Chapter 76

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In the early morning, Qin You moved his head and opened his eyes in a daze. Because of the movement of waking up, the back of his head slightly hit Se's chin, and Se who was sleeping against Qin You's head opened his eyes, and then pressed hard against it. Qin You's head moved.

    "Sleep for a while..." his voice was low, and he rubbed his chin against Qin You's furry head.

    "...No...I have to buy a shop and get up early." Qin You stretched out his hand and broke Se's chin before turning over to get out of bed.

    "……With you."

    "Are you going to sleep anymore?" Qin You washed his face and looked at Se who had already got up.


    Qin You looked at Se, who had quickly put on his clothes and was ready to wash, and continued to wash without a word.

    After washing and preparing breakfast in a hurry, Qin You and Se rushed to the gate of the tribe, but Xi probably hadn't gotten up yet.

    "Should you call him?".Xi's father got up very early, smiled very kindly, and was still preparing breakfast in his hand.

    "No, it may be too early. Tell him that I'm going to buy a shop with Se today, and he should have a good night's sleep." Qin You was a little embarrassed and asked Xi to get up. Forgot to say yesterday.

    "That's good." Xi's father nodded, and then asked: "Be careful on the road."

    Qin You sat on the cart and waved. "understood."

    Because he had to take the stall with him, Se had to give up such a good resource, and he could only drive the Kakamon to the inner city. But I don't know if it was because Se was driving the car. Today's Kakamon seemed to run very vigorously, with his fat buttocks trembling, and it looked like a coke.

    "Eat it?" Qin You handed Se the pancake prepared in the morning, which was still full of animal meat.

    "Um.".Se nodded, reached out to take it, and put it in his mouth.

    ...Qin You saw this, he had expected the other five or six pancakes wrapped in animal meat aside, and then gnawed the pancakes by himself while staring at the misty scenery around him in a daze.

    Because the time is still very early, there is still a thick mist on the road, and it is different from the hot temperature of the previous few days. Today’s temperature has turned a lot cooler, and the surrounding tribes are enveloped in milky white thick. In the fog, occasionally I saw a few bright lights, perhaps those sub-orcs who had risen early.

    Walking in the fog early in the morning, I felt some raindrops on my hair and clothes.

    Driving the Kakamon to the gate of the inner city, the street market is not too many, not too small, but compared to the crowded gates of the past, it still looks a lot less today. The sky is a little brighter than before, and the fog has receded. A lot.

.Leading the Kakamon to Li Street, Qin You quickly picked a store with a good size and a location close to the outer street in Chaoyang. Together with Se, he went to the building in the center of the street to inquire about the business of the store, but considered for a long time. Qin You still planned to rent a shop instead of buying a shop, and paid a not cheap rent.

    The money for renting a shop is actually not cheap, but fortunately it was the money Se paid...Qin You looked at the money Se took out with a guilty conscience, and was glad that he could not pay for it just now. When he was planning to bring much money today I never thought that renting a shop would cost so much money...

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