put a hand on his forehead, then checked his pulse. His eyes widened as he stepped away. "Don't..Don't tell me-" I broke down into tears. "I...I'm sorry.." He mumbled, kneeling down next to me.
He dead dead LMAO ok love you bye

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