Chapter 26

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In the afternoon, I went around for a few times. In addition to looking for rice crackers, I found a few vines of sweet potatoes and cucumbers. A large piece of dark green leaf vines lying among the weeds was hard to find.

    After going around in the dusk, Qin You and Xicai almost gathered enough food, and dragged the animal skin bags back to the place where they had gathered. Seeing that there were not a few people there, they just sat on the ground without any support. Then he grabbed another cucumber and started gnawing.

    Both of them may be exhausted. They gnawed on the cucumber without making a sound, and stared at the flaming sun slowly and slowly.

    After eating the cucumber in his hand, Xi seemed to be slowly coming over. He stretched out his hands and feet and lay on the grass, closed his eyes and rested, but before he had a rest, the Orcs began to come one after another. Xi, listening to the rustling voice, had to complain and slowly got up and shouted: "I'm tired!"
.Qin You was still sitting on the ground gnawing cucumbers in a daze, but he was too lazy to answer. Today is really tired and panicked. Counting days, the number of beasts will be greatly reduced tomorrow, and it is time to start migrating again, so today you have to save it. Enough food, and then caused him and Xi to run almost half of the mountain.

    Cucumbers are inherently difficult to find, and they don’t collect much. Thinking that sweet potatoes are filling their stomachs, Qin You and Xi dug more. However, a lot of time in the afternoon is still spent looking for rice crackers. The rice is peeled well. It's easier to carry and full, but more importantly, Qin You likes rice...

    After almost all the Orcs arrived, they began to return to the tribe.

.After returning to the tribe, Qin You’s body and bones were almost falling apart, and his legs and feet were sore. Qin You was lying on the stone bed. He thought that he had almost adapted to the constant climbing in the previous few collections, in order to pick more. With a little more food, I really went a little far today, and I basically didn't have a rest except for the time when the lunch was settled at noon. My legs were sore, and there was a huge blister on my feet.

    "Is it very tired today?" Lille looked distressedly at the two lying on the stone bed with a stark look. "Fortunately, there is no bonfire banquet today, otherwise you will be even more tired."

    Qin You and Xi nodded in agreement.

    Lille looked amused when they hadn't slowed down, so he pulled the animal skin bag and sorted it out.

    Qin You and Xi lay down, they fell asleep because they were too tired. .When I woke up again, it was dark, and I could still hear the night calls of various insects coming from the window. The supper had been wrapped in soft leaves and set aside, but it seemed to be a bit cold.

    Lille was peeling rice crackers on one side, and Qin You saw that the animal skin bag had already peeled a small bag.

    Qin You and Xi's stomachs were empty long ago, and they were screaming sonatas. Although the food was a bit cold, they still gobbled up the food.

    Lille took a look at them, smiled and poured them two glasses of water by the way.

    Furiously stuffing their stomachs, Qin You and Xi began to help Lille tidy up with a little mood.

    Seeing that they had eaten well, Lille said, "Se and Ya just came here and sent some eggs and the meat of the gurgling beast, but you were still asleep at that time."

.Hearing this, Xi patted his head and said, "Oh, I haven't talked to Ya today!" He stood up and rushed out the door.

    Lille quickly grabbed his hand and said, "Don't go, don't you see how late it is now, I guess we are all asleep, let's go tomorrow, we should go to bed too."

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