I know I'm a bother to you.

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(This is some random one shot cause I'm bored)
Warnings: Angst, intrusive thoughts
As we all know, Espresso doesn't like Madeline. Madeline being a light user, he's always loud and obnoxious. This was no where near fitting for Espresso. He'd prefer a nice calm, quiet area. With Madeline there wouldn't be anything that he enjoyed. He had always hated Madeline ever since he got to the kingdom. It's been 3 years since Madeline had moved in, and those 3 years were torturing to Espresso. Espresso did as much as he could to show Madeline how much he hated him. It was obvious that every time Espresso had a visit from Madeline, his voice would get deeper as it formed into a bored tone. His expression turned to a glare or absolutely nothing when he looked towards Madeline, and Madeline didn't even seem to pick up on this.

Or so he thought.

Madeline always tries his best to help and please the kingdom. It hurts to see the person he wants to make happy is pushing him away. Madeline wished to help Espresso the most he could. It hurt to see his friend overworking himself without even caring for himself. The only thing he would drink was coffee; as we all know. It's utterly unhealthy to just remain on coffee for days straight, no water in between. Madeline would've even been okay if he drank something else than water, as long as he took a break from the coffee. So that was his mission of the day: get Espresso to stop drinking coffee for the rest of the day.

He slowly stepped onto Espresso's doorstep. He was scared to hear Espresso yell at him for at least the 4 time this week. 'It doesn't matter if he yells at me to go away! He must stop drinking coffee for at least 3 hours!' Madeline thought to himself as he knocked on Espresso's door. Not to his surprise, Espresso looked up at him and gave him a death stare. "What do you want?" Espresso growled. "May I come in for a minute or two? I have something to discuss with you!" Madeline smiled. "No, I have things to do!" Before Espresso could shut the door, Madeline pushed shoved his foot in between the door and his living room. "Then let me just tell you here." Madeline looked at Espresso with pleading eyes. "Make it quick." Espresso crossed his arms.

Madeline could feel the anger Espresso would have once he asked. Everything he just tried to do to help his friend always ended up in Espresso yelling at him. He'll just yell at him. He wouldn't even bother to drink a sip of water so why even ask? "Actually, it's nothing. Sorry to bother you." Madeline walked off of his porch and back to his house. Espresso stood there confused. 'Since when did he just leave like that..? Whatever, I have more important things to do.' Espresso walked back to his room, not even caring to bat an eye at the now sad knight. Madeline made sure to walk as quickly as possible to avoid any people seeing his sad expression. Luckily, he didn't get the attention he avoided. Though he needed someone to talk to badly. Madeline has had so many bottled up feelings that he doesn't dare to tell. If he loses his 'happy knight' composer, he feels no one will like him anymore. So he just needs to prance around like nothing's wrong. God did he hate when he had to fake that stupid smile of his.

He used to love his smile. Though sometimes Espresso would comment on how annoying bright it is. Though Espresso wasn't trying to really upset Madeline, it had. He always made sure to hold back some of his smile when Espresso was around. Sometimes he almost broke down in front of him. 'Real knights don't cry.' Madeline repeated to himself. But emotions are hard to hold back.

The next morning, Madeline had bumped into Espresso. "Watch where your going. I don't need your stupidity rubbing off of me." As Espresso was walking away, he could tell Madeline looked a little off. Though he brushed it off. 'Maybe he's just tired' he shrugged.

Later on, Madeline decided to tell Espresso to lay off the coffee. This made Espresso snap at him. "Oh my god why do you care?! I'm sorry I can't be some perfect blonde asshole! Are you just coming up to me and pretending to care for me so you could look like some perfect piece of god??!?!" Espresso yelled harshly at Madeline. As that really dug deep into Madeline's skull. 'Am I really pretending to care? Do I actually care for him? Well of course I care for him.. I'll stop trying. He hates it and will never listen to me no matter what I do. Who would listen to some commander anyway?' Madeline sighed. "Sorry." Madeline walked out of the room quickly. 'Don't be pathetic and start crying! What kind of knight such as yourself cries!? There are other people suffering and you're crying over some simple comments?" Madeline clutched his fists as he felt like punching himself.

Espresso noticed this odd behavior. Usually Madeline would protest but he just...left. Espresso should be happy about this..right?

Though no matter how hard he tried to get back to his work, he couldn't. 'Something's wrong with him, I know it.' Espresso got up from his desk and got ready to go over to Madeline's house.

