Chapter 4

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In the early morning of the next day, Qin You felt a bit of coldness as soon as he got up. After he wrapped a piece of animal skin on his upper body, he listened to the ticking rain outside, and knew that it rained last night without guessing.

    Opened the door and glanced at the gate of the tribe, um, no one, it was raining today, it is estimated that the collection will be tomorrow.

    Qin You cold shivered, rinsed his mouth and washed his face, and resolved it hastily. He smashed his mouth, still feeling strange in his mouth. He clearly remembered that there should be some kind of grass for chewing in this other world. Next time, he has to ask the West. Anyway, Qin You is also a civilized man in the 21st century. It is really uncomfortable not to brush his teeth.

    After washing, I was shivering really cold, after all, there was only one animal skin wrapped in the middle of his body. Qin You went to the kitchen to move a few bundles of firewood and lit a pile in the middle of the room. When the bright flame filled the room, he sighed in relief and squatted on the ground to warm it up for a while.

.After his body warmed a little, Qin You found a few more pieces of animal skins left by his father. It wouldn't work if he didn't make clothes, otherwise he would wait to be frozen to death in winter.

    Drilling back on the bed again, picked up the spicules found in the pair of debris. This spicule is very large, and a roll of slender animal skin that has been kneaded and used as a thread is very tough.

    Qin You fiddled with the bone needles, and decided to make a vest as if giving up. The vest was good, just cut two holes. Qin You was satisfied to drill two holes in the vest and used a leather rope. Tie a knot, got up and took a look, it still fits well haha.

    The room has also warmed up because of the fire.

    Qin You touched his stomach, finally in the mood to toss about breakfast. But it's almost noon at this time.

.I kept the fish I caught yesterday in a pot, and later I sent a few of them yesterday, and now there is only one big fish and a few small palm-sized fishes.

    After washing the pot and processing the fish, Qin You steamed the potatoes first, and then planned to cook the fish soup. The fish soup he cooked last night was divided up before he even had it.

    Put the fish head in the pot and cook, then add the sliced ​​ginger, small mushrooms and wild vegetables. The next step is to simmer slowly.

    Qin You washed the other pot and decided to fry the wild vegetables with potato pads first.

    The wild vegetables that I just picked yesterday were fresh, and they turned out green and emerald green, and the potatoes were also very soft, but Qin You didn't dare to eat too much. There will be fish soup waiting for him later.

    After eating the potatoes, the fish soup was almost ready. Qin You mixed it with a spoon, and a scent came to his face. He swallowed and filled a bowl.

.This fish soup is still a bit fishy. After all, there is no cooking wine, but it is already very good. It is warm. The white fish soup is soft and melts in the mouth. The fragrance of mushrooms and wild vegetables is also melted in the fish soup. There is a kind of primitive Tasty.

    "Uh." Qin You ate too much, but fortunately he didn't cook too much, so he barely finished drinking.

    "Oh, I finally ate like a person." Qin You slumped on the bed, touching his bulging belly.

    With a messy kitchen table on his side, Qin You turned over, his eyes closed slightly, and he should wait for him to clean it up slowly.

    After a short sleep, rubbing his swollen belly, he got up and decided to tidy up the kitchen counter. Put the rest of the big fish and braise it this evening. Qin You decided to fry the other small fish into dried fish as snacks.

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