Chapter 23

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Early in the morning, the people of the tribe had started to get up to wash, and there was a small river running across the bear tribe, and many orcs and sub-orcs were washing around the long river. From time to time, we greeted each other, chatted, and occasionally laughed.

    When they walked in, they nodded friendly with the bear clan sub-orcs next to each other. The bear clan sub-orcs are very simple, all expressions are on their faces, it is not difficult to see the exploration and curiosity in their eyes, even so, most of them still have some friendly eyes and eager feelings in their eyes.

    There was some curious discussion in his mouth.

    "I heard the patriarch said that they were made up of orcs who lost their homes. No wonder the patriarch would feel at ease to leave them behind."

    "How did the patriarch know?"

."I don’t know, but it doesn’t look like I look at it... Yesterday, I took a closer look. Most of them were strong orcs and sub-orcs, and those who were kicked out were not the ones who were not punished by the tribe. The big scar is missing an arm and a leg?"

    "Yes... they don't look like bad guys either..."

    The bear clan sub-orcs secretly continued the topic of yesterday.

    Qin You didn't hear their discussion. He just walked to the river and squatted down and started to wash. He looked down and watched the clear water slide over the smooth stones. A few small fish were still spinning at the bottom of the river. The water in the river is very clear, the water is flowing fast, and Qin You is very fortunate that he is upstream.

.He took a few pieces of brushing grass and put them in his mouth to chew, waiting for his mouth to be filled with a strong fresh scent of plants and trees, Qin You spit out those pieces of brushing grass, rinsed a few mouthfuls in his mouth and spit it out, and then washed it with river water. Only after drying his cheeks, he stood up refreshed.

    Seeing that Lille and West were still washing, they squatted aside and waited.

    "Bang!" Ao shouted not far away. Seeing the patriarch turned his head, he stepped up and ran over.

    "What's wrong? Ao." The patriarch was a little confused, still holding a handful of brushing grass in his mouth.

    "I went outside today to take a look, thinking that you should have heard the roar of the beasts last night, although those beasts last night were nothing to our tribe, but if you go out to migrate at this time, I think it might be dangerous. "Ou said with a frown. "If you don't mind, stay a few more days. In a few days, those beasts should also retreat."
.Bang also nodded in embarrassment, "I'm afraid I will trouble you for a few more days."

    "It's okay!" After solving the problem, Ou loosened his frowning brows and slapped Bang's shoulder boldly.

    "By the way, we orcs are going to Spring Hunting later. If you don't mind, come with us. It will be easier for a group of people to move. Spring Hunting will last for several days." Ou said.

    The patriarch nodded and agreed. After all, a large group of orcs hunted, and the safety would be much improved. Otherwise, there would be no more than ten orcs in their small tribes who are in their prime.


.After a hurried breakfast in the morning, Qin You and Xi ran to the gate of the tribe non-stop after receiving a word from the patriarch, but the road was too long. Qin You ran like he was running 800 meters when he reached the gate. , Was out of breath when he was already wearing it, but fortunately, Xi was not much better than him.

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