Love birds

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HEHWHHEGAHA GUYS I just read the '2/22/22 date' and I need to make the gay teens just make out.
(Green Tea's Pov)
So lately I've been thinking about asking out Jasmine soon. It's definitely been a thought and it wouldn't be the worst to actually get it out of my chest. Matcha has also almost asked Coconut out, but she backed out.

It's a little embarrassing going through some old diaries seeing how I was basically fanning myself over him. Sure he's very, very pretty, but I didn't have to gawk over him so much. I guess I could see why and things, but it was just a little too much. I walked downstairs to get a drink when I overheard Madeline and Espresso talking. "Soo...who do you think will confess their looove first?" I heard Madeline say. "Eh? Who are you talking about Mads?" Espresso asked. "Tea and Matcha. It's obvious they have a love interest." WOA- HUH?? "Ah I see... Why do you ask?" Hmm... I wonder what Madeline will say in response..
"I asked because I want to make a bet with you." I could just see his smug face. "A bet on what?" His curiosity seemed to peak at this remark of his. "To see who would ask whom out first. It's simple! Just say who you think would make a move first." I-that is not what I expected for the bet. "You're on. What's the reward for this little bet of ours?" "It could be money, or we could bring it up a notch." "I have an idea. Why don't we do whoever loses has to get something for the winner. I happen to need a few things that is." "Your on. I personally think that Matcha will say something first! She does seem like she'd make the first move." Madeline decided. "But that's the thing, I was the one to confess correct? So don't get your hopes up dear~" I slid into the room before they could say anymore. The two flinched seeing my grand entrance, and their eyes had a glint of horror. "It's not polite to eavesdrop is it?" Espresso crossed his arms and gave me a disappointed look. What typical male wife behavior. "I wouldn't have done so if I didn't hear my name get thrown out. And besides, everyone would've done the same!" I groaned. Espresso glared at Madeline. "You know who he got this from?" He gestured to Madeline once again. "Hey!  I'm a commander I have to listen at some points!" Madeline put his hands on his hips and swayed his waist back and forth. "Yeah sure." Espresso took a sip from his mug. I'm assuming it's coffee.

Though hearing they're bet, I had gotten an idea. Why don't I use this bet to my advantage? I ran upstairs and went to talk to Matcha. "Matcha! Okay so long story short, Madeline and Espresso placed a bet on who would ask our crushes out first-" "What!!??" "Let me finish!! Anyway, since I heard, why don't we make a bet too? How about we make it who can ask the other out first face to face? Obviously the two of us don't have the courage to ask them out, so why not actually have a reason to tell?" I grinned. I'm pretty dang sure that she won't say yes, but hey! It's worth a shot I guess. "Fine! What's the steaks?" She asked. "The loser has to give up $25. Or if the winner's crush says yes, the loser has to pay for the date! What do you say?" I saw her eyes light up. "Pff! This is an easy $25 for me!" She snickered. She raced out the door while I decided how I would actually ask Jasmine out. I could bring him to that waterfall...I mean that could work pretty well considering that's his favorite place. I grabbed my phone and texted him to see if he was open. Even if Matcha wins, I still want to ask. The $25 or the date doesn't even matter to me right now. The real winning prize would be going out with my crush!!

But he may not like me, and that's fine...I guess. He texted me back saying he was, so I asked if we could meet up in those woods. He complied immediately, and off I went. My heart was pounding while I walked over. When I saw him sitting there on his phone, I felt like passing out. "Hi Tea! What'd you need me for? Did you just want to hang out?" Jasmine asked with a bright smile. I almost backed out, but I knew it was finally time to tell him. "I actually need to tell you something.." I hesitated. I stared off at the ground for a moment before Jasmine said something. "Well? What would that be?" He said sweetly. "I-um....I really like you..but if you don't like me back, can we just keep it as friends?" I looked up at him sorrowfully. I felt sure that he wasn't going to like me, but it was worth a shot. I heard him quietly snicker. "You know, I've been waiting for this. I immediately saw that faint bit of love in your eyes after so long. I thought you had given up asking, but I was wrong. I was going to ask you out very soon actually, but now I don't have to." He walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I stood like a mannequin from shock. I tried to give a reply but all I could spit out was flustered stuttering. He started to laugh as he gave me another kiss. "You don't know how to react, do you?" He said with a smirk. His whispering tone didn't help for my situation, as for I almost passed out. I feel like I'm paralyzed. "O-oh by-by the way..Matcha and I placed a bet to see who would ask whom out first so.." I managed to say. "Oh? Well why don't we show them that you finally spoke up!" Jasmine dragged me out of the woods and we met up with Matcha and Coconut. "Hey Coconut!" Jasmine called out. She looked in our direction and narrowed her eyes. "What?" She said obviously annoyed. "Heh..look~" Jasmine pulled me over and gave me a passionate kiss. I could feel him bitting down on my lower lip, making me shiver. When we pulled away, I stared at him in shock. Matcha and Coconut did the same. "Damn it! You suck!" Coconut stopped her foot on the ground and pouted. "Huh..?" I muttered. "Coconut and I placed a bet too you know. We said whoever can kiss who first owes the winner a pair of earrings. We share a love of jewelry." He smiled. "Gaaahhh....mmh.." I slowly covered my face with my hands. "Oh wait I forgot to ask, Coconut will you go out with me?" Matcha smiled awkwardly. "Of course cupcake!" Coconut smiled. Matcha flushed red at the nickname but shook it off.

"Hey love birds! It's getting late y'know. Why don't you all plan your little dates tomorrow?" We all turned around to see Espresso with a smug look on his face. "See ya Tea~" Jasmine kissed me on the forehead and waved goodbye. "Hey Ess!" Latte ran over to us with that bright smile of hers. "Hi Latte! By the way, the love birds finally confessed!" The two laughed for a moment as they teased Matcha and I. "Alright enough!!! Can we just go inside?" I desperately pleaded. "Okay, okay! See you around Latte!" Espresso waved her goodnight as we headed inside. "We're never going to hear the end of it from Madeline.." Matcha grumbled. "No we aren't!" I snickered.

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