Chapter 62

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The color of the skewers has slightly changed, the aroma is more intense and attractive, and the number of people around the small stall has gradually increased. A pair of straight eyes stared at the greasy skewers.

    Qin You was too busy to do so, Xi arranged for the waiting Asian Orcs to line up, took a few skewers and started to help grill them.

    The temperature around the barbecue grill is very hot, and the surrounding temperature is not low. The shed above my head seems to be useless, and I feel sweat constantly on my body.

    Qin You and Xi hardly had any time to rest, and their ears were full of chirping sounds of Orcs buying skewers.

    Until all the skewers were sold out, the two slumped on the ground.

    "This is really exhausting..." Xi sat on the ground in a daze.

    "Um...but it sells very fast. But only the two of us are too slow, some of them can't handle it."

."Hmm..." Xi nodded weakly, then took a few skewers wrapped in soft leaves on the side, and put it into his mouth, "I'm really hungry, but fortunately I kept a few skewers wisely for myself this time. "

    Qin You was lying on the cart with a dry mouth. Although he was a little hungry, he still had no appetite.

    The two lay silently for a while, and there was a shout.


    There seemed to be another person in front of the stall, with an unfamiliar voice. Qin You tilted his head and said habitually, "The skewers are already...", Lu?

    Unexpectedly, it was not the Orc who came to buy the skewers. Qin You was a little surprised and sat up and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

    "Hmm..." Lu seemed to hesitate somewhat...

    "?" Qin You and Xi looked at Lu as if it were difficult to express their teeth.

."...How did you tame the Kaka beast?" After hesitating for a while, Lu returned to his straightforward qualities. Seeing that Qin You and Xi did not reply, he immediately added confidently, "If you teach me, I I’ll give you a big cart of seafood."

    "..." Continue to be stunned.

    "Why? Don't you want to?" The tone suddenly became vicious.

    "...No, of course I can teach you." Qin You shook his head, and finally realized that it was the Kakamon...In this case, he can also get a cart of seafood, so that everyone's food will be sacrificed. Has fallen.

."You can come to our tribe, near the outer city, um... I will take you to see it today, but you have to catch a Kaka beast..." After saying that Qin You felt a bit wrong, this Lu Although stronger than ordinary Orcs, they are not orcs after all, and they are from the sea, "I will help you find Kakamon."

    "Thank you...Anyway, seafood is indispensable for you!" Lu added menacingly, awkwardly concealing his grateful embarrassment.

    "Then get in the car!" After Xi gnawed the skewers, he left a bunch and handed it to Lu, greeted happily.

    Lu stared at the skewers for a while, before reaching out and taking it.

    Xi looked expectantly at the grilled skewers in Lu's hand, staring straight into a panic, Lu took a bite under the pressure of his eyes.

    Qin You glanced at the west silently, turned around and started driving.

."Is it delicious?" Xi asked expectantly when he watched Lu chew a few bites.

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