Chapter 5

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In the early morning of the next day, the sky was not completely bright, only a faint light of dawn shower out from the gaps in the clouds, and a faint golden color spread on the ground, with the warmth and warmth of autumn.

    Qin You had already prepared early. He carried the cloth backpack made a few days ago on his back and tied a thin layer of animal skin on his legs to prevent being bitten by some insects or weeds.

    I didn’t prepare much for breakfast, so I boiled a few potatoes and a packet of salt powder. By the way, lunch was also settled.

    This collection is more important. It is the last collection before the beginning of winter. It is related to the winter food of the suborcs of the entire tribe. Therefore, you have to go a bit farther, and you may not be able to return to the tribe at noon.

    You can only bring some dry food for lunch. In order to ensure safety, the Orcs must also bring weapons inlaid with magic cores.

    The orcs must also hunt for the last time and prepare the meat needed by the orcs.

.When Xi came to look for Qin You , he was already armed and brought the bow and arrow he found yesterday to try out the effect.

    When Xi saw Qin You, he was quite curious about Qin You's backpack. After looking back and forth, he was a little envious and told Qin You to remember to make one for him next time.

    Qin You thought for a while, and handed the slightly small backpack that he had made to Xi.

    "I also made one, but I think it's too small for you to take it as you like."

    "Wow, thank you!" Xi took the backpack excitedly, and turned his back a few times excitedly.

.Qin You is a bit funny. In fact, his two backpacks are really not good. After all, he is a man. He just sews and repairs such a bag in a leisurely manner. Although it is ugly, it is still quite strong. After all, Qin You sewed several times in a chaotic fashion, especially in the eyes of these people, the style is also very novel.

    "Okay, let's go. If you don't leave, others will wait for us."

    "Yeah! Let's go," Xi said cheerfully.

    When Qin You and Xi arrived at the gate of the tribe, the Orcs were almost there.

    Ann looked a little impatient, and after a few urges, he led the team away.

    Qin You and Xi walked behind the small team. This was the first time Qin You had dealt with the sub-orcs in the tribe.

.But in fact, it still feels a little stiff, they are still a little repulsive, but at the beginning, Ann, who has a straight face, is still very responsible for opening the way for everyone.

    Qin You sometimes took the time to look at Ann and saw that he looked serious. In fact, he felt that he was not bad, but he probably didn't have a good impression of him. Qin You is a little helpless, helpless these people have never dealt with, but the relationship has reached the bottom.

    Walking and crawling again, I don't know how long it took, but a small group of people finally stopped.

    Looking at some familiar places, Qin You suddenly remembered that this is where he came to this animal world.

    When Qin You was in a daze, everyone around had already started collecting them. Qin You looked around and couldn't delay, and immediately found food.

    After picking a few wild vegetables from the west, I probably knew the shape of more wild vegetables, so I collected them by myself.

.While walking and collecting, Qin You slowly walked to the place where he woke up from this beast world for the first time. He stepped on the surroundings, but he didn't feel any strangeness.

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