Chapter 14

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During the afternoon migration, Se slowed down in order to take care of Lille's body, and was basically at the end of the entire team.

    In fact, Qin You feels pretty good. At least he doesn't need to hide in Se's white hair. You can also sit face to face with Lille, eat snacks and chat.

    I heard Lille said that since he was injured in a beast attack, his legs have become inflexible and his body has become very weak. It was also in that beast attack that caused him and Se to lose his father and father, and he hasn't gone out much since then.

    So on the way, Lille sat on Se's back and kept looking at the surrounding scenery, curious about everything.

    Qin You occasionally talked to him about things in the tribe, or Loroka City, and time passed quickly.

.But the whole team moved very slowly towards the evening. Se said it was looking for a suitable place to spend the night, but obviously, the place to spend the night was obviously very difficult to find.

    When the sun had been halfway below the horizon, the patriarch finally spoke and it was time to stop, and the tired Orcs cheered happily.

    The place where the patriarch found is a cave, but the cave is not big, because the orcs want to transform into beasts to heat up the sub-orcs, a tribe will be a little crowded in it, but to ensure safety, it can only be squeezed. .

    Because Qin You, Se, and Lille were the last of the tribal team, they were almost at the entrance of the cave when they entered the cave. Fortunately, Se was not on duty tonight, and Se's animal form could keep them out of a lot of cold. .

"Because the sun is about to go down, in order to ensure safety, don't go out for dinner and eat dry food." The patriarch stood at the door and spoke. Looking around the people in the cave, counting the number of people.

    The patriarch's eyes passed the cave entrance and the elderly couple paused for a while, and then said to the west inside the cave: "Xi, come out, give the place inside to Ouhot."

    Xi Wensheng nodded, dragged Ya to the entrance of the cave, and sat down beside Qin You with a grin.

    The old couple grinned and thanked each other and walked into the cave with each other's arms.

    After settled in their respective positions, the Orcs began to prepare dinner.

    Se continued to take out the beast meat he had hunted at noon and Ya squatted aside and began to barbecue.

    "You, what shall we have for dinner?".Xi squatting at Qin You blinking his eyes to look at him, then took out his animal skin bag, "I brought some steamed potatoes."

    Qin You also squatted on the ground, thought for a while, and then turned around to poke Se's back. "Give me a piece of gurgling meat."

    "Well, eat more meat to be stronger." Wen Yanse turned around and looked at him with a smile, as if satisfied with his more and more active meat-eating behavior recently, and then gave Qin You a large piece of tender slurp meat. .

    After receiving the gurgling meat, Qin You cut into three pieces with a shell knife, and divided the two pieces into Lille and Xi.

    "Let's barbecue!" Qin You suggested.

    "It's okay." Xi happily answered, and Lille nodded when he heard the sound.

    Qin You stared at the barbecue with his eyes motionless and exhorted: "You have to grasp the heat!"

    "Of course, I will follow you.".Xi Le said, and then gently arched his shoulders and said, "Right~"

    "Yeah~" Lille obviously likes to be with Xi. Xi is a stubborn talk. When barbecues, Lille likes to listen again. He tilts his head and listens to Xi's happily.

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