Chapter 51

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"Fresh animal meat, soft animal skins~" The original screams were louder than ever. The whole street is lively, and the smell of food comes from time to time.

    Qin You slowly led the Kakamon in this slightly crowded crowd, and it was really hard to walk in the crowd with this cart. However, the lively and happy atmosphere around made Qin You's mood suddenly high. Looking around with excitement from time to time, I can't wait to grow my eyes on the food.

    Lille also picked a few bamboo baskets from one of the stalls. The bamboo baskets at home were almost damaged, so they just bought a few new ones.

    The bamboo baskets are very meticulously woven, and the price is very cheap, and they are arranged neatly.

.After buying the bamboo basket, the two of them continued to wander around the crowd. Not far away, they saw a small tofu shop on the side of the street. A hint of unique bean aroma.

    "Tofu!" Lille exclaimed in surprise, "Let's go buy some." As he said, the pace had already passed.

    In addition to the soft and tender tofu, the tofu stall also has chunks of dried tofu and a cup of soy milk on the side.

    The two asked for a few pieces of tofu and dried tofu to pack. This tofu is quite expensive to sell. Qin You weighed his money bag and whispered. It hurts my own money, and it's spending more and more quickly...

    However, it was distressed, and I couldn't treat my taste buds badly, so the two people squatted in front of a fruit stall to stir up the fruit.

.The fruits on the stall are all weird in appearance and weird in size and color.

    "What kind of fruit is this?" Qin You pointed to a fruit with a black rind, which was big and round. The outer skin is rough. It looks ugly...

    "Dizzy." The orc glanced at the black fruit. "These are all picked from the most dangerous forest. Not many. But the price is high."

    Dizzy? What kind of fruit is this? Did you feel dizzy after eating it? Qin You was a little curious.

    Lille asked about the price, and was shocked that Qin You almost didn't throw his money bag out. If he bought such a fruit, he could just cut off his wallet in half...

    Then Qin You and Lille consciously left the stall and continued to wander around, and entered a shop that also bought fruit, where the price of the fruit was much more normal.

.Qin You also found several familiar fruits, yellow peaches and strawberries. Can yellow peaches be made into yellow peach dew, and strawberries can be made into strawberry jam? But what do you want strawberry jam for? It's better to eat it directly.

    Qin You bought them and pondered their usefulness, and helped Lille carry all the fruits he bought onto the cart.

    Continue to push the car forward, about to the center of a street, the center of the garden is like a big square, there is a huge stone sculpture in the middle, although it looks very rough, but it also has a pattern. Heroic wildness.

    As I got closer, behind the sculptures was a special-shaped building. It seems that this style is different from the surrounding shops.

    "What is this?" Qin You asked curiously, a large number of this relatively unique house with a somewhat unique decoration and shape.

."This is the center of the business city. Disputes between first-class merchants or opening shops are all adjustments and procedures to be done here." Lille continued to lead the Kakamon on the way, explaining to Qin You. Some strangers looked at this uniquely decorated house. He just heard that this building was newly built here, but he hadn't looked at it carefully.

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