Chapter 46

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Qin You and Lille stayed at the West House for a while before returning home with the milk jar in their hands. When I got home, it was almost noon. I packed my things and started to prepare lunch again.

    Although it’s not a long way from the gate of the tribe to his house, the extremely hot temperature still caused Qin You to sweat. Some could not bear the feeling of stickiness on his body because of the sweat, and his head rose with heat. Qin You walked to By the river, I plan to wash and cool my face first.

    Qin You sighed comfortably when he threw the river water on his face. Fortunately, the river water was still cold. I simply sat down by the river and put my feet in it. It was a lot cooler in an instant. I felt a lot better when I fanned the big leaves that had been dried and slightly cracked in the wind.

    The small trash fish in the river surrounded Qin You's feet and gently touched Qin You's skin. Little by little, it didn't feel itchy, but it felt strange. .Qin You bent down and looked at the scene in the river, and then suddenly wanted to eat shrimp.

    After resting for a while, Qin You stretched out his foot from the river, happily ran into the house and took a small fishing net. This small fishing net was made by Lille. Although it is not big, it is much more detailed than that made by Qin You. For these large shrimps, it should be easy to catch them.

    The fat shrimp in the river sees tricks! Qin You crossed the fishing net and went into the river. Although he slipped a lot when he took it up, Qin You quickly shook everything under him on the bank of the river.

    "Lille, catch the shrimps!" Qin You called out, looking at the fat shrimps who were still happy on the ground, and then continued to go to the river for shrimps.

    Lille had just poured the rice into the pot, when Qin You called out, he closed the lid and took the bamboo basket that was drying on the side and walked towards the river.

.Qin You and Lille took a small basket of fat shrimps, then rushed their cheeks and legs and feet again before returning to the house. Qin You and Lier's bodies were already flushed with the scorching sun.

    The rice cooked on the ground floor was very hot. Qin You hurriedly cooked the fatty shrimp, then adjusted some sauces, and carried it upstairs. Lille brought the rice and a pot of braised diced potatoes on the table.

    "Anything else?" Qin You asked, wiping the sweat from his face.

    "Well, there is another soup."

    "I'll get it." Then Qin You hummed downstairs and brought up the bowl of shrimp-flavored soup.

    With a big sigh, he stepped on a wooden pier. Qin You fanned his fan while wiping his sweat, and looked at the steaming food and lost his appetite. He now feels that he can keep sweating just by sitting down.

.Although the heat was very hot, Qin You looked at the fragrant prawns on the table and rested for a while. He couldn't stand the hunger in his belly and picked up his chopsticks to eat.

    The fresh and tender prawn meat is chewy, and the prawn meat is also very large. When you put it in your mouth, the fragrance fills your mouth. The sauce tuned with sauce has a slightly spicy, salty taste. The tasteless shrimp meat also goes well.

    The sauce of braised diced potatoes is very rich, and there is some meat sauce that Qin You usually makes. The soft and waxy texture of the potatoes is mixed with the aroma of meat sauce, and the taste is rich and delicious. Qin You couldn't drink the shrimp-flavored soup, it was so hot, he didn't understand why Lille made this.

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