Chapter 65

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After Qin You finished drinking the soft and waxy porridge, he had to decoct himself. These herbs were all shriveled, weird in shape, and some of them exuded strange aromas and smells.

Throw all these things into the pot, add water until it is submerged, and cover the pot.

"Why isn't Se come back?" Lille sat and looked around with his chin.

Qin You shook his head, and when he heard Se's name, he suddenly didn't know how to face Se.

Qin You smashed the herbs in the pot boredly, and then closed the lid again.

Boiling medicine is a very long matter, until the night is dark, Qin You's medicinal juice has also turned black, Se still did not come back.

Qin You picked up the bowl of medicinal juice and poured it down, frowning for a while, looking at the gate of the tribe, wondering, "Why haven't you come back?"

."I don't know..." Lille was already sleepy. He usually goes to bed very early, and now he even yawns.

Most of the flames in the small tribe were extinguished, only a few points were still beating slightly, it seemed that there was only a slight sound of wind blowing in the ear.

I don't know how long it was silent before Qin You faintly heard the footsteps coming from outside the tribe and the slightly heavy breathing.

Lille was already asleep on the table, Qin You got up and walked closer and looked around, not too dark, so he could only vaguely see about two figures.

The two figures got closer and closer, before they could see that Se was carried by Bach. His hands were covered with bright red blood, but the wound seemed to have been treated a little.

"What's the matter?!" Qin You ran forward a few steps and nervously took Se from Bach.

Bach did not speak, took a breath, and threw what was behind him to the front.

.Qin You looked on the ground, it was a beast with a faint fluorescence! There are still two blood pits on his head.

Bach handed Qin You the blood-stained magic core and two animal horns, blue, sixth-level magic core! And these two faintly fluorescent corners!

"What did Se go for?!" Qin You was a little bit afraid to take it, holding on to Se's heavy body, a little surprised.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Bach reluctantly stuffed the magic core and beast horns into his hands, "The wound has been treated, and the horns of the horned beast are very good for you and Lille."

Qin You was still stunned, Lille on one side seemed to be awakened by a noisy sound, moved a few times, frowned and raised his head.

"Lille, are you awake?" Qin You asked aloud when Lille looked confused.

"Um... Se!" Lille nodded to Qin You, but he yelled in panic when he saw Se's blood stains.

."Don't be nervous, it won't be life-threatening." Bach frowned when he saw Lille's nervousness. "It's just that the wound is a bit bigger and there is overwork."

"How did it happen like this?!"

"In order to catch this..." Qin You pointed to the beast lying on the ground.

Lille followed Qin You's fingers and looked over, and his eyes were full of surprise when he saw the lighthorn beast.

"This is... caught?!" Lille's voice was extremely surprised.

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