Chapter 37

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In the afternoon, Tuo and Lu came later than yesterday, probably because of something delayed.

    However, as soon as they arrived, they stepped up construction, because the houses of Qin You and Lille were already a bit shorter than the surroundings. Looks very abrupt.

    Qin You looked at the busyness of the two orcs, and still whispered to Lille with some guilty conscience: "Are we really not grateful for them?"

    Lille thought for a while, "If we have to give it, it's not impossible, but if they come to help our tribe build a house, it means that our tribe has already owed them a favor. If they have any trouble in the future, we have to Help is good. This is the friendship between the two tribes, especially, don’t mind too much.”

.Qin You nodded when he heard the words, and looked at the Dora tribe not far away. Indeed, the two neighboring tribes should have a good relationship. The way to make a good relationship between different generations is to help each other.

    But that said, Qin You, who has traditional Chinese virtues, still cooked them two bamboo stick sauces, one bamboo stick ketchup and one bamboo stick hot sauce, two bottles for each person, and gave them to them when they were leaving.

    In the evening, Qin You's small house has reached the second floor, and the third floor will start tomorrow. The Lille’s house is a bit slower. The second floor has just been built, but they only built two floors. It is estimated that the two houses should be completed in about time.

    The surrounding houses are being built much faster than them. Some houses with a smaller area have been completed today, and the small tall gray buildings, and the orcs standing below them satisfactorily looked at them.

.However, Qin You thought despicably, how can such a small house betray his wife? It seems that this single orc has to hunt even harder to make money and expand the land.

    Qin You shrugged and continued to turn his head for a while. After all the observations were done at 360 degrees without dead ends, Qin You contentedly walked to Se with the freshly roasted barbecue.

    Qin You looked at the big white ball and touched Se's head. Perhaps the wings would grow out like this quietly?

    The white behemoth was still lying on its stomach, only seeing the body heaving slightly because of the slight breathing.

    "Eat dinner." Qin You yelled again when Se was silent.

    The white behemoth buried his head a little, obviously rejecting it.

    Qin You stood up slightly worried when he saw this, and walked over to observe Se's back.

.It was still red and swollen, but there were faint blood stains, and it looked very hideous.

    "Lille, Se's back..." Qin You frowned.

    Lille came closer, frowning as he saw the blood stains, knelt down, and touched Se's head distressedly.

    There was a long silence, only to hear Lille say slowly.

    "We can only get through by ourselves. We can't do anything. We can only stay with him." When Lille said, his whole body was filled with heavy sadness, and his eyes were deeply black without knowing what was in them." Se is my only relative."

    Qin You listened to Lille's babbling, as if torn away all the disguised calm of the previous few days, only sadness and sorrow were in his eyes.

    Se moved his head and rubbed Lil's palm, as if comforting.

.The atmosphere was a little dull, and Qin You was also a little uncomfortable. He didn't know the reason for the palpitations in his heart. For the first time in this other world, facing the danger of the people around him, I was a little dazed, and even more at a loss.

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