Chapter 48

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    The bonfire banquet started near the evening, and Qin You and Lille also went to help early. Although Qin You’s relationship with the Orcs in the tribe has improved a lot recently, there is no close friendship, but at least he was not dumped. Regardless of the face, you can nod and smile slightly as you pass by. Qin You thinks that this kind of relationship is just right, and getting closer makes him feel embarrassed.

    Qin You and Lier were helping the orcs prepare barbecues, and there were already a lot of old orc children and children gathered on the round ground. The bonfire in the center was bright and bright.

    The temperature in Loroka City has dropped a lot after nightfall in the past few days. Qin You and Lear both put on long sleeves, which is very different from the daytime temperature. Qin You couldn't help rubbing his arms and sighed that the weather in Loroka City was very changeable.

.When all the food was placed on their respective wooden piers, the bonfire feast began. Of course, it was another babbling movement. After a long time interval, Qin You barely finished all the movements according to the sporadic memory, and there was a babbling like a spell.

    When I returned to my seat and settled down, I listened to the patriarch chattering. The general idea was that the tribe would build an ice cellar. Every household voluntarily signed up. Of course, they didn’t need to build it. Those who wanted to build it would go to the patriarch to register tonight. , There will be people from the Dora tribe to help tomorrow.

    Qin You was eating dinner while listening to the patriarch talking about the benefits of the ice cellar and the construction process. In short, Xi had already revealed the same to them before, and knew everything he should know.

    When the patriarch finished talking, there were orcs jumping up on the round ground. Naturally, there were many orcs who proposed marriage at this time. .Qin You counted the heads boredly, thinking that the marriage between the adult orcs and the sub-orcs seems to be almost the same, and recently their tribe has a lot of little hairy hairs, yelling every day, the quiet tribe is being made by these children. A lot of excitement.

    After settling down here, the number of tribes should be greatly increased, right?

    The sub-orcs around were talking about the ice cellar in detail, and some of the excited ones were just eating and seemingly not interested in the ice cellar.

    After the lively bonfire banquet ended, Qin You, Lille and Se walked back to their homes.

    "Se, are there many families who want to build an ice cellar?" Lille suddenly asked a little curiously.

    "Not a lot, the ice cellar asks for money."

.Lille nodded when he heard the words. There are many orcs and sub-orcs in the tribe who do not have the financial ability yet, and the tribe can only guarantee their most basic food and drink.

    When it comes to money, Qin Youyuan has almost forgotten for a long time. He is still a poor poor man with no money. The more Qin You thinks about it, the more wrong he is. Now he has no financial resources at all, and it is still all day long. Silly.

    When he thought of this, Qin You suddenly felt insecure. Although Se gave him the bag of magic nuclei last time, he has not used it up, but it is not his own income after all.

    Wandering downstairs like a wandering house, and after saying goodbye to Lille and Se, he returned to his room. Qin You lay on his soft bed, trying hard to figure out what he could do for a living.

    After thinking about it, Qin You felt that he didn't have any other skills except for some signs in this different world.

.Qin You turned over and frowned, but what would he buy if he wanted to sell food? So sad...

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