Chapter 58

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  Se was dragging a lot of beast meat back, and she was holding a few skins that had been handed over to the tribe's orcs a few days ago.

    Seeing Se come back, Lille moved his arm with some guilty conscience. But it seems even more guilty.

    "What's wrong with the arm?" Se looked at Lille, who was guilty, and put down the things on his shoulders.

    "Falled, fractured." Suddenly he made a straightforward voice.


    Se glanced at him, "Bach will come later." Then suddenly there was some teasing in his eyes.

    Lille still looked at his arm for himself, without any response, thanking him fortunately that his left hand did not delay eating.

    "Bach is coming again?".Qin You murmured softly, then bent over to look at the beast meat Se brought back, "Are there any bones? You help me cut a few bones for me."

    "Yes. I'll get it." He replied, carrying the beast meat again, and walking towards the river.

    Bach arrived very late, and Se had prepared the meat and stored most of it in the ice cellar.

    Qin You was preparing the bone soup, saw Bach walking over, he turned around and greeted him, and then continued to prepare the bone soup, intending to repair Lille's bones.

    Qin You did not forget to look at Lille and Bach while cooking dinner here. Bach didn't seem to come here empty-handed this time. From a distance, it is probably food.

    There seems to be a word with Lille without a word.

.In addition to bone soup, there is also a plate of pumpkins. Qin You will focus on meat tonight. After all, there are guests, and it is still a bit monotonous to eat barbecue.

    In addition to the barbecue that Se was grilling, Qin You also prepared two fried chicken and braised steaks. After tossing for a long time, Qin You brought two large plates of beast meat on the table.

    But Lille’s bone broth is probably going to be a while.

    The atmosphere at the dinner table was weird and quiet, but Se didn't seem to feel anything. She was quite happy eating the meat on her own.

    Bach hadn't uttered a word for a long time, his expression still cold.

    Lille was fighting with his job, and he was still a little unaccustomed to holding his job without his left hand.

    Cheng, this dinner table is probably the least used to him. Qin You rolled his eyes, sighed and started to eat.

.It is rare to eat fried chicken because of the trouble. Under the crispy skin is tender chicken, which is familiar with the delicious taste.

    Bach seemed very satisfied with the meal, and he ate a lot of the braised steak.

    Qin You ate 80% full, watching the time to fill out the bone soup.

    A large pot of bone soup, the condiments in it also add a lot of color.

    "What the hell is this? Bones?" Leon looked up at his neck and asked in surprise, "It smells good."

    "Well, it's the bones. What you eat to make up for it, drink more soup." Qin You took Lille's empty rice bowl and filled him with a bowl.

    "I'm full..." Lille said so, but smelled the scent and took the bone broth.

    Qin You also added some vegetables and tofu to the bone soup to increase the taste.

.The tofu was boiled and cracked into small pieces, and it melted with the umami flavor of the bone broth. The hot bone broth also had the taste of tofu that melted in your mouth.

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