Chapter 20

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Helping Lille to sit down on the open ground, Qin You began to prepare lunch.

    First, stir-fry the shrimp-flavored grass and finely chopped onions. This is considered a vegetarian dish. Then cut the long-awaited tomato by Qin You into two pieces, mash the eggs and put them in a wooden bowl, heat the pot and pour the fruit oil, and wait for the oil to slowly emit white smoke.

    After the fruit oil heated up, Qin You put the tomatoes in and stir-fried a few times, then poured in the tuned eggs, stir-fried a few times, added water, and then covered the pot and started to cook the soup.

    "Especially, what to do with these ginkgo? How can this be cooked?" Xi squatted on the ground and pinched the ginkgo. "Hey!" Xi screamed, and Qin You looked at him. The yellow piece in Xi's hand did not know what liquid, like a fruit popping out.

    "Why is there still something wrapped in this pulp?!" Xi screamed, disgustingly wanted to clean the stains.

.Qin You picked up the fruit and broke it apart. He looked at the yellow and viscous liquid inside. He curiously smelled it, but it was a strange smell. He sighed and said, "Wipe your hands clean. Well, let's just cook the ginkgo. Try to eat it."

    "Yeah." West nodded, he had no idea anyway.

    Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the peeled white fruit, add salt and finely chopped green onions, then cover the pot and let it boil.

    Taking advantage of these free time, Qin You boiled another pot of hot water, used a shell knife to make two knives on the small tomatoes, and then soaked them in the hot water. Qin You said to Lille, who was sitting on the side: "Lille, you can take these little tomatoes out of the cold water later, and then just peel off the skins."

    "Yes." Lille nodded.

.Qin You turned around again and said to the other two orcs who were eating meat, "Eat slowly, I'll make a tomato sauce later."

    Then Seheya's chewing speed was significantly slower than visible to the naked eye.

    After a while, Qin You poured out the boiled tomato egg drop soup and white fruits and set aside. Then put the peeled tomatoes in the Lille and cook them again. They were cooked to rotten and put some powdered sugar into them. Qin You didn't cook a lot, so he could basically finish it this time.

    Qin You greeted Se and Ya to come over and spread the tomato sauce on the barbecue. By the way, he and Cyril also spread three pieces of barbecue each.

.The sweet and sour tomato sauce wraps the roasted meat on the outside and the inside is tender. The teeth are full of meaty and fruity flavors, but this tomato sauce seems to be more like the orcs. Yaheser said that although the tomato sauce is also good , But they prefer hot sauce, and they also asked when there is hot sauce.

    Qin You shrugged, then he would have to find pepper.

    After eating the tomato sauce, Qin You tried to eat a ginkgo. The outside of the ginkgo is very soft and waxy, and there is a savory flavor of fish and shrimp. The white skin is waxy and even sticky. It looks like a modern work. Biting the skin apart, what overflowed inside was a smell that made Qin You almost burst into tears.

    The yellow sticky substance inside is crab roe! Crab yellow! Qin You chewed with excitement, with a look of joy on his face.

    When the others saw it, they thought it was delicious, so they all stretched out their chopsticks and grabbed one and started to eat.

.The thick umami flavor of crab roe lingered between the lips and teeth, and then basically a few people rushed to finish the pot of ginkgo, but Qin You had already changed its name to it, and it was called Crab Roe.

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