Chapter 66

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Seeing Lille dumbfounded, Bach's expression was slightly loosened, somewhat relieved, "Just kidding, don't bother."

    ... Lille sighed slightly invisibly. I don't know why Bach felt like a puff of his heart, but then he became embarrassed again. How can Bach help Se so much?

    "Have you not eaten breakfast yet?" Qin You looked at the mess of animal meat on a wooden board, and the bonfire that seemed to be half-fired with sparks. It looked like a mess. It seemed that the broken hand was still for Bach. It brings a lot of trouble, such as Bach's bad cooking skills, it seems even more unbearable to look directly at it.

    "...Hmm." Bach glanced at the fire over there, somewhat helpless.

    "Let's help you." Lille, who was still guilty in his heart, said positively.

    "That is troublesome." .Bach nodded. Regarding the barbecue, I don't shirk anymore. After all, the days when I don't know how to barbecue are very sad. Hearing Lille's help, Bach looked a little relaxed.

    Lille and Qinyou went to help Bach barbecue, and Bach and Se sat down.

    "Ser, how are the Warriors thinking about it?" Bach looked at Sor's arm, "The Lighthorn is a good achievement."

    "Yeah." Sey nodded. In Loroka City, you can easily enter the Warriors by capturing level 5 and above magic cores, without having to go through tedious competition procedures.

    "But the test is also to be seen, to understand the strength of the future partner." Bach nodded when he heard the words, satisfied that the Warriors had one more master.

    "Well. Are you going to be on duty these few days?"

    "No, go on patrol occasionally." Bach shook his head, but it was a sad thing not to hunt.

."Bach, grilled meat." Lille handed the grilled grilled meat to Bach. Then he looked at Se, who was sitting on the side, "Are you going to the Warriors?"


    Lille didn't say a word, the warrior army is a very dangerous thing, joining means that every time the beast attack comes, Se has to rush to the forefront to defend the city of Loroka.

    But Se has become different. Apart from worrying, Lille feels more proud.

    "Se will become stronger." Feeling Lille's worry, Bach patted Se on the shoulder to express his affirmation of Se's strength.

    Qin You washed his hands while listening to their conversation. He was still very scared of this strange monster. When he really faced it, he was full of smallness of self-feeling, completely different from creatures on earth. It is very ferocious in length and huge in size.

.Although I believe in Se's strength, after all, facing such a beast, there is still a large group, and it is inevitable that there will be injuries. Just frowning, Qin You didn't speak much, Se looked calm and confident in his eyes.

    "Don't tell me, we will all bring you food in the future, and you will go to the inner city to sell barbecue anyway." Lille sighed and turned the topic away.

    "Well, drop by. At noon and night, if it's not troublesome, let's walk over during the patrol." Qin You answered, he is almost fine.

    Bach didn't make any further excuses this time, but just nodded, and then stuffed a mouthful of barbecue into his mouth. This barbecue is not as firewood as he made himself. It is fat and fat after a bite. It is all meaty.

    The food that can be eaten here is naturally the best.

.After a while, Bach was going to patrol, and Lille did not forget to tell him to come over for dinner at noon before bidding farewell.

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