Chapter 30

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After dinner, as usual, he began to wander and digest again, Xihe Ril went to the stall again enthusiastically, and Yahe Se was talking enthusiastically with the orcs of the surrounding tribes, about to hunt or hunt. It's a matter of Loroka City.

    So Qin You alone went to the beach to walk around.

    A lot of torches have been inserted next to the winding coastline by the beach, and the bright beating flames are burning restlessly in the air, rolling up a few cold sea breeze around, and a little beating light, smudging the surrounding night, Qin You Yi stepped deep and shallow on the beach, the fine sand embedded in the toes felt very delicate and comfortable, and there was a sea breeze with a smell on the face, blowing the long bangs in front, every time I walked on By the sea, the mood will be much more open.

.Not far away, you can still vaguely hear the laughter at the stall not far away, casting a shadow of happiness in this quiet night.

    Qin You walked away indiscriminately, stepped onto the huge black reef, walked up to sit down, and looked at the calm sea, suddenly feeling a little calm.

    Looking at the sea in a daze, I suddenly saw a black shadow appearing on the sea. There seemed to be something floating. When Qin You planned to look at it carefully, the sea seemed calm and nothing happened.

    Wei Wei was puzzled but didn't think about it. Qin You sat alone for a while, and when the sky became almost dark and nothing was abnormal, he slowly walked back to the station by himself.

.Lille and Xi are sorting out the fresh seafood that they probably just bought. Se and Ya seem to have been lying down long ago. The two tall orcs are lying quietly on the animal skins, and it seems that they can still hear their breathing. Qin You Helped Lille and Xi tidy up for a while, then washed a little and fell asleep heavily in the skin of the animal.

    The next morning, when I slept together, I heard that the surrounding clansmen said it was the clan chief, Se and De, who had gone to Loroka City to inquire about the land. They said that other clansmen would stay here for one day, and the orcs would temporarily take care of the tribe. .

    Qin You didn't care too much when he heard that, and continued to cook his scallop porridge. The scallops were bought by Lille and West. In order to have a richer taste, Qin You also put some large chopped shrimps, finely diced potatoes and finely chopped green onions.

.A pot of white porridge is all white bubbles. Qin You stirred for a while. He personally prefers porridge with moderate thickness. He looked at the same, so he poured the porridge and set it aside.

    Lille and West just got up. Last night they guessed it was too late to chat again. They just got up and started eating breakfast. As usual, Ya grilled the meat for herself, and ate breakfast around the group of orcs who had chatted with him last night, talking, laughing and laughing.

    The taste of white porridge is very delicate, and the granules are a bit hot to the mouth, but they have a special taste like this. When they are not blowing, the steamy steam will evaporate on Qin You’s face. The deliciousness of scallops is perfectly integrated into the white porridge. The shrimps are very chewy and have a savory taste. The soft and waxy boiled potatoes are almost melted into the warm white porridge, and occasionally there are some finely chopped green onions. A fresh fragrance.

.Qin You watched Lier and Xi snortingly drinking, and secretly thanked that he had cooked a big pot.

    After drinking two or three bowls of white porridge, Qin You rubbed his stomach and sighed comfortably.

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