Chapter 39

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While some Orcs in the tribe went out to gather, Qin You sneaked out, otherwise Bach would catch him if he went out alone.

    After falling behind the team and walking halfway, Qin You saw that the road was almost the same. He had already entered the forest for some distance, and said aloud, "I'll go there to find food."

    The Orcs around had no doubts, they were just busy with the work they were doing, and they didn't lift their heads and said, "Sure."

    Qin You sighed secretly, then turned around and squeezed the weapon in his hand and walked to the side.

    Seeing Qin You's leaving figure, An, who was standing aside, glanced suspiciously at the advanced weapon in Qin You's hand. There was some suspicion in his eyes, but he didn't stop speaking and just followed quietly.

.Qin You didn't walk directly into the forest at first, first walked sideways for a while, and only after making sure that the Orcs could not see him, did he start to walk inside the forest.

    Ann, who was following Qin You, looked at him looking around and became even more disturbed, pursing her lips and stepping up to follow.

    Qin You walked along the open gaps in the forest, and found no traces except for a few small birds that flew by occasionally.

    Somewhat discouraged, he reached the ground, Qin You stretched out his hand to wipe the fine sweat from his forehead, and looked around.

    "Be careful!" Qin You was staring at the tree trunk in front of him in a daze, and suddenly heard An yelling loudly.

    After returning to his senses, Ann threw the python behind Qin You with the axe in his hand.

    Qin You turned around in shock, and when he saw the colorful python that had fallen in a pool of blood and twisted, he was so scared that he immediately got up and jumped away.
."Fuck it!" His mouth couldn't help but explode.

    Ann grabbed the big knife in his hand and slashed at the deterrent giant python. The cut made blood splashes, and Qin You, who was standing on the side, was also splashed with blood on his face.

    Qin You looked at the blood-colored An on his cheek dullly.

    After cutting for a while, Ann saw that the python hadn't twisted anymore, so he threw away the big knife, and sat down on the ground to rest with a sigh of relief.

    Qin You regained his senses in a daze, seeing that An, who was slowing down, suddenly felt a touch of gratitude and admiration.

    Crouched down and asked, "Ann, why are you here?"

    An Wenyan's beautiful peach blossom rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes. "Can you be a little bit high in sneaking in the future? Who would use such a weapon with such a high magic core when collecting it?"


."Huh, and also, whoever you think you are, dare to go into the forest by yourself. The gathering is not good. Who do you think the tribe has time to raise you? Isn't Se just gone? Why do some people say that he is dead? What are you worried about? You can't even take care of yourself. If you die here, what will Lear do?" Ann had to finish the long paragraph with Lianzhucan. The expression is almost ten thousand upset.

    Qin You continued to look at An in a daze, and secretly admired An's venomous tongue ability, but still said with some gratitude: "Well, thank you for saving me just now."

    "Oh, who just saved you, this snake is a second-level magic core." An hand stretched out and picked up the orange magic core lying in a pool of blood. By the way, he glanced at Qin You with disdain.

    "Yeah." Qin You said, looking at his reddish ears.

.There was a weird silence between the two, and Qin You asked, "What should I do next?"

    "What do you do, aren't you looking for Ser, then look for it, anyway, you have already walked here." An impatiently replied, and stood up and patted the grass clippings on her body. By the way, go to the river and wash the blood off your body.

    "Let's go."

    Qin You looked at Ann, who had already moved forward. He swallowed the words he wanted to thank after turning his throat a few times, raising his legs and following.

    After walking for a long time, Qin You looked at the rising terrain around him and the increasing amount of rubble around him. It is estimated that he has climbed to a hill.

    "There is a cave." Ann paused and said calmly, standing and pointing at the opening of the cave that was entangled by vines, but it was clear that some creatures had entered this cave, and the vines were torn and contaminated. There are a lot of blood stains.
.Qin You swallowed and looked at the mottled blood on the vine. This is the only place where he has walked to look like a clue now.

    The bloodstain of Cere extended for a short distance outside the city of Loroka and disappeared. The blood stains were re-seen here, but it was difficult to determine if it was Cere's blood.

    "Maybe it is a large beast. It is very dangerous for us to enter such a hole." Ann stepped forward, looked at the blood stains, and analyzed it calmly.

    Qin You didn't speak, staring at the blood stains that had turned dark.

    "Hey!" Allah stopped Qin You who had already stepped out and was about to walk in, "You want to go in?"

    "Yeah," Qin You nodded, he inexplicably felt that Se was inside. Is this probably a man's eighth sense? "Ann, you go back quickly, I can do it myself."

.An Wenyan's eyes suddenly widened, his eyes a little annoyed, "I'm not the kind of person who leaves my companion and runs away!"

    Speaking of Ann, he rushed into the cave a little angrily.

    Seeing Ann, who was suddenly angry, Qin You followed with some confusion.

    The hole was a little deeper than they could see from the outside, and the cave was dark and could not be seen clearly.

    Qin You raised the magic core in his hand a little higher, and he could barely see the road ahead. Stones were scattered in the irregular holes, but fortunately they did not find any other creatures.

    After walking forward for a while, the hole behind him gradually became smaller.

    Qin You looked ahead, but gradually picked up pace. Until I saw a huge white figure nesting inside the cave.

    "Se!".Qin You looked at the familiar figure from behind with excitement, stepped up and ran up.

    On one side, An looked at the end of the hole, watching the surroundings vigilantly, seeing that there were no strange creatures, and let out a sigh of relief.

    Qin You walked in a bit, watching Se's slightly undulating body, his pace gradually slowed down. On the huge white back, the two small white wings shrank slightly, with dark blood stains on them, and the scattered light from the ceiling of the cave brushed on the slightly messy white hair.

    Looking at the slightly undulating back, Qin You relaxed all of a sudden, and sat cross-legged on the ground, heaved a deep sigh of relief, and his tired eyes suddenly felt relieved.

    Looking at the little wings that don’t match Se’s huge body, Qin You suddenly wanted to laugh. The wings looked fleshy and small and cute. They were not at all like Bach’s strong wings. I am afraid that such small wings would not be able to fly. Right?

."Are you at ease now?" Ann's eyes scanned the inside of the cave a few times to make sure it was safe, then relaxed a little, and walked in and asked.

    "Yeah. Thank you." Qin You nodded, looking a little relaxed.

    "En." An uncomfortably turned his head away.

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