Meanwhile, Madeline was on his bed, his pupils empty. All of Madeline's happy thoughts towards himself drained empty from his thought process. No emotion filled his pupils anymore, just a black void on its place. His eyes that used to shine bright were now covered in gloom and sadness. His hair was a mess, it's not like he planned to go outside for a while.

He heard knocking at the door. He panicked and brushed out some of the knots in his hair. He practiced a quick smile before opening the door. "Hello!" He said loudly. Seeing it was Espresso, he toned down his smile. "Yes?" Madeline said, with a happy tone, just not as loud as he'd normally speak. Espresso examined Madeline, taking in every detail. Madeline seeing Espresso's serious face made him think that Espresso was going to yell at him. Madeline clenched his teeth and bit his bottom lip. If Espresso yelled one word at him he'd cry right then and there. He couldn't take these comments anymore, as it was stripping him away. "What is it this time?" Madeline muttered. "What?" Espresso said confused. "What are you here to yell at me for? I mean why would you or anyone be here to visit me?" Espresso almost scolded Madeline for making it seem like he was absolutely heartless, but his voice threw him off. It was sorrowful, nothing like he knew of. Espresso thought for a moment, and processed the sentence Madeline said. 'Why would you or anyone be here to visit me?' Does Madeline think that low of himself? "Well? I know I'm a bother to you." Espresso's head shot up quickly. Madeline would never, ever admit that! That's when he stared even deeper at Madeline. Everything that's changed with Madeline is things that he commented on..

'God your smile is so annoyingly bright! As if you weren't already sickening enough." Now his smile is toned down, 'Get your stupid bright eyes away from me! Your going to give me a headache if I take another glimpse at them.' Now his eyes were as dead as roadkill, 'Why do you dress so abruptly?" Now he's clothed in nothing but a grey sweatshirt and black jeans. Espresso shot his hand over his mouth. 'I...I actually changed him? I didn't think..' Espresso turned more and more guilty by every second. "Madeleine I-" "-Hate you? I already know that!" He smiled. "What have I done....?" Espresso muttered. "What are you talking about?" Madeline laughed. Espresso pulled Madeline into the house. Madeline's eyes swelled thinking about what Espresso would yell at him for now.

"Madeline please tell me...what do you feel about me..?" Madeline stared at Espresso confused. Never had he heard him sound so genuine. "You must be mistaken! I think you're lo-" "Madeline! Look at you! You've changed! Everything I said I hated you actually changed..." Madeline panicked realizing that Espresso had noticed. "Isn't that a good thing? I finally made you happy!" Madeline gave him a fake smile. "No it's not a good thing! You're you for looking and acting just how you are! I didn't think I'd change you, I didn't want to change you!" Madeline clutched onto his bedsheets. 'He doesn't care, he just feels bad. He would never care fully for you.' Madeline took a deep breath. "If you didn't want me to change, then why did you say all of those things about me?" Madeline said, his voice getting a little more sorrowful. "Because I was fucking jealous! Look at you! Your so fucking perfect..! And I got bitchy over it because I'm a horrible person! Now look what I've done! I wanted you to stay away from me because you made me feel sick of myself!" Espresso covered his mouth quickly. "You think I'm...perfect..?" Madeleine's eyes slowly tinted to be even brighter. Espresso knew that if he praised the living crap out of Madeline, he'd make up some of the damage. "I do. Come here." Espresso's held out his arms. Madeline did not hesitate to get a hug, especially one from Espresso. Espresso praised Madeline for at least an hour, letting Madeline let out so many of his emotions.

Madeline pushed off of Espresso and held his arms out. "My turn to praise you." He smiled. "No, Madeline. You know I have to make up all of the damage I did to you, it's not right if you praise me for what I've done." Espresso refused. "You want to make it up to me? Then get over here." Madeline motioned Espresso to come to him. Madeline lovingly gave Espresso compliments. He made sure to repeat 'love' various times, hoping to hint at something.

"I love you Madeline." Espresso muttered. This has shocked Madeline so much that he accidentally screamed.

"Sorry..but really?" Madeline said trying to hold back excitement. "Mhm..I'm tired..." Espresso looked up at Madeline with drooping eyes. "Just remember how perfect you are, and how sorry I am." He said before lying his head back down. "You remember how much I love you, and how much I appreciate you." Madeline said before kissing the top of his head. "I love you Ess.."

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