A walk

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Madeline lead me to a pathway making sure to avoid the car. It was hidden by large luscious vines. He pulled me through the vines smiling.

The forest was decorated with lamps and various animals. Snakes skid past is, birds flew over our heads, cats that got curious scurried around us. It was a perfect day. The shade of the trees and the light 60 degree breeze surrounded us.

Madeline is right. I do enjoy this.

"Oh here comes my favorite part!" Madeline pointed ahead.

The trees opened up to a cliff. Well that's what it looked like from afar. We walked over to the the cliff. The sun light lit the horizon as large a creek flows off the cliff, making a beautiful waterfall.

"Woah..Madeline when did you find this?" I said gazing at the amazing view.

"I found it a few days ago! I wanted to watch the sunset with you and I thought you'd enjoy it!" He said giving me a hug.

"Yeah I am enjoying it!" We sat down admiring the view holding hands. Soon after the sun began to set. Showing a ombré of pinks and yellows to blues and purples. Oh it was beautiful!

I leaned on his shoulder and hummed.

"You're the best you know?" I said mid-humming.

"You are too!" He gave me a kiss and smiled. Just then we heard a loud thud from behind us.  Madeline got up slowly and walked towards the path where the noise came from.

"Oowf...AH! Oh hello! I heard talking and I came to check it out! It's not very nice of me to stalk now that I think about it...nice to meet you though!" A what looked like an 11 year old girl stood up rubbing her head. She had short messy hair that slightly curled at her checks. She had a white jacket and a brown T-shirt under it. "I'm  Chai Tea! Though you can call me Chai for short!"

Madeline looked at her concerned. Though he sighed and waved. "Why are you out here without an adult so late?" He asked giving her a hand.

"Oh well...I was with my sister but she disappeared!" She put her arms up to make a dramatic effect.

"What's your sister's name?"

"Frappuccino. She's the worst. She's so spoiled and is obsessed with herself it's annoying!" She pouted.

I got a little startled to hear that her sister was Frap. Not to mention she completely left her own sister behind. What a shit move.

"Ah..she is..different.." Madeline said putting a hand on the back of his neck after lifting Chai up.

"Yeah she's weird like that. Oh if she ever tells you to call her Frap then that means she reeeaaalllyy likes you. She's crazy for love. She makes sure they stay with her, making sure they never ever leave the house like a psychopath!"

I looked at her in surprise. Well shit. I have a lover. Which is obviously Madeline, I don't want her at all. Especially if she's controlling.

"Hey do you mind if you carry me to a home of some sort?" She yawned.

Madeline didn't know what to say. We don't share a house anymore so this'll be a hard choice. I want to sleep with Madeline so I can offer for her to stay at mine.

"She can stay at mine. I have a blow up mattress and all." I offered.

"Ah thank you! We'll stay at yours." He bent down for Chai to hop on. He gave her a piggyback ride.

She fell asleep after about 30 seconds.

"Well it's getting late. Let's get going." He nudged my arm.


We walked down the path and back to my house. I blew up a mattress, gave her a pillow, a sheet and a blanket. Madeline gently lied her down and we went back to my bedroom.

"We should live together again. It will just be easier." I said getting into something more comfortable.

"Mhm." Madeline sat down on the bed rubbing his eye. I turned the light off and lied down with him. I didn't do much, but I was really tired, so was Madeline.

So we both fell asleep quickly.

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