Chapter 36

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When preparing dinner, Qin You and Lier strolled around the land around the tribe. The green land was full of weeds. He didn't believe that such a large piece of land had no wild vegetables?

    There is no doubt that there is an answer. Not far away, I found slices of fresh wild vegetables that are growing well. Lille picked some wild vegetables and handed them to Qin You. There are still a lot of wild vegetables, all piece by piece."

    "Yeah." Qin You nodded and held these wild vegetables, lowered his head to carefully identify their appearance, and began to pick them with his waist.

    Two people didn't pick a lot, just fry a plate. If you eat it tomorrow, you will pick it fresh and fresh. The wild vegetables will not taste good if you leave it overnight.

.Now that Se did not go hunting, the remaining animal meat was not much. Qin You thought for a while to roast all the animal meat. It was not impossible for him and Lille not to eat animal meat.

    After roasting the meat for Se, Qin You went to the river to catch two fish and handed them to Lille to prepare dinner first. Then he started to feed the barbecue to Se.

    The steak is sprinkled with cumin and chives, and it smells very attractive.

    Se was lying prone on the ground, half-squinting his eyes weakly chewing the meat steak, but the good taste still drove his cheeks agitated.

    "Rumble" a few thunders suddenly came from the horizon.

    Qin You fed the last piece of steak and looked up at the sky with some worry. Is it raining?

    "It's going to rain this day, especially, call Se in. Fortunately, a layer was built today to cover some rain." Lille said while grilling the fish.
."Get up, go down to the house." Qin You patted Se's head when he heard the words.

    Se grumbled aggrievedly, but stepped back to the ground weakly.

    Qin You wisely hid under Lear's house. His house is too small, and it is estimated that rain will come in from the side if he hides.

    Lille sprinkled a handful of shallots on the grilled fish and handed it to Qin You, "Okay."

    Qin You took the roasted fragrant grilled fish, grabbed a roasted potato and started chewing. I didn’t prepare rice today, but it’s not impossible to eat potatoes once in a while. The roasted fragrant and soft potatoes are also very filling.

    The grilled fish seems to be covered with a layer of spicy sauce, and the crispy outer layer is wrapped with the tender fresh fish inside. The best place to eat is the fat of the fish. It is almost all the fish after a bite, and the fish bones are at the innermost. , There are no fine bones around, and it tastes happily after bite after bite.

.The fresh fried wild vegetables are really different, they are tender and crispy with a fresh feeling. Served with the soft and tender texture of roasted potatoes, it is full of crunchiness.

    Hiding under the unfinished new home, watching the pattering rain around it, fortunately, there is no wind, it will not float inside, the rain falls straight down, smashing a small water beach in the mud. A shiny splash.

    Qin You looked at the houses that had already begun to take shape, and there were orcs and sub-orcs sitting around the bright fire below. There was a little joy and happiness on the bright face illuminated by the orange fire, and the conversation was fine. It came in small pieces, and the aroma of food floated over. In a daze, Qin You suddenly felt at home.

    I lowered my head and took a bite of the fragrant and soft potato, but I didn't know why there was a sudden sense of satisfaction and happiness in my heart.

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