Chapter 33

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After Qin You and Lille had finished their meal, they lingered in the tribe for a while, and instead of waiting for the orcs to come back, they waited for Xi to come.

    "Yuriel!" Xi ran towards them, "My father said the orcs might come back later, anyway, we have nothing to do now, or let's go to the market in Loroka City. ."

    The surrounding Orcs also asked, "Loroka City Street Market? How do I get there?"

    Seeing the Orcs gradually gathered after hearing the words, Xi thought for a while, "Or let's go together!"

    "Okay!" The Orcs replied excitedly. Then... Almost the Orcs of the entire small tribe were dispatched.

    The distance from the place where their tribe is to Loroka City is not close, but fortunately, Loroka City deliberately opened up a relatively flat dirt road, and it is very smooth to walk all the way without climbing.

.A group of people walked and looked at the surrounding tribes. Their land was not big but the houses were built very high. It is now in the afternoon looking over the low stone wall from a distance. Only a few naughty children can be seen running. It's happily running around.

    I don’t know how long we’ve been away. Everyone’s foreheads have oozes sweat, and the surrounding tribes have gradually increased. Although there are not many houses in the tribe, there are a lot of vacant land. Plant some plants. Qin You suddenly remembered that this way, he wouldn't have to go outside the city of Loroka to gather food every day!

    But then I thought that every household in their tribe was just the land they had just gotten to live in, and there was no surplus land for planting...

    Thinking of this, I feel a little discouraged... Qin You sighed and continued to step forward.

    "Coming!".Ann called out suddenly, then turned around and said, "Everyone, pay attention to safety."

    "I know, Ann!" He rushed over with a cry of eagerness.

    The screams faintly coming from inside have greatly attracted them.

    The Asian Orcs rushed away with joy.

    Ann frowned and walked in.

    When the West and the others arrived, the people around were almost walking. They looked around for a while and pulled Qin You's sleeve, "Let's go too."

    "Yeah." Qin You replied, then turned his head to Lille and asked: "Lille, are you okay?"

    "Well, I'm fine, let's go!" Lille's face looked pale. After all, he had walked a long way, but the expression on his face was still more excited, looking at the stalls and neat shops everywhere. , It’s hard not to be excited.

.Today, they mainly come to the market in Loroka City to go shopping and buy some things that will be used in daily life in the future, such as containers such as clay pots, bowls, and clothing.

    The market is very lively and there are many miscellaneous things. Some orcs set up animal meat stalls, and all kinds of bloody animal meat are placed on them. Some sub-orcs sell some peculiar plants, which looks strange.

    Seeing that most of the Orcs who walked around were wearing linen clothes, most of the orcs were still wearing animal skins.

    Fortunately, Xihe Lier also put on clothes today, otherwise it would seem really abrupt.

    After shopping for a while, the three of them advanced to a shop that seemed to sell clothes, but there were not many finished clothes in this shop, and there were few styles.

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