Chapter 56

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    After dinner, the three of them continued their work from last night. They nestled on the roof of the building and built shelves. Today, it was mainly the poles on the top of the shelves. It was still early when the shelves were finished. Qin You and Lille cut some fruits and iced them. The fruit comes up early.

    Then I moved three wooden piers to the top floor while eating fruit while blowing a small breeze. The roof on the top floor was better than staying in a house. Not so stuffy. There was also a small breeze blowing towards him.

    Qin You held his chin in his hand and chewed on the crisp, refreshing and sweet fruit. It seems that Luo has to wait for this recliner recently, and more and more sub-orcs have ordered it. The downstairs of Luo's house is still beating with bright flames, and it is estimated that they are still making wooden utensils.

    Qin You stuffed another piece of fruit in his mouth, looked sideways at Se, who was drinking ice water, and suddenly wanted to see Se's wings, "Se, I want to see your animal form."

."Huh?" Se heard the words and turned his head and seemed a little confused.

    "Yeah, how are your wings recently?" Lille patted Se on the shoulder and asked curiously, wondering whether Se's wings will look the same as Daddy's in the future.

    In Lille's memory, Daddy's wings were very mighty and huge, and they were full of strength and security when they looked at them.

    "Baala Little Demon Fairy, hurry up and transform!" Qin Youle patted his paw.

    Se stood up hesitantly, turned into a beast and leaned down on the ground. Qin You saw through his purpose and said amusedly: "Why? Are you afraid that others will see your little wings?"

    Se snored and twisted his white head, looking a little lazy. His eyes narrowed slightly, not wanting to pay attention to Qin You very much.

.The wings on Se's back have indeed grown a bit, but compared with Se's entire volume, they are still significantly smaller, but they are much larger than the size they grew at the time.

    Qin You touched the fluff on Se's wings. Anyway, it's okay to grow up? Although the small wings are cute, but can't bear the fact that the big wings can fly, Qin You patted Se's wings: "Grow up quickly, and then take me and Lille for a drive."

    Qin You suddenly missed the feeling of flying on Bach's back before.

    "Have you learned how to fly with Bach?" There was a relieved smile in Lille's eyes. Although it's not as strong as Daddy's wings, but the color is the same anyway? ...

    The white head nodded as a response. Shaking his head and rubbing Qin You's palm.

    The three of them ate the ice water and fruit, and the night became thicker. .After saying goodbye to each other, they went back to their houses to sleep, of course if the big tail behind Qin You could be ignored?

    Se looked at Qin You's face and touched her nose. After entering the house, Se took out a green magic core from her pocket and handed it to Qin You.

    "?" Qin You was a little stunned. Level 4 magic core?

    "Although I don't want to just give you the fourth-level magic core as my proposal magic core, I think you are very upset, so let's use this instead, and I will use a higher-level magic core later." Suddenly, his silhouette seemed a little gentle, even with a slight smile. He handed the magic core shining bright green in his hand forward again.

    Is he upset? Where did Se see it? Qin You was a little speechless, could it be because of his dark face every time Se came over to stay overnight?

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