Chapter 11

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The next day, Qin You continued to take out the dried fruit to dry, picked up the dried meat and a few packets of small fish that had been sold yesterday, and walked to the Luo family's stone house.

    Luo's speed is very fast. When Qin You arrived, he had already made three big bows, three broad knives and three barrels of arrows. Seeing Qin You coming, pointing to the prepared weapons, he said, "Xina kid has not yet come. You can take it first, and I will be ready soon."

    Qin You embarrassedly thanked him, and put the food he brought on the stone table: "This is my own jerky, you can eat it directly, and there are a few packets of small fried fish."

    Luo glanced at Qin You's food on the table and nodded.

    Qin You stopped talking nonsense, took up a weapon and said goodbye, then returned to the stone house.

.After returning to the stone house, Qin You carefully looked at the weapon in his hand. The workmanship is quite exquisite in this world, and the most important point is that it is sharp, and these weapons have a hole the size of a magic core.

    Qin You took out a bag of magic cores that Se gave him yesterday. Before yesterday, he had not had time to see those magic cores. When the bag was opened, colorful faint rays of light gleamed brightly around the magic cores. .

    Qin You flipped through it roughly. There were levels of one, two, and three magic cores inside, and there was also a fourth-level magic core. Qin You lifted the magic core, and the magical thing was that Qin You felt a soft coolness in it. The palms are hovering. Swallowing, opened his eyes wide and looked at the flowing light green light in the magic core.

    After looking at it for a while, he carefully put it into the animal skin bag.

.Qin You picked two two second-level magic nuclei and four third-level magic nuclei, respectively inlaid on the weapons made by Luo. After being inlaid, a faint ray of light appeared around those weapons, which was indeed much brighter than the pile of light left by my father before.

    Put these weapons in place, and start to do nothing.

    In the next few days, Qin You mostly stayed at home and started the old otaku life, but it was a lot boring, and occasionally asked the West to come over to the house to chat and eat.

    The large pits surrounding the tribe have also been dug up in the past few days, but there are still sporadic beast attacks. The orcs have also strengthened the protection of the tribe, but it still caused great anxiety among the tribe orcs and the orcs. , There are more and more beasts in this area.

    Everyone also became more determined to move.

.Xi began to talk about Loroka City while chatting at Qin You's house. "Loroka City is a big town. There are a lot of orcs boiled in it, but the foreign orcs cover it up very well. Basically They look like terrestrial orcs, but in fact there are many orcs from Quezero and Miyu Sea."

    Xi ate a piece of meat and continued: "Moreover, the system over there is very mature. By then, these transactions will really have to be calculated carefully. Alas, you will have to think about how to make money at that time. But I heard that there are a lot of pottery over there, and a lot of clothes made of cloth. Although I have never seen what cloth is, I heard Daddy said it is a very soft cloth."

.Qin You nodded as he listened. At the beginning, he had no expectations for the barbaric world of beasts. It turned out that this strange world was more civilized than he had imagined, and Qin You couldn't help but look forward to it.

    "Oh, you, let's not talk about it, the sky is dark, I have to go home to eat, goodbye." Xi turned over and got out of bed, putting on his cloak before Qin You answered, and disappeared.

